Under the aegis of the Rector of Mustapha Stambouli-Mascara University, Pr BENTATA Samir, the Faculty of Exact Sciences and its Dean Pr. YAHIAOUI Ahmed, organized a scientific day dedicated to Mr. HABA Belkacem. This event took place in the conference room of the central library on Sunday 12 March 2023. The students of the University of Mascara as well as the lecturers were present in number as well as the media. Two communications were presented, the first by the great scientist SENOUCI Mohamed who is specialized in artificial intelligence in cars and the second by the researcher HABA Belkacem, specialist in the universe of electronics. At the beginning of his presentation, Mr SENOUCI listed the different stages of his scientific training, underlining their importance in the inventions of which he is the author, and highlighting the importance of scientific activities and training days in the development of his spirit of research and his creativity. He also insisted on the need to master the English language, which today is the main vehicle for learning and acquiring scientific knowledge in the world of technology. To conclude, he presented to the public some of his inventions while insisting on the importance of artificial intelligence at the present time.
As for Belkacem HABA, he began his communication with a short overview of his personal and professional life, followed by the presentation of a number of works he has carried out and the difficulties he has encountered during his career as a researcher, while insisting on their importance in reinforcing his motivation to move forward. He gave several pieces of advice during his presentation, such as considering failure as the engine of future success, both for researchers and students. He then spoke about the world of electronics and communication, which are certainly his main interests at the moment and thanks to which he has obtained a dozen patents. He then gave a number of pieces of advice to any researcher, including confidence in his abilities and skills. He concluded his presentation with a quote from a scientist who said that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. At the end of the presentation, the audience asked many questions to the two researchers who did not hide their joy to answer them. After paying tribute to them, all the members of the organising committee were congratulated for their work, as well as the Rector of the university, who had put all the means in place to ensure the success of this scientific day.
Observation: The photos of the scientific day should be put on the official website of the university as well as the report. Everything is available on the official Facebook page of the university.