Vice Rectorate for External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events

In accordance with the interministerial decree of 24th August 2004 on the administrative organisation of the Rectorate, the Institute, the annex of the University and its common services, the Vice Rectorate for External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events is composed of two (02) services:
- Service of Inter-University Exchanges, Cooperation and Partnership.
- Service of Animation, Communication and Scientific Events.

The DIGITAQ Project aims to provideQuality Assurance in Algerian Higher Education with a Networked Information System, based on a National Database, capable of meeting all operational and prospective needs.
DIGITAQ willenable the establishment of Key Performance Indicators and/or Reliable Information for InformedDecisionMaking to Improve the Management and Quality of Education and Research.
Duration: 36 Months: From 15/01/2021 To 15/01/2024
Code :617768-EPP-1-2020-1-DZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Budget :905.594 Euros
- University of Science And Technology Of Oran – Mohamed Boudiaf-(Coordinator)
- Ministry of Higher Education And ScientificResearch
- University of Mascara, Mustapha Stambouli
- University of Béjaia, Abderrahmane Mira
- University of Setif 2, Lamine Debaghine
- University of Algiers 1, BenyoucefBenkhedda
- University of Oum El Bouaghi, Larbi Ben M’hidi
- University of Guelma, 8 Mai 1945
- University of Ouargla, KasdiMerbah
- University of Biskra, Mohamed Khider
- University Lumière Lyon 2 (France)
- University of Liège (Belgium)
- University of Lisbon (Portugal)
- Union of MediterraneanUniversities, (UNIMED Italy)
Contribution to the realisation of the deliverable of Task T1.1 (To carry out a literaturereview on “Digitalisation and QA” in Higher Education) in relation to our institution.
Feeding the MENDELEY Reference Base of the Project withBibliographicReferences on QA and Digitalisation of QA
Participation in all VideoConference Meetings of WP1
Participation in the Project C2Q Quality Control Committee: One TeacherDesignated to Represent UMSM
Participation in the Project DisseminationCommittee: One TeacherDesignated to Represent UMSM
Participation in a VideoConference Meeting of WP5.
DIGITAQ willprovide the Quality Assurance activitywith a Networked Information System, based on a National Database, capable of meeting all operational and prospective needs.
The overall objective is to provideMethodological and Systemic Support to enable the differentstakeholders to implement and sustainQuality Assurance Practices.
The DIGITAQ Programme willallow Algerian Universities to have :
International Visibility in the Implementation of Quality Assurance
More Accessible and Useful Internationalisation and Partnership.
A Working Meeting Of The DIGITAQ Mascara Team (14 September 2022)
The Fourth Meeting Of The DIGITAQ Consortium Held On 25-26 May 2022
A Working Meeting Of The DIGITAQ Mascara Team Was Held On Wednesday 13 April 2022
3rd Meeting Of The DIGITAQ Consortium (On 28th And 29th March 2022)
A Working Meeting of The DIGITAQ Mascara Team (14 September 2022)
On September 14, 2022, at 10:00 am, the DIGITAQ Mascara team met, at the meeting room of the Central Library of the Mustapha Stambouli University.
Were present at the meeting: Pr BENTATA Samir, Rector of the University, Pr KHENATA Rabah, Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication, Pr DEBAKLA Mohamed, Local Coordinator of the DIQITAQ Project and the members of the team, namely: Pr. MOKHTARI Fayçal, Dr KAZI-TANI Lynda, Dr SALEM Mohamed, Dr DEBBAT Mohamed and Mr KHALDI Abdelkarim.
The main objectives of this meeting were to review the progress of the different tasks of the project, to address bottlenecks and to arbitrate on several operational issues, such as the planning of meetings and the optimisation of information dissemination.
The Fourth Meeting of the DIGITAQ Consortium Held on 25-26 May 2022
Mustapha Stambouli university took part in the fourth meeting of the DIGITAQ Consortium, held on May 25 and 26, 2022 at the university of Mohamed Lamine Debaghine, Setif 2.
A working meeting of the DIGITAQ Mascara team was held on Wednesday 13 April 2022
A working meeting of the DIGITAQ Mascara team was held on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, under the chairmanship of the Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events, at the Vice-Rectorate Level. Were present: Pr. KHENATA Rabah, Pr. BACHIR BOUIADJRA Rochdi, Dr. KAZI-TANI Lynda and Pr. MOKHTARI Fayçal. The purpose of this meeting was to give a detailed account of all the activities, works and remote meetings held by the different team members.
3rd Meeting of the DIGITAQ Consortium
On 28th and 29th March 2022, the third meeting of the DIGITAQ consortium washeld in Algierswithin the framework of the 1st package, co-organised by the University of Algiers 1 BenyoucefBenkhedda and the University of Science and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, as projectcoordinator.
The meeting waschaired by Prof. Abdelhakim BENTELLIS, Rector of the University of Algiers 1-Benyoucef Benkhedda, Prof. Amine Bouziane HAMMOU, Rector of the University of Science and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf-USTOMB, in the presence of Mr. Yacine BELARBI and Ms. Karima AIT YAHIA, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and ScientificResearch as well as Prof. BOUDOUR Mohamed, local coordinator of the Erasmus office of Algeria.
The meeting washeld in hybrid mode, face-to-face for the Algerian partners (representatives of the line ministry and the universities) and in teleconference for the Europeanpartners.
The agenda of thisthird meeting of the DIGITAQ consortium isdetailed in the following document. (Agenda of the DIGITAQ meeting)
The service is responsible for :
Initiating any action to promote inter-university exchanges and cooperation in the fields of teaching and research,
Undertaking animation and communication actions,
Organising and promoting scientific events.

The Vice-Rectorate, through its service of Animation, Communication and Scientific Events, manages the organisation of the different events of the university, press conferences, as well as the inaugurations and anniversaries of the different structures.
The service is responsible for :
Carrying out animation and communication activities,
Organising and promoting scientific events.