Publications (352)
المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة- بين حتمية الأداء وتطلعات المستقبل-
La revue : مجلة الأفاق للدراسات الاقتصادية ، بجامعة تبسة
Domaine : المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة
Mots Clés : المؤ.ص.م، التنمية المستدامة، الأطراف ذات المصلحة ، أبعاد التنمية
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية
Issn : 9796- 2571
Eissn : 5051 -2602 vol : 3, Num : 2, pp : 228-244
Résume :
تهدف دراستنا إلى التعرف على علاقة المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالتنمية المستدامة من خلال دراسة ميدانية على مجموعة من المؤسسات في ولاية معسكر. تعتبر التنمية المستدامة في الوقت الحالي تحدي أمام مسيري المؤسسات في ظل التوجه نحو الاقتصاد الأخضر، فهي مطالبة بمراعاة مصالح الأطراف الفاعلة في المجتمع بما فيها الدولة. كشفت الدراسة عن انعدام العلاقة بين المؤسسة والتنمية المستدامة، فالمؤسسات تحترم وتطبق القوانين والتشريعات ، إلا أنهالا تهتم بمسؤوليتها اتجاه الأطراف ذات المصلحة من ناحية إشباع رغباتهم .فالتنمية المستدامة لا تمثل محور في الأهداف الإستراتيجية للمؤسسة أو حتى ضمن تطلعاتها المستقبلية. L’objectif de notre étude est d’identifier la relation entre les petites et moyennes entreprises et le développement durable à travers l’étude appliquée sur un ensemble d’entreprises activant au niveau de la wilaya de Mascara. Le développement durable est, en ces temps, considéré comme un défi lancé au managers d’entreprise compte tenu de la tendance à l' économie verte, elles sont tenues de prendre en considération les intérêts des acteurs de la société, y compris l'Etat. L'étude a permis de constater l'absence de la relation entre l’entreprise et le développement durable, les entreprises respectent et appliquent les lois et les règlements, mais elles ne tiennent pas compte de la responsabilité envers les parties prenantes en terme de satisfaction de leurs préférences. Le développement durable n’est pas au centre des objectifs stratégiques de l'organisation et même de leurs aspirations
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إشكالية المعنى في ضوء النّظرية السياقية
La revue : مجلة أنساق
Domaine : اللغة والأدب العربي
Mots Clés : المعنى، الدّلالة، اللسانيات، السياق، النظرية السياقية، التداولية
Issn : 2520-7148
Eissn : 2520-713X vol : 02, Num : 01, pp : 83-96
Résume :
يعتبر المعنى من القضايا الأكثر أهمية في الكلام البشري، فهو الهدف المقصود من أيّ نظام لغويّ، أمّا المستويات اللسانية الأخرى (الصوتية والصرفية والتركيبية) فهي حاملة للمعنى، ووسيلة أساسية من وسائل التبليغ. ونظراً لطبيعة المعنى التي تمتاز بالغموض والتغيّر والتبدّل، كانت الحاجة ماسّة لدراسة هذا المكوّن المهمّ من مكوّنات اللسان البشريّ، فظهر بسبب ذلك علم الدّلالة، الذي ناقش قضايا المعنى بشبكة من الآليات المعرفية التي سمحت بالحفر في المعنى والوصول إلى نتائج أكثر دقّة وموضوعية
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Condition monitoring of in-service oil-filled transformers: Case studies and experience
La revue : IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
Domaine : Electrotecehniqu
Mots Clés : Reactors , Aging , Power transformer insulation , Oil insulation , Power transformers
Auteur : U. Mohan Rao ; I. Fofana ; A. Betie ; M. A. Senoussaoui ; M. Brahami ; E. Briosso
Issn : 0883-7554
Eissn : 1558-4402 vol : 35, Num : 6, pp : 33 - 42
Résume :
Transformers are one of the most strategic components in balancing the voltage levels and hence a high priority is given to their performance [1]. It is established that, insulation technology plays a critical role in judging the performance and service life in oil filled apparatus [2]. Performance of the insulation system depends mainly on the deterioration behavior of insulation oil and paper. The mechanisms that are responsible for premature aging of oil/paper insulation are almost the same in all the oil filled apparatus. Yet, there will be a significant difference in the intensity of the aging mechanisms in different apparatus. This intensity is attributable to rating, design, and duration of operation for different machines. The detailed discussions on these mechanisms are presented in the subsequent sections of this paper. However, aging of service insulants is unavoidable and is to be maintained at a lower rate or arrested to the greatest possible extent, such that, catastrophic failures and unscheduled outages may be mitigated [3]. Normally, utilities follow scheduled condition monitoring activities to avoid the consequences of premature aging. Hence, knowledge on these in-service condition monitoring activities will be helpful in understanding the exact deterioration rate of the insulation system. Real time in-service experience of several transformer fleets that belong to United Kingdom utilities are reported in [4]. An early degradation of insulation is noticed through increase in acidity and furan concentration in oil for several transformers in the fleet. Authors investigated this early degradation in different perspectives including loading conditions, manufacturers, and oil chemistry changes. It is inferred that changes in oil chemistry is an important attribute for early degradation and hence utilities are advised to adopt different asset management strategies for affected and unaffected transformers in a fleet. Recently, failure rate data of servic...
