Dr. GHOUALI Samir غوالي سمير
Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie
Département Electrotéchnique
Grade : Maitre de conférence classe A
Numéro de Téléphone :0663422862
Adresse électronique institutionnel
Adresse électronique personnel :
Adresse postale :
Lien Google Scholar :
Lien Researchgate:
Mots Clés de Recherche :Technologies WEB, Video Over IP, Wireless Sensors Networks, Optoélectronique, Cartes à Puces, Communications Numériques; Telemedicine, WBAN, NGN, MSAN, Engineering Applied and Computational Mathematics, Computer Networks Security, IT Security, Cloud Computing;


Parcours académique :

Samir. Ghouali received his Master degree in Mobile Networks and Services from the University of Tlemcen (Algeria) in 2012. Member of STIC laboratory (Phd researcher) in the same university, and his PhD in Telecommunications specialty “Telecommunications Systems and Networks” from the University of Tlemcen, (Algeria), Faculty of Technology, in 2017. Currently, he is an MCB researcher at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Algeria. His research interests to develop telemedicine applications on smartphones for monitoring people at risk situations. He is also interested in mobile networks and services. Our new research consists in building a telecom network while applying a Unix/Linux platform on its servers, and this by integrating network attack strategies in order to know its defects and we can increase its robustness.

Axes et thèmes de recherche

  • Development of services dedicated to health on mobile terminals
  • Optical chip technology in Telecommunications
  • study of causality between physiological signals
  • Development of an E-Assistance platform for the visually impaired

  • Ouvrages individuels/Ouvrages collectifs


  • Auteur : Samir. Ghouali
  • Date d'edition : 2021
  • Resume : Ce fascicule pédagogique met à la disposition des étudiants électroniciens, un cours sur les notions fondamentales de l'optoélectronique, visant à les préparer pour entamer les différentes spécialités de cette vaste discipline. Ce cours a pour but donc d'enseigner les éléments de base de la physique des interactions lumière-matière dans les semi-conducteurs et de présenter leurs applications les plus courantes dans le domaine de la génération et de la détection de lumière. Une importance particulière est donc donnée au contenu physique des développements théoriques plutôt qu'à leur aspect mathématique. Pour cette raison, les développements théoriques sont, parfois au détriment de leur rigueur, fortement simplifiés par rapport à ceux rencontrés dans la plupart des livres traitant de l'optique des semi-conducteurs et plus exactement l’étude des dispositifs optoélectroniques. L’optoélectronique désigne un des domaines regroupant les composants et les applications faisant appel aux plus récentes technologies dans le domaine de l'optique, de l'électronique et des matériaux. La découverte du LASER et de la fibre optique ont été des étapes très importantes dans ce développement.

  • Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham
  • Date d'edition : 2019 International Book Market services LtdPublisher: Noor Publishing - international book Market services Ltd.Editor: Hamza AzaouiISBN: 978-620-0-07072-2
  • Resume :

