U.C.L. Internal Rules
Registration (reader card):
The reader card will be established at the loan service level on the presentation of the following documents:
– Registration certificate for students.
– Work certificate for teachers.
– Two (02) ID photos.
The renewal of the reader card is annual.
Note: the reader card is personal, the user is solely responsible for his card.
– In case of loss or theft you are obliged to notify the U.C.L (blocking the card).
– No loanwill be allowed on the presentation of another reader’s card.
1- Home loan:
In order to qualify for a home loan, the user must have his reader’s card.
– Loan term: teachers one (01) month
– Student loan term one (01) week.
– Number of documents:
Teachers: three (03).
Students: two (02)
2- Extending a loan :
An extension can only be granted the document is not reserved by another reader.
3- On-site consultation is permitted to students and teachers of the university, as well as anyone from another university upon presentation of access authorization and iD.
A: Sanction:
1- Delay in the return of loaned documents.
Any delay is sanctioned by a suspension of the loan ranging from 15 days to 1 month, where the final withdrawal of the reader card.
In the case of non-restitution the connecting department will be notified.
2- Deterioration and loss of documents:
In case of deterioration or loss the replacement where the refund of the said document will be like the following.
– Students: five-fold (05) times the price of the book.
– Teachers: the sevenfold (07) times the price of the book.
Note: Returning a document after paying the amount of its refund cannot result in any refund.
B: User behaviour:
– Take care of the documents made available to the reader.
– The premises of the U.L are a place of work and study, so please respect the silence and respect of others.
– It is strictly forbidden to smoke where to consume drink and food, the hygiene of the premises is mandatory.
– The display and shots inside the U.L are subject to the opinion of the first official.
– Any attempt to steal will be severely sanctioned.
Failure to comply with obligations may force the counter to leave the premises.
TheU.C. L of the University of Mascara is open From Sunday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. without interruption
The U. L documentary fund is open for all users.
Secretariat of the Library Sidi Said 2nd Floor
045 70 77 83