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Nodal solutions for elliptic equation involving the GJMS operators on compact manifolds
La revue : Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Domaine : Differential geometry
Mots Clés : GJMS operators, critical sobolev exposent, nodal solutions
Auteur : B. Mohamed B. Mohammed
Issn : 17476933, 17476941
vol : 64, Num : 12, pp : 2105-2116
Résume :
In this paper, we investigate the existence of nodal solutions to elliptic problems involving the GJMS operators on Riemannian manifolds with boundary.
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Backstepping control with integral action of PMSM integrated according to the MRAS observer
La revue : IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE)
Domaine : Electrotechnic
Mots Clés : Backstepping control, Lyapunov theorem, Integral action, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS), observer
Auteur : A. Larbaoui, B. Belabbes, A. Meroufel, A. Tahour, and D. Bouguenna*
Issn : 2320-3331
vol : 9, Num : 4, pp : 59-68
Résume :
The work developed in this article, has aims to control design law is based on Backstepping method to ensure the servo-control of the permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). The slow convergence of adaptation can result, in some cases; irreversible instabilization loop, especially in the presence of nonlinearity and/or couplings. Hence, the Backstepping method coupled with introduction of integral actions is an alternative choice. Moreover, the Backstepping theory is a recursive design methodology that makes use of the Lyapunov stability theory. Strong properties of overall and asymptotic stability can be achieved. The second part of this work is a direct application of the control proposed to associate an observer, is the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) to observe the position and the rotor speed of the MRAS. Furthermore, the simulation under the Matlab/Simulink software allows highlighting the performance of the control strategy adopted
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Structural phase transition, mechanical and optoelectronic properties of the tetragonal NaZnP: Ab-initio study
La revue : Computational materials science
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : NaZnP; FP-APW + lo; Phase transition; Elastic constants; Electronic properties; Optical properties
Auteur : A Djied, H Khachai, T. Seddik, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, N Guechi, G Murtaza, S Bin-Omran, ZA Alahmed, M Ameri
Issn : 0927-0256
vol : 84, pp : 396-403
Résume :
Ab-initio full potential augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method has been used to investigate the structural phase transition, mechanical and optoelectronic properties of the Nowotny–Juza filled-tetrahedral compound NaZnP. The exchange-correlation potential was treated within the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke and Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE) and the modified Becke–Johnson potential (TB-mBJ) to improve the accuracy of the electronic band structure. Total-energy and geometry optimizations have been carried out for all structural phases of NaZnP. The following sequence of pressure-driven structural transitions has been found: Cu2Sb-type → β-phase → α-phase. The single-crystal elastic constants of NaZnP in the Cu2Sb-type structure have been calculated using total-energy versus strain method and their corresponding elastic moduli of polycrystalline aggregate, including Young’s modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio, have been derived. From the elastic parameters, it is inferred that this compound is brittle in nature. The elastic anisotropy was studied in detail using three different indexes; especially the 3D direction dependence of the Young’s modulus was visually described. Furthermore, calculated electronic band structure shows that NaZnP in the Cu2Sb-type phase has a direct energy band gap (Γ–Γ). The TB-mBJ approximation yields larger fundamental band gaps compared to those of PBE-GGA. The examined charge density distributions for the Cu2Sb-type structure show a covalent character for Zn–P bond and ionic nature for Na–P bond. Additionally, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function, reflectivity and energy loss function spectra have been calculated for radiation up to 30.0 eV with an incident radiation polarized parallel to both [1 0 0] and [0 0 1] crystalline directions.
