The interational geoscience communauty has the
vast bulk of specialised knowledge, technical skills
and grounded expertise, required to provide the
e s s e n t i a l r e s o u r c e s a n d t h e s e c u r e / s a f e
e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t h u m a n i t y n e e d s t o
live/survive/thrive. A global geoscientific expertise
a l l ows t o p r o v i d e a r e l i a b l e , a ff o r d a b l e a n d
sustainable supply of mineral, energy and biological
r e s o u r c e s ; t o s e c u r e b o t h t h e h u ma n a n d
environmental requirements in terms of drinkable
water, clean air and fertile soil; to manage wastefor
environmental-protection purpose; to strengthen
publ i c heal th; and to sustai n whol e-of-soci ety
resilience against the deleterious effects of a broad
range of natural and man-made hazards in the short,
medium and long term.
The First International Conference on Geosciences
and Environment, that will be held in Mascara
(Algeria) in June 7-8, 2021, aims at bringing together
scientists, academics and researchers in order to
share their respective experiences and present the
results of their research on every aspect of geology ,
hydrology , hydrogeology , and envi ronnemental
sciences. Within this scope it will also provide a first-order interdiscipl inary platform to researchers,
practicioners and educators, in order to present and
discuss the most recent innovations, trends and
c o n c e r n s , b u t a l s o t o e x p o s e t h e p r a c t i c a l
chal l enges t hey have met and t he pr agmat i c
solutions embarked subsequently in connection
wi t h g e o l o g y, h y d r o l o g y, h y d r o g e o l o g y a n d
environnemental sciences.
The topics selected for this scientific workshop are
the exploration, quality , preservation, protection,
exploitation, and sustainable development of raw
m a t e r i a l s , m i n e r a l , e n e r g y a n d b i o l o g i c a l
(ecosystem) resources.
Dur i ng t hi s conf er ence, Al ger i an and f or ei gn
speakers will share their expertise. We are inviting
you to submitt an abstract to contribute toward
seithera poster or an oral presentation.