  • Projets de recherche

  • Description: La notion de moyenne dans les variétés est une extension du barycentre euclidien usuel à des espaces munis de distances non-euclidiennes. De nombreuses propriétés statistiques de la moyenne dans des variétés ont été établies dans des variétés riemanniennes de dimension finie. Toutefois, il existe peu de résultats sur les propriétés dans le cas de dimension infinie. L’une des difficultés de cette approche et de choisir une bonne métrique pour la comparaison de données non-euclidiennes.
  • Code de projet:
  • Agrées le : en 0000-00-00
  • Description: La recherche dans le domaine des TICs et santé a pris une grande ampleur ces dernières années face au vieillissement de la population et au manque d’infrastructures d’accueil de personnes exposées à des risques d’accident dans leur vie quotidienne ou de dégradation de leur état de santé. L’objectif est de permettre une prise en charge médicale et sociale des personnes isolées ou perte d’autonomie. Dans ce contexte, il est indispensable d’effectuer un diagnostic précis, sécurisé, en temps réel et de bien gérer les données hétérogènes issues de la diversité des sources d’information disponibles (capteurs sans fil). Il s’agit de concevoir et implémenter une plateforme des services de télémédecine basée sur une technique de fusion de tous types de données collectées à distance via un mobile, pour la détection des situations inquiétantes, voire critiques, d’une personne. Le projet regroupe plusieurs axes de recherche dans le contexte des objectifs et les besoins de notre plateforme tout en assurant une qualité de services acceptable entre les différents acteurs médicaux. Il consiste à : -Implémenter un type de routage performant des données échangées dans le réseau de capteur -Mettre en œuvre un mécanisme d’économie d’énergie efficace pour permettre une durée de vie des batteries à longue terme ; -Intégrer un modèle de sécurité robuste entre les échanges ; -Adapter une stratégie de collecte des données sur mobile ; -Analyser tous types de données collectées à distance pour la détection de situations critiques des patients. Le prototype de notre plateforme ISHS (Intelligent System Health Services) proposée dans le cadre de ce CNEPRU, offre la sensibilité des applications au contexte et permet d’assurer une sécurité permanente des malades à haut risque dans un milieu non hospitalier. Le but ici, est d’implémenter une plateforme intégralement ouvertes et unanimes en toutes les catégories d’applications dimensionnant la télémédecine.
  • Code de projet:
  • Agrées le : en 2015-03-03

  • Publications

  • NTP Security by Delay-based Detection in Intelligent Defense Systems
  • La revue : Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur :
    Issn : 2180-1843 Eissn : 2289-8131 vol : 13, Num : 1, pp :
  • Date de publication : 2021-03-31
  • Résume :
    Nowadays, computer equipment has hardware or software clocks to which they refer to time stamp files, transactions and emails. The design of a quartz oscillator, such as clocks drift functions like ordinary watches that do not perfectly match. Therefore, it needs networked machines sharing common resources. For instance, UNIX makes command updates key files ensuring that files on which it depends exist and are up-to-date. Also, correlating log messages from several systems becomes very difficult if it does not occur at the same time. This paper focuses mainly on how to detect attacks, trying to predict attacks based on delays caused by this equipment. A server is configured using NTP protocol whose main target is to be implemented in UNIX system, to see how the NTP server is managed with the powerful package Chrony for Ubuntu. The examined results via Python reveal that clients neither will be nor able to make final decisions just after negotiating with servers in several attempts, before or after accepting their clock.

  • PV Energy Generation and IoT Power Consumption for Telecom Networks in Remote Areas
  • La revue : Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Mohammed Anis. Oukebdane, Samir. Ghouali, Emad Kamil. Hussein, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Amina Elbatoul. Dinar, Walid. Cherifi, Abd EllahYoucef. Taib, Boualem. Merabet
    Issn : Eissn : vol : 6, Num : 5, pp :
  • Date de publication : 2021-03-31
  • Résume :
    Nowadays, electrical grids are using information and communication technologies for providing intelligence in electrical grids, since alternative energy sources are increasing to meet the world’s energy consumption demand. Interest in Internet of Things (IoT) is lastingly growing and may involve more data-sensitive projects when applied in smart micro-grids (SMGs), and security is a priority to be ensured for power distribution and consumption. Moreover, standards for IoT platforms should be optimized for monitoring such consumption and controlling grid resources, which present more demanding challenges. In such context, this work aims to adopt an appropriate PV-based energy generation system feeding a remote telecom network (RTN), via evaluating its performance, and monitor a related smart micro-grid (SMG) to offer a secure and energy-efficient management for RTNs. Simulink simulations have proved DC/DC converters as the best choice for future telecoms applications by using PV systems. Boost converters reveal to be suitable for PV systems while optimizing a fewer transformers electric energy conversion. A focus is also on how to detect and counteract attacks to prevent power theft/loss while feeding RTNs, showing that the best security choice is the use of Snort to prevent from inside net LAN, and ASA firewall to obstruct attacks from outside.