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Study of the flow through non-submerged vegetation
La revue : Journal of Hydrodynamics
Domaine : Open channel flow
Mots Clés : open channel flow , nonsubmerged vegetation , vegetation density , flow resistance , velocity distribution
Auteur : NEHAL Laounia , YAN Zhong min , XIA Ji hong
Issn : 1001-6058
vol : 17, Num : 4, pp : 498-502
Résume :
Vegetation is an important feature of many rivers. Vegetation along rivers produces high resistance to flow and, as a result, has a large impact on water levels in rivers and lakes. The effects of instream-unsubmerged vegetation (such as the reed-similar Kalmus) on flow resistance and velocity distributions is studied in the paper. Artificial vegetation is used in the experimental study to simulate the Acorus Calmus L. As shown in experimental tests the resistance depends strongly on vegetation density and the Manning resistance coefficient varies with the depth of flow. A simplified model based on concepts of drag is developed to evaluate the roughness coefficient (Manning's n) for nonsubmerged vegetation. In vegetated channels the overall flow resistance is influenced significantly by the distribution pattern of the vegetated beds. Within vegetation, vertical variation in velocity is different from that in the nonvegetated bed, which reflects the variation in vegetation density. Vertical turbulent transport of momentum is negligible as demonstrated by experiments.
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Mechanical behavior analysis of a Friction Stir Welding (FSW) for welded joint applied to polymer materials
La revue : Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
Domaine : science des matériaux
Mots Clés : Polymers; Tensile tests; FSW; Vickers hardness test
Auteur : Hachellaf Kaddour, El Bahri Ould Chikh, Meddah Hadj Miloud, Lounis Abdellah
Issn : 19718993
vol : 47 , pp : 459-467
Résume :
Welding is a technique of fusion joining the material involving a process of inter-molecular diffusion adhesion. Polymer welding is an assembly method among several known assembly techniques such as gluing. This welding process applies to thermoplastics; they have the rheological or softening characteristics during melting. This process is fast and controlled in order to obtain a solid and durable mechanical connection on the series parts. This study focuses on the weldability of high density polyethylene (HDPE) using the friction stir welding technique. A parametric choice was made to optimize the operating parameters namely the shape of the welding tool, the speed of rotation and the speed of advance of the tool. Monotonic tensile tests were used to compare the mechanical characteristics between a HDPE test specimen and a specimen taken from an FSW weldment. It emerges from this study that the FSW welding introduces a weakening of the joints characterized by a clear decrease of the deformation at break.
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Resonant tunneling in GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As superlattices with aperiodic potential profiles
Auteur : R.Djelti, Aziz.Z, Bentata.S, A Besbes
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Computational investigation of CrFeZ [Z = Si, Sn and Ge] half-Heusler compounds ferromagnets
La revue : Physica B : Condensed Matter
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Half-Heusler, ab initio, Electronic, Magnetic, Mechanic properties
Auteur : Beloufa Abbès, Benaoumeur Bakhti, Driss Bouguenna, Mohammed Reda Chellali
Issn : 0921-4526
Eissn : 1873-2135 vol : 563, Num : 15, pp : 50–55
Résume :
The structural, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of the ternary CrFeZ half-Heusler compounds (with Z = Si, Sn, Ge) have been determined ab initio using a full-potential linearized muffin tin orbital approach. Equilibrium properties such as lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative are calculated. Spin-orbit interaction effect in the electronic structure and Fermi levels are revealed. The majority-spin electrons are found to be metallic in nature, while the minority-spin electrons are found to be semiconducting electronic band-structure. It is shown that calculated band structures, density of states, magnetic moments, and elastic constants of these alloys agree well with available with theoretical and experimental data. In addition, the investigated compounds are found to be mechanical stable. Our findings predict new properties, as-yet unreported elastic parameters in the C1b structure, and thus may be realized under ideal experimental circumstances, which make them potential candidates for future spintronic applications.
