Vice-Rectorate of Higher Education, Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Continuing Education, Diplomas and Postgraduate Training
Students holding a Diploma of Applied University Studies (DEUA), holders of the baccalaureate diploma or a foreign title recognised as equivalent, fulfilling the conditions set out in order n°364 of 09 June 2014, may pursue a training course with a view to obtaining a licence diploma:
- Hold a baccalaureate diploma or a foreign title recognised as equivalent
- Hold a diploma of applied university studies for at least five (05) years
- Be the holder of an authorisation from the employing organisation for salaried students
- Availability of teaching places at the university
File to be provided
- Copy of the baccalaureate diploma
- Copy of the diploma of applied university studies
- Copies of transcripts of grades from the university course, including those from repeated years
- Certificate of good conduct
- Authorisation from the employing organisation for employed students or certificate of non-activity
The application must be submitted to the departments of the faculties concerned.
Once the application has been accepted, the originals of the following documents must be submitted (baccalaureate diploma, diploma of achievement and transcripts).

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