  • COVIDz: Deep Learning for Coronavirus Disease Detection
  • La revue : Computational Intelligence Techniques for Combating COVID-19
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Mohammed Anis. Oukebdane, Samir. Ghouali, Emad Kamil. Hussein, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Amina Elbatoul. Dinar, Walid. Cherifi, Abd EllahYoucef. Taib, Boualem. Merabet
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 2021-05-01
  • Résume :
    The severe damage caused by COVID-19 has become a reality, and there is no longer a way to save humanity from this epidemic except diagnose and prevention, especially with emergence delay and lack of vaccine recognized by the World Health Organization. Without therapeutic treatment or explicit restorative immunizations for COVID-19, it is fundamental to diagnose the disease at an early stage and quickly seclude patients contaminated with the virus. This study aims at estimating the damage via consistency of chest imaging, which is not always feasible or possible. Here, an application is proposed to solve the problem via a WEB Predictor ‘COVIDz” and a program exploiting deep learning, so as emergency care will be able to systematically bring chest X-ray images and predict the percentage of the absence or presence of COVID-19. The proposed approach (custom VGG model) and our WEB site “COVIDz” objective validation of the suggested solution obtained the best classification efficiency of 99.64%, F-score of 99.2%, precision of 99.28%, MCC of 99.28%, recall of 99.28%, and a specificity value of 100%.

  • La revue : International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Emad Kamil.Hussein, Tayser Sumer. Gaaz, Kussay Ahmed. Subhi, Samir. Ghouali, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil
    Issn : Eissn : 2321-2543 vol : 9, Num : 3, pp : 01-14
  • Date de publication : 2021-07-22
  • Résume :
    Purpose: As a result of a sudden spreading of an epidemic novel virus, scientifically named COVID-19, this paper has been done to present a contribution towards fighting this virus in Iraq. Methodology: This investigation is focusing on constructing an engineering mathematical model based on the Suspected, Infected, and Recovered model (SIR), given by Kermack and McKendrick. Main Findings: Iraqi people are facing and suffering from this COVID-19. Three governorates occupying the locally highest infection levels, plus the world's highest deaths to infected cases ratio of about 11%, are Baghdad, Sulaimani, and Karbala. Implications: It is showed that the Reproduction ratio R0)K is positive (greater than 1) in the three nominated zones, which means that the epidemic disease will keep spreading in a broad manner and depending on many specific factors. Many effective recommendations are presented to avoid spreading this novel virus via many techniques. Novelty: SIR model is used to assess epidemic levels in 3 zones.

  • Packet Synchronization in a Network Time Protocol Server and ASTM Elecsys Packets During Detection for Cancer with Optical DNA Biochip
  • La revue :
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés : ASTM Elecsys NTP Optical DNA biochip UNIX
    Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Samir. Ghouali Boualem. Merabet Mohammed. Feham
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp : 89-101
  • Date de publication : 2020-11-08
  • Résume :
    DNA biochip technology (especially in the optical field) can study a large amount of nucleic acid records at high throughput. It makes viable the simultaneous scrutiny of quite a few of tens of thousands of genes belonging to a healthy or diseased biological sample in terms of its genome (DNA). This article overviews optical DNA biochips as well as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) protocol deployment for synchronization among the collection database and the optical biochip automaton via the ASTM Elecsys protocol for better real-time detection with diagnosis of genetically mutated cancer. The present study utilizes the UNIX Server platform and NTP to synchronize communication between servers and optical DNA. Section 7.4 brings in automates.

  • Prospective Analysis for a Long-Term Optimal Labor Force Planning in Algeria (PALOLFA)
  • La revue :
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés : Sustainability GDP Energy consumption Goal programming model Work force Environment
    Auteur : MS. Guellil S. Ghouali O. Khedir D. Benabou H. Ayad SE. Sari-Hassoun
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 2020-12-18
  • Résume :
    Objective programming models propose an explanatory framework to look at multi-criteria issues, including a couple of clashing targets. Genuine issues regularly include uncertain data, which makes weighted objective programming (WGP) models the most appealing decision. This article offers a WGP model that consolidates ideal resource distribution to simultaneously satisfy planned objectives on economic improvement, vitality utilization, workforce, and ozone-depleting substance (GHG) emanation decrease associated with key financial areas of Algeria. The model offers significant encounters to chiefs for fundamental arranging and adventure portions towards doable progression. We exhibit the authenticity and substantiality of the model through a numerical case.