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Suppression of the singularly localized states in dimer quasiperiodic Fibonacci superlattices
Auteur : Z. Aziz, S. Bentata, R. Djelti and Y. Sefir
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واقع جودة التعليم العالي في الجزائر من منظور التصنيفات الدولية
La revue : Journal of Quantitative Economics Studies JQES
Domaine : Economie
Mots Clés : اقتصاد المعرفة، الجودة التعليمية، مؤسسات التعليم العالي، معايير التصنيف، الجامعات الجزائرية
Auteur : Benounissa Leila& BENABOU Djillali
Eissn : 2602-5183 vol : 1, Num : 1, pp : 107-117
Résume :
لقد أصبح الولوج إلى اقتصاد المعرفة ضرورة ملحة بالنسبة لكل دول العالم؛ بحيث يجب أن تهيأ له كل التسهيلات من خلال بناء بنية تحتية تكنولوجية حديثة يعم فيها استخدام الإنترنيت في كافة مجالات الحياة، وكذلك بناء رأسمال بشري قوي من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم والتكوين المستمر. تعتبر مؤسسات التعليم العالي أهم مراكز تحصيل ونشر المعرفة والتكنولوجياتالحديثة؛ حيث أصبحت جودة هاته المؤسسات من أهم عوامل تمييز الدول في ما يخص اقتصاد المعرفة. وعليه، فإن الهدف من هذا العمل هو الوقوف على العوامل المحددة لجودة مؤسسات التعليم العالي، وكذا المعايير المعتمدة عالميا لتصنيفها، ومحل الجامعات الجزائرية من هذا الواقع الجديد
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Etude linguistique des marques de polyphonie dans le discours de presse : cas du Quotidien d’Oran
La revue : Cahier de Langue et de Littérature
Domaine : analyse du discours
Mots Clés : polyphonie, discours de presse, locuteur, énonciateur, point de vue.
Auteur : Mazot A.
Issn : 1112-4245
vol : 2, Num : 9, pp : 95-113
Résume :
Notre étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie de polyphonie linguistique. Notre corpus est composé d’un ensemble d’articles tirés du Quotidien d’Oran. Nous nous attachons à analyser quelques marques de polyphonie permettant au journaliste d’introduire d’une façon explicite ou implicite une ou plusieurs voix dans son discours, tout en véhiculant des points de vue et en exprimant des attitudes envers son énoncé et les voix qu’il met en scène. Nous nous inspirons des travaux menés par Oswald Ducrot et Jean Claude Anscombre qui relèvent essentiellement de la linguistique de l’énonciation, de la théorie de l’argumentation dans la langue et de la théorie de polyphonie linguistique.
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الأهمية الإستراتيجية لقياس أداء أنظمة النقل المستدام،قراءة في مؤشرات الاستدامة للخطة الكندية للنقل المستدام للفترة(2019-2020). The Strategic importance of measuring the performance of sustainable transport systems ,study of stainability indicators of Canadian plan for sustainable transport (2019-2020)
La revue : دراسات إقتصادية
Domaine : Transport
Mots Clés : ظام النقل المستدام قياس الآداء ; الخطة الكندية للنقل المستدام
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Eissn : EISSN: 2716-8301 vol : 16, Num : 03, pp : 420-440
Résume :
Transportation system and services are central factors in achieving progress,development and change, as they are indicative of the level of economic, social and environmental development of countries, as these systems involve a wide range of problems that come directly related to current transportation systems, such as polluting emissions, noise, traffic accidents and exhaustion. Resources and difficulty in accessing the luxury causes. Transportation is essential for large-scale development and has a profound personal impact on the lives of individuals.The following study,which was conducted on the Canadian Ministerial Program of Action for the period (2019-2020),by analyzing the tables of measurement indicators used in the field of sustainable transport, emphasizes the strategic importance of measuring the performance of the transportation system and the importance of indicators in forecasting and estimating the future directions of sustainability in Canadian transport for the coming period.
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Study of Two-Stage-Type Electrostatic Precipitator in Axisymmetric Configuration Applied to Finely Ground Lignocellulosic Materials
La revue : IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Mots Clés : Corona discharge; Electrostatic hazards; Electrostatic precipitators; Finely ground lignocellulosic materials; Particle collection efficiency; Triode-type electrodes.
Auteur : Zouzou, Noureddine & Mayer-Laigle, Claire & Rouau, Xavier & Zouaghi, Ayyoub & Fouad, Kherbouche & Dascalescu,L
Issn : 0093-9994
Eissn : 1939-9367 vol : 55, Num : 3, pp : 3114 - 3121
Résume :
The main objective of this paper is to develop a novel two-stage-type electrostatic precipitator to collect finely ground lignocellulosic particles. To prevent the danger of explosion of such a powdery material, ion generation and particle charging processes are separated. Main results show that the particles can be highly charged in a two-coaxial-cylinders triode-type device, which also facilitates their collection. For instance, the collection efficiency reaches 92 % for particle size of about 0.3 μm, and exceeds 99% for particle size greater than 2 μm.
