National conventions

Faculty of Science and Technology
- Framework convention between Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University and the El Emir de Tizi dairy. For a duration of 03 years (2019/2022).
- Framework convention between Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University and the Telecommunications Directorate. For a duration of 03 years (2019/2022).
- Framework convention between the Centre des Techniques Spatiales d’Arzew and the Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University. For a duration of 03 years (2018/2021).
- Framework convention between Emir Lac and Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University. For a duration of 03 years (2018/2021).
- Framework agreement between the Khessibia Gas Bottle Company and Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University. For a duration of 03 years (2018/2021).
- Model convention in the field of Higher Education between the Higher School of Aviation of Tafraoui and the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara. For a duration of 05 years (2018/2023).
- Framework agreement of cooperation between the Cement factory of Oggaz, Sig and Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University. For a duration of 05 years (2020/2025).
- Framework convention of cooperation and exchange between the Wilaya Public Establishment of Management of the Technical Landfill Centres of Mascara and Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara. For a duration of 05 years (2020/2025).
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Convention of training course between the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara and the Direction of the Culture of the wilaya of Tlemcen. For a duration of 03 years (2019/2022).
- Framework agreement between the Zabana National Public Museum of Oran and the Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University. For a duration of 03 years (2017/2020).
Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences
- Framework convention of scientific and technical collaboration between the National Institute of Plant Protection of Algiers and the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara. For a duration of 03 years (2016/2019).
- Convention of collaboration between the Direction of Health and Population of the wilaya of Mascara and the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara. For a duration of 06 months.
Faculty of Law and Political Science
- Framework agreement between the Court of Justice of Mascara and the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara. For a duration of one (01) year (2020).
- Framework agreement between the Administrative Court of Mascara and the University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara. For a period of one (01) year (2020).