  • NTP Server Clock Adjustment with Chrony
  • La revue :
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Boualem. Merabet Samir. Ghouali
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 2020-08-04
  • Résume :
    As of now, all servers have an equipment or programming clock to which reference is made to time stamp records, exchanges, messages, and so forth. This clock, albeit structured around a quartz oscillator, floats like any customary watch, which implies this common watch cannot a match to such created machines that are networked and share common resources like file systems. For example, UNIX is a development tool which makes command, based on its work on comparing file modification dates. Similarly, the correlation of log messages from several systems becomes very difficult if they are not at the same time. In this article, we will concentrate on this topic by designing a server utilizing the NTP convention since the primary “focus” of the NTP usage is UNIX frameworks, and to be more explicit, we will see the management of the NTP server with the Chrony tool.

  • Looking over the Horizon 2030: Efficiency of Renewable Energy Base Plants in Algeria Using Fuzzy Goal Programming
  • La revue :
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Samir. Ghouali Mohammed Seghir. Guellil Mostéfa. Belmokaddem
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp : 329-337
  • Date de publication : 0000-00-00
  • Résume :
    Renewable energy shapes have been broadly utilized in the previous decades, featuring a Green move in energy production. A genuine explanation for this swing to Renewable energy generation is internationals directives, which set the worldwide objectives for energy production from inexhaustible sources, greenhouse gas emissions and increase in energy efficiency. The ability expansion-planning problem of the renewable energy industry implies some important decisions concerning the optimal mix of different plant types, locations where each plant should be built, and capacity extension decisions over the planning horizon for each plant. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the type of renewable energy by combining the geographical, climatic and ecological criteria, in the Algerian framework, using a multi criteria analysis, precisely Fuzzy Goal Programming model, based on a multi-source, multi-sink network, in order to determine the optimal number of renewable energy plants for electric generation in the Algerian territory.

  • Towards cloud transport using IP-multiservices access network (MSAN)
  • La revue : Journal of Optical Communications
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés : ACWKC; C300M shelf; CICK; cloud; GUSQ; IP-MSAN; optical infrastructures
    Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Samir. Ghouali Rachid. Merzougui Attaouia. Bentahar Boualem. Merabet
    Issn : 2191-6322 Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 2020-12-16
  • Erbium/Ytterbium-Doped Waveguide Amplifier (EYDWA) for extended reach of Wavelength Division Multiplexing based free space optics system (WDM/FSO)
  • La revue : Journal of Optical Communications
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Attaouia. Bentahar, Malika. Kandouci, Samir. Ghouali
    Issn : Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 0000-00-00
  • Résume :
    This work is focused to carry out the investigation of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) approach on free space optical (FSO) transmission systems using Erbium Ytterbium Doped Waveguide Amplifier (EYDWA) integrated as post-or pre-amplifier for extending the reach to 30 Km for the cost-effective implementation of FSO system considering weather conditions. Furthermore, the performance of proposed FSO-wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system is also evaluated on the effect of varying the FSO range and results are reported in terms of Q factor, BER, and eye diagrams. It has been found that, under clear rain the post-amplification was performed and was able to reach transmission distance over 27 Km, whereas, the FSO distance has been limited at 19.5 Km by using pre-amplification.