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Simulation and Practical Realization of A 24-Pair Electronic Continuity Test Circuit for MSAN ZTE
La revue : Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : Electrical Continuity; MDF; MSAN; Dispatcher; ZTE
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Moulay, Mohammed Feham
Issn : 2180-1843
Eissn : 2289-8131 vol : 11, Num : 04, pp : 19-23
Résume :
The continuity test of a telephone line is a technique used very often by every Telecom site engineer. Continuity refers to communication that does not face any interruption. Very often, the continuity measurement takes place during troubleshooting to ensure that the lines are intact. The work presented in this paper is based on the principle of MDF continuity rule lines for MSAN site. It presents the practical realization of a continuity tester circuit to verify several telephone lines simultaneously, specifically 24 pairs (24 subscribers) at the same time. Our solution suggested for making troubleshooting in one of the outages/ malfunctions more flexible and fluid in terms of intervention and time for repair. A case study involving 18 sites in two different regions in Algeria, Constantine (without circuit) and El Oued (with circuit) was conducted and the results showed there was a gain ratio estimated at about 338/1361 (Min).
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Amélioration de la stabilité thermique, des propriétés optiques et électrochimiques de la matrice PANI contenant des matériaux hybrides Al 2 O 3 synthétis
La revue : Composites polymères
Domaine : matériaux
Auteur : MA Bekhti, MS Belardja, M Lafjah, F Chouli, A Benyoucef
Issn : 1548-0569
vol : 42, Num : 1, pp : 127-133
Résume :
Des matériaux hybrides à base d'Al 2 O 3 , modifiés avec de la polyaniline ont été obtenus. Des échantillons ont été synthétisés par polymérisation chimique de monomère d'aniline avec des nanoparticules d'Al 2 O 3 , le persulfate d'ammonium a été utilisé comme oxydant. Les échantillons résultants ont été entièrement caractérisés par spectroscopie photoélectronique aux rayons X (XPS), diffraction des rayons X (XRD), spectromètre infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR), microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM) et spectroscopies UV-vis, qui ont montré que les polymérisations ont été réalisées. Il est important de noter que ce travail représente un moyen efficace de définir les propriétés optiques des nanocomposites synthétisés, obtenus en ajustant les quantités d'Al 2 O 3pendant la polymérisation,
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On The Structure Of Powers Of Toeplitz Matrices
La revue : Applied Mathematics E-Notes (AMEN)
Domaine : Mathématiques Mathematics Subject ClassiÖcations: 20F05, 20F10, 20F55, 68Q42.
Auteur : T.M. Mohamed, K. Ismaiel, S. Abderrahmane.
Issn : 1607-2510
vol : 20(2020), pp : 199-203
Résume :
A finite Toeplitz matrix T is normal if and only if it is a rotation and a translation of a Hermitian Toeplitz matrix (Type I) or it is a generalised circulant (Type II). In this paper, we show that the powers of a Type II matrix T are also Type II.
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Ouverture, Bien-être Et Croissance Dans Mena,
La revue : التكامل الاقتصادي
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : Bien-être, Ouverture, croissance, MENA
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; B. Brahim ; L. Lakhdar
Eissn : 2602-6694 vol : 7, Num : 1, pp : 105-113
Résume :
Depuis les années 80, nombreux pays en développement ont vu leur revenu individuel décliner, cependant que certains autres, en nombre non négligeable, ont réussi à mettre à leur actif une croissance modeste. Cette croissance économique lente, sinon nulle, a poussé ces pays d’être engager en coopération avec les institutions internationales (FMI, Banque Mondiale) dans des programmes d’ajustement structurel. Notre question est de savoir si l’ouverture sur l’extérieur et la croissance économique auront-ils une incidence sur leur bien-être économique et social ? Pour ce faire, nous essayerons d’examiner, dans le cadre d’un modèle de données de panel, l’influence de la croissance via l’ouverture sur le bien-être économique à partir d'un échantillon pour certains pays arabes (Algérie, Egypte, Jordanie, Maroc et Tunisie), couvrant la période 1980 à 2016.
