On March 13, 2023, Mr. Vice-Rector in charge of Postgraduate Education, University Habilitation, Scientific Research and Post-Graduate Education Pr. Khaled BENMERIEM, on behalf of Mr. Rector of Mustapha Stambouli-Mascara University Pr. BENTATA Samir, supervised the launching of the study day held at the Central Library of the university, organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology. The dean of the faculty, Pr. Noureddine DELLA, addressed the audience to welcome the students and teachers and to underline the importance of the theme addressed by Pr. Mouloud KHELIF, expert and consultant in strategy and sustainable development in Switzerland. He presented a paper on the main skills to be developed for an economy based on knowledge, innovation and new technologies. At the beginning of his presentation, he spoke about the importance of technological development and the great apprehension of mankind with regard to artificial intelligence, drawing on a number of examples in this field. He also emphasised the need to achieve a material economic integration with the immaterial economy, known as the knowledge economy. This was followed by a lively debate, with questions revolving mainly around the role of technology in learning and wealth creation. At the end of the day, Prof. Mouloud Khelif expressed his joy for the interest shown by the audience in his presentation as well as his gratitude to the University of Mascara, which had done everything possible to facilitate the organisation of this scientific event.
Report of the scientific day animated by Pr.Mouloud khelif