Dr. KHERBOUCHE fouad خربوش فؤاد
Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie
Département Electrotéchnique
Grade : Maitre de conférence classe B
Numéro de Téléphone :(+213) 542-921-389
Adresse électronique institutionnel
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Mots Clés de Recherche : Corona discharge, Electrostatic precipitation, High voltage engineering,EHD,Green energy.


Parcours académique :

Fouad Kherbouche was born in Mascara, Algeria, in 1985. He received the Dipl.Eng. degree in electrical engineering and the M.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering from the University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Mascara, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He spent 12 months with the Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers, France, with a research scholarship, in order to prepare part of the Ph.D. thesis that he defended in 2017 with the University Djillali Liabes, Algeria. He is currently a Lecturer in electrical engineering with the Department of Electrical Engineering and is a member of the Environmental Protection and Electrostatics Research Unit, LSTE Laboratory, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara. His current research interests include high-voltage engineering, computational electrostatics, and electrostatic precipitation, topics on which he has published several scientific papers in international and national journals, as well as in conference proceedings.

Axes et thèmes de recherche

  • Electrostatic precipitator modelisation
  • Computational electrostatics
  • Corona discharge applications
  • High-voltage engineering
  • Acceleration of plant growth and seeds germination by DC electric field
  • EHD applications
  • Pollution remediation

  • Projets de recherche

  • Description:
  • Code de projet: A01L07UN290120180001
  • Agrées le : en 2018-01-01

  • Publications

  • Study of a new electrostatic precipitator with asymmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration for cement particles collection
  • La revue : Journal of Electrostatics
    Domaine : Elsevier
    Mots Clés : Electrostatic precipitator Corona discharge High resistivity particles Asymmetrical geometry Collection efficiency
    Auteur : F Kherbouche, Y Benmimoun, A Tilmatine, A Zouaghi, N Zouzou
    Issn : 0304-3886 Eissn : vol : 83, Num : , pp : 7-15
  • Date de publication : 2016-10-01
  • Résume :
    In this paper, a new electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with asymmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration is investigated experimentally and numerically. The main objective is to evaluate the collection efficiency of high resistivity particles.The electrical measurements show that the corona discharge behavior is similar to that obtained in symmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration. Results show that the collection efficiency can reach 95% in the case of negative corona discharge. In order to understand the particle trajectories inside the ESP, the experimental results are compared with numerical simulation by using a coupled model. Numerical results indicate that particles can be collected on the collecting electrode backside.

  • Study of Two-Stage-Type Electrostatic Precipitator in Axisymmetric Configuration Applied to Finely Ground Lignocellulosic Materials
  • La revue : IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés : Corona discharge; Electrostatic hazards; Electrostatic precipitators; Finely ground lignocellulosic materials; Particle collection efficiency; Triode-type electrodes.
    Auteur :  Zouzou, Noureddine & Mayer-Laigle, Claire & Rouau, Xavier & Zouaghi, Ayyoub & Fouad, Kherbouche & Dascalescu,L
    Issn : 0093-9994 Eissn : 1939-9367 vol : 55, Num : 3, pp : 3114 - 3121
  • Date de publication : 0000-00-00
  • Résume :
    The main objective of this paper is to develop a novel two-stage-type electrostatic precipitator to collect finely ground lignocellulosic particles. To prevent the danger of explosion of such a powdery material, ion generation and particle charging processes are separated. Main results show that the particles can be highly charged in a two-coaxial-cylinders triode-type device, which also facilitates their collection. For instance, the collection efficiency reaches 92 % for particle size of about 0.3 μm, and exceeds 99% for particle size greater than 2 μm.

  • Communications

  • Lieu de communication : XIV International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation ICESP 2016At: Wrocław, Poland
  • date debut : 2016-09-19
  • date fin : 2016-09-19
  • Lieu de communication : SFE 2016, Poitiers,FRANCE
  • date debut : 2016-08-28
  • date fin : 2016-08-28
  • Lieu de communication :
  • date debut : 0000-00-00
  • date fin : 0000-00-00

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