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Influence of the introduction of MoO3 in the cathode buffer layer on the behaviour of layered organic solar cells.
La revue : Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Domaine : physique
Mots Clés : Interfaces, organic compounds, oxides, vacuum deposition, ageing, electrical properties.
Auteur : K. El Assad Zemallach Ouari, Z. El Jouad, K. Benchouk, B. Kouskoussa, L. Cattin, M. Makha, A. Khelil, M. Morsli, M. Addou, J.C. Bernède.
vol : 52, pp : 829-838
Résume :
The behaviour of small-molecule organic solar cells based on coper-phthalocyanine/fullerene with different cathode buffer layer is investigated as a function of air exposure duration. We present the study of the effect of MoO3 on the properties of photovoltaic solar cells (OPVCs) when it is introduced in the cathode buffer layer (CBL). Photovoltaic performances were measured as a function of time of air exposure. During the first days of air exposure the efficiency of the OPVCs with MoO3 in their CBL increases significantly, while it decreases immediately after air exposure in the case of reference OPVCs, i.e. without MoO3 in the CBL. Nevertheless, the lifetime of the OPVCs with MoO3 in their CBL is around 60 days, while it is only 10 days in the case of reference OPVCs. The initial increase of the OPVC with MoO3 in their CBL is attributed to the slow decrease of the work function of MoO3 due to progressive contamination. Then, the progressive degradation of the OPVCs efficiency is due water vapour and oxygen contamination of the organic layers. The use of a double CBL, Alq3/MoO3, allows to interrupt the growth of pinholes, defects and increases the path of permeating gas. Also it can prevent the contamination of the organic layer by Al. All this results in significant increase of the lifetime of the OPVCs
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Application of hydroxy-aluminum-and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-intercalated bentonite for removing acid and reactive dyes
La revue : Desalination and Water Treatment
Domaine : chimie
Mots Clés : Bentonite; Modified clay; Heavy metals; Adsorption kinetics
Auteur : F. Zahaf , R.Marouf, F.Ouadjenia, J. Schott
Issn : 1944-3994
Eissn : 1944-3986 vol : 131, pp : 282–290
Résume :
Clays intercalated with organic molecules and/or hydroxy-metal cations, also known as inorganic– organic clays (IOCs), have attracted a great deal of attention among researchers in recent years. In the present work, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB) and hydroxy-aluminum (Al13) were selected to be used as intercalants in bentonite that was originally brought from the town of Mostaganem (Algeria). The modified bentonite materials were used to adsorb three heavy metals, namely Pb(II), Cr(III) and Cu(II). Some samples of B–Al and B–CTAB were prepared and characterized using different techniques, like XRD, FTIR, and BET. The adsorption process was carried out under various operational conditions by varying the temperature, initial concentration of metal and contact time. The results obtained indicated a significant increase of the interlayer spacing after intercalation with CTAB. The BET surface area also increased. The sequence of adsorption capacity for the three metals was found to be like Cr3+ > Pb2+ > Cu2+. The adsorption kinetics could be very well described using the pseudo-second order kinetic model. The Intra-Particle Diffusion (IPD) model for sorption was also investigated and compared to other models; it was used to identify the sorption mechanism. Several thermodynamic studies found out that the adsorption process is endothermic and spontaneous in nature.
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Transient Numerical Analysis of Free Convection in Cylindrical Enclosure
La revue : MATEC Web of Conferences
Domaine : energy
Mots Clés : Computational fluid mechanics; Coupled Natural convection with Surface radiation; Finite Volume Method; Partially Annular; Nusselt Number
Auteur : Mohamed Amine Medebber, Nourddine Retiel, belkacem Ould said, Abderrahmane Aissa, and Mohammed El Ganaoui
Eissn : 2261-236X vol : 307, Num : 01029 (2020),
Résume :
A transient two dimensional study of free convection in a vertical cylinder partially annulus is conducted numerically. Uniform temperature is imposed cross a vertical wall, while the top and bottom walls are adiabatic. The governing equations are solved numerically by using a finite volume method. The coupling between the continuity and momentum equations is effected using the SIMPLER algorithm. Solutions have been obtained for Prandtl numbers equal to 7.0, Rayleigh numbers of 103 to 106 and height ratios 0.5. The influence of physical and geometrical parameters on the isotherms, velocity fields, average Nusselt has been numerically investigated.