  • A fuzzy goal programming with interval target model and its application to the decision problem of renewable energy planning
  • La revue : Environmental and Ecological Statistics
    Domaine :
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Amin. Hocine, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Eyup. Dogan, Samir. Ghouali, Noureddine. Kouaissah
    Issn : Eissn : 1573-3009 vol : , Num : , pp :
  • Date de publication : 0000-00-00
  • Résume :
    Optimizing sustainable renewable energy portfolios is one of the most complicated decision making problems in energy policy planning. This process involves meeting the decision maker’s preferences, which can be uncertain, while considering several conflicting criteria, such as environmental, societal, and economic impact. In this paper, rather than using existing techniques, a novel multi-objective decision making (MODM) model, named fuzzy goal programming with interval target (FGP-IT), is proposed and constructed based on recent developments and concepts in fuzzy goal programming (FGP) and revised multi-choice goal programming (RMCGP). The model deals with decision making problems involving a high level of uncertainty by offering decision makers a more flexible way to formulate and express their preferences, namely, fuzzy interval target goals. The proposed method is used to optimize a hypothetical sustainable wind energy portfolio in Algeria. The results show that the FGP-IT model is capable of assisting decision makers with uncertain preferences in making such complicated decisions.

  • Simulation and Practical Realization of A 24-Pair Electronic Continuity Test Circuit for MSAN ZTE
  • La revue : Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Domaine : Telecommunications
    Mots Clés : Electrical Continuity; MDF; MSAN; Dispatcher; ZTE
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Moulay, Mohammed Feham
    Issn : 2180-1843 Eissn : 2289-8131 vol : 11, Num : 04, pp : 19-23
  • Date de publication : 2019-12-12
  • Résume :
    The continuity test of a telephone line is a technique used very often by every Telecom site engineer. Continuity refers to communication that does not face any interruption. Very often, the continuity measurement takes place during troubleshooting to ensure that the lines are intact. The work presented in this paper is based on the principle of MDF continuity rule lines for MSAN site. It presents the practical realization of a continuity tester circuit to verify several telephone lines simultaneously, specifically 24 pairs (24 subscribers) at the same time. Our solution suggested for making troubleshooting in one of the outages/ malfunctions more flexible and fluid in terms of intervention and time for repair. A case study involving 18 sites in two different regions in Algeria, Constantine (without circuit) and El Oued (with circuit) was conducted and the results showed there was a gain ratio estimated at about 338/1361 (Min).

  • The Direction of Information between Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic Signals: Test Analysis using Granger Causality
  • La revue : Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research (JMSOR)
    Domaine : Mathematics
    Mots Clés : Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic signals; Direction of information; Granger Causality; Multivariate study; (MGH / MF) waveform database
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
    Issn : 2251-3388 Eissn : vol : 02, Num : 02, pp : 57-66
  • Date de publication : 2014-10-01
  • Résume :

  • Revealing the Dynamic Correlation between Cardiac and Respiratory Hemodynamic Signals Using Time-Dependent Panel Co-Integration Analysis
  • La revue : International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
    Domaine : Mathematics
    Mots Clés : Panel Co-integration, Panel Granger Causality, Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic signals, Multivariate study, (MGH / MF) waveform database
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
    Issn : 2320 –3765 Eissn : vol : 03, Num : 11, pp : 13470-13483
  • Date de publication : 2014-11-01
  • Résume :
    In this article, we conducted an investigation using very powerful mathematical model to verify if a long-term relationship exists between Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, the methodology we applied in this paper is mainly based on four basic parts, in first part we applied unit root tests to assess the stationarity of series, the second step is to apply the test of Co-integration model and quantify this long-term relationship. Finally we applied the Granger causality tests to the entire panel that consists of 186 patients taken from Montreal Hospital/General MF (Massachusetts General Hospital/Marquette Foundation) database. The results found in this study show the long-term interaction between the Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, and reveals how the understanding of these interactions can help the doctors to understand the risks that may exist between these interactions.