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Packet Synchronization in a Network Time Protocol Server and ASTM Elecsys Packets During Detection for Cancer with Optical DNA Biochip
Mots Clés : ASTM Elecsys NTP Optical DNA biochip UNIX
Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Samir. Ghouali Boualem. Merabet Mohammed. Feham
pp : 89-101
Résume :
DNA biochip technology (especially in the optical field) can study a large amount of nucleic acid records at high throughput. It makes viable the simultaneous scrutiny of quite a few of tens of thousands of genes belonging to a healthy or diseased biological sample in terms of its genome (DNA). This article overviews optical DNA biochips as well as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) protocol deployment for synchronization among the collection database and the optical biochip automaton via the ASTM Elecsys protocol for better real-time detection with diagnosis of genetically mutated cancer. The present study utilizes the UNIX Server platform and NTP to synchronize communication between servers and optical DNA. Section 7.4 brings in automates.
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"Audiovisual Translation in the Arab World, Subtitling movie: "Opium and the Stick", practical study. »
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Internet addiction and its relation with some variables for secondary school Students
La revue : Journal Of College Of Basic Education For Educational And Human Sciences
Domaine : Psychologie
Mots Clés : Internet Addiction. Students. Secondary school
Auteur : Zine El Abidine Elmagroud
Issn : 2304-3717
Eissn : 2312-8003 Num : 43, pp : 499-508
Résume :
The present study aim at identifying the level of Internet addiction among Secondary School. And see if there are differences in the level of Internet addiction to students depending on the gender variable. residence and educational level.The sample consisted of (109) Students.The researcher uses Internet addiction scale. The results of this study show There is a moderate level of Internet addiction among secondary school students.It also shows There were no differences between males and females in internet addiction and Specialization.
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High performance of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN Double Gate MOS-HEMTs
La revue : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Domaine : Electronic
Mots Clés : cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN, InP/InyGa1-yAs, device simulation, DG MOSFET, DG MOS-HEMT, nextnano3.
Auteur : Driss Bouguenna*, Nawel Kermas, Bouaza Djellouli
Issn : 2320-3331
Eissn : 2395 -0056 vol : 2, Num : 9, pp : 2072-2077
Résume :
In this paper, we have compared the performance of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN and InP/InyGa1- yAs DG MOS-HEMTs, by analyzing the impact of gate length (LG) using 2D nextnano3 software. Driftdiffusion model was taken for simulating the proposed device. The gate length was varied from (12 to 18) nm in a step of 3 nm. As gate length is reduced for scaling, higher drain current is observed, again as Indium content y of channel layer InyGa1-yAs is increased, there is an increase in drain current density, while threshold voltage is decrease comparable to InP/InyGa1-yAs DG MOS-HEMT. Except drain current density and threshold voltage all other parameters are acceptable, a needful to improve the two parameters. However, the proposed model of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN DG MOS-HEMT is the ultimate to replace InP/InyGa1-yAs DG MOS-HEMT and MOSFET for next-generation microwave and power switching application fields in the future.
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Ab-initio study of magnetic, electronic and optical properties of Z nSe doped-transition metals
Auteur : W. Benstaali, S. Bentata, A. Abbad and A. Belaidi
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On 3-Dimensional $$C_12$$-Manifolds
La revue : Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Domaine : GD
Mots Clés : Almost contact metric structure, C12-manifolds, CR-manifolds.
Auteur : Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali and Benaoumeur Bayour
vol : N18, 2021, Num : 239 , pp : 1-13
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Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Mechanical Behavior Response
La revue : Computers, Materials and Continu CMC
Auteur : KHELLAFI Habib , Meddah Hadj miloud, OuldChikh El Bahri,Bouchouicha Benattou, Benguediab Mohamed et Bendouba Mostefa
vol : 49, Num : 1,
Résume :
The polyvinyl chloride PVC is a polymer material widely used for a large variety of applications. The present work focuses on the identification of the physical processes responsible for the mechanical properties of the PVC containing different crystallinities rate applied in large deformation and different strain rates. In order to understand the behavior of the PVC, a thermodynamic modeling is needed. Therefore, the contribution of this approach was demonstrated by experiment and numerical modeling. This comparative study demonstrates that the proposed model provides better agreement with experimental evidence.
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الخصائص السيكومترية لاختبار القدرة على التفكير الابتكاري ل سيد خير الله ،مطبق على طلاب مرحلة التعليم الثانوي
La