  • The Granger Causality Effect between Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic Signals
  • La revue : Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, Forging Connections between Computational Mathematics and Computational Geometry, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 124, DOI 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS14.50_23
    Domaine : Mathematics, Statistics and Biomedical
    Mots Clés : Direction of information, Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, Granger causality, Multivariate study, (MGH/MF) waveform database
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
    Issn : 2194-1009 Eissn : vol : , Num : , pp : 275-300
  • Date de publication : 2016-07-01
  • Résume :
    Granger causality (GC) is one of the most popular measures to reveal causality influence of time series based on the estimated linear regression model and has been widely applied in economics and neuroscience due to its reliability, clarity, and robustness. Granger causality has recently received increasing attention to study causal interactions of neurophysiological data; in this chapter we have developed a model of causality between the respiratory, hemodynamic, and cardiac signals, more specifically, a study based on the Granger causality between three ECG leads, blood pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, respiratory impedance, and airway CO2. We selected 187 patients of 250 for our study, taken from Montreal General Hospital/MF (Massachusetts General Hospital/Marquette Foundation) databases. These signals are ideal for understanding causality and coupling (unidirectional or bidirectional). In this approach we aim to analyze and understand the interactions between the signals mentioned above, and identify the significance of this interaction. The originality of this chapter is the number of variables selected for the study. Unlike the majority of studies that are conducted only with two variables, our study is multidimensional. The main advantage of a multidimensional and multivariable model is to solve a myriad of problems which is not the case in the two-dimensional studies.

  • An Investigation of Analytic Decision During Driving
  • La revue : International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
    Domaine : ST
    Mots Clés : Panel Co-integration, Panel Granger Causality, FMOLS and DOLS Estimators, Cardiorespiratory electromyography galvanic signals
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali, Mohammed Feham
    Issn : 2156-5570 Eissn : vol : 08, Num : 02, pp : 156-165
  • Date de publication : 2017-05-13
  • Résume :
    To examine the long-term causality between Cardiorespiratory Electromyography Galvanic signals for 17 drivers taken from Stress Recognition in Automobile Drivers database. Methods: Two statistical methods, co-integration to reveal an eventual existence of a long-term relationship between ECG (Electrocardiograph),EMG (electromyography, GSR (galvanic skin resistance),heart rate (HR) and respiration,well as the Application of the model of Granger causality. Results: ECG shows certain dependence to EMG,GSR, heart rate and respiration.The results for ECG dependent suggest that an increase of 1% in EMG, FOOTGSR, HAND GSR, HR and RESPIRATION implies a variation of ECG which take a value respectively of 0.016248%, 0.007241%, 0.028366%, 0.000511% and 0.000110% in the within dimension based on the FMOLS(Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares).With same way, the result for ECG suggest that an increase of 1% in EMG, FOOT GSR, HAND GSR, HR and RESPIRATION implies a variation of ECG which take a value respectively,of 0.065684%, 0.014534%, 0.032800%, 0.000304%, 0.005986% in the between dimension based on the same method. The results of panel Granger causality show a bi-directional relationship between ECG and FOOT GSR, HAND GSR and respiration signals, it must be noted as a unidirectional causality from EMG to ECG. Conclusion:This study shows the long-term interaction between the bio signals, and reveal how the understanding of these interactions can help the doctors to understand the risks that may exist between these interactions. The main advantage of a multidimensional and multivariate model is to solve a multitude of problems that prevent doctors to treat the patients better and is not the case for studies in two dimensions.

  • Agriculture gross production value – arable land – active population in agricultural sector and energy consumption causality in 76 countries: A dynamic panel data approach
  • La revue : New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
    Domaine : Agriculture et l'Energetique
    Mots Clés : Agriculture gross production value, arable land, active population, energy consumption, panel co - integration, panel Granger causality.
    Auteur : Mohammed Seghir Guellil, Mostefa Belmokaddem, Samir Ghouali
    Issn : 2547 - 8818 Eissn : vol : 04, Num : 10, pp : 406-416
  • Date de publication : 2018-01-14
  • Résume :
    The overall goal of this paper is to investigate the long run and casual relationship between agriculture gross production value (AGPV), arable land (AL), total economically active population in agricultural sector (APA) and total primary energy consumption in the agricultural sector given the historical trend of the se variables. For a panel of 76 countries during the period 1991–2012, the paper’s three main findings are that: (i)Neutrality hypothesis is adopted because there is no causality between AL and AGPV.; (ii) APA-led AGPV; (iii) Feedback hypothesis indicates that there are four cases of bidirectional causality between the rest of the variables. Adaptation measures are recommended for both authorities and farmers to ensure food security, such as providing incentives for farmers to adopt more recent technologies, which consumes less energy, land reclamation, steer more employees towards the agricultural sector.

  • An integrated hardware/software in Algeria Telecom access layers NGN model:MA5600T and C300M Shelfs MSAN’s solutions
    Domaine : Telecommunications Optiques
    Mots Clés : MSAN, AX MA5600T, C300M, NGN
    Auteur : Samir Ghouali,Mohammed Feham, Rachid Merzougui
    Issn : 2080-2242 Eissn : vol : 11, Num : 02, pp : 32-34
  • Date de publication : 2019-06-30
  • Résume :
    The evolution of an existing network to the new structure will require a phased migration strategy aimed at minimising capital expenditure during the transition phase, while reaping the benefits early on. Any action taken during this transition step should simplify the network's evolution to the NGN packet-switched architecture. This paper presents the development of PSTN networks into NGN Optical Fiber, its configuration and implementation of Smart AX MA5600T HUAWEI and C300M ZTE Shelfs MSANs solutions.

  • Communications

  • date debut : 2019-12-17
  • date fin : 2019-12-17
  • date debut : 2019-12-17
  • date fin : 2019-12-17
  • Lieu de communication : 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA)
  • date debut : 2020-11-08
  • date fin : 2020-11-08
  • Lieu de communication : The 18th International Learning and Technology Conference "Artificial Intelligence: Towards Digital Transformation of Life, Work and Education" At: Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
  • date debut : 2021-01-28
  • date fin : 2021-01-28
  • Lieu de communication : 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being (IHSH’2020)At: Boumerdes, Algeria
  • date debut : 2021-02-09
  • date fin : 2021-02-09
  • Lieu de communication : Morocco
  • date debut : 0000-00-00
  • date fin : 0000-00-00
  • Lieu de communication : The First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies (CNIATI’20) At: El-Tarf
  • date debut : 2021-05-24
  • date fin : 2021-05-24
  • Lieu de communication : 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA) 10.1109/DASA51403.2020.9317153
  • date debut : 2020-11-08
  • date fin : 2020-11-08
  • Lieu de communication : 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA) 10.1109/DASA51403.2020.9317291
  • date debut : 2020-11-08
  • date fin : 2020-11-08
  • Lieu de communication : TAZA, Maroc
  • date debut : 2019-12-26
  • date fin : 2019-12-26
  • Lieu de communication : Dept of IT, Tripura University (A Central University), Agartala, Tripura, India.
  • date debut : 2020-02-03
  • date fin : 2020-02-03
  • Lieu de communication : Dept of IT, Tripura University (A Central University), Agartala, Tripura, India.
  • date debut : 2020-02-03
  • date fin : 2020-02-03
  • Lieu de communication : Bejaia, Algeria
  • date debut : 2019-12-04
  • date fin : 2019-12-04
  • Lieu de communication : Tlemcen, Algeria
  • date debut : 2019-12-05
  • date fin : 2019-12-05
  • Lieu de communication : Taghit, Bechar, Algeria
  • date debut : 2019-11-26
  • date fin : 2019-11-26
  • Lieu de communication : Tlemcen, Algeria
  • date debut : 2013-12-10
  • date fin : 2013-12-10
  • Lieu de communication : Hammamet, Tunisia
  • date debut : 2014-01-17
  • date fin : 2014-01-17
  • Lieu de communication : North Cyprus
  • date debut : 2017-05-04
  • date fin : 2017-05-04
  • Lieu de communication : Antalya - Turkey
  • date debut : 2019-04-20
  • date fin : 2019-04-20
  • Lieu de communication : Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algiers
  • date debut : 2019-04-22
  • date fin : 2019-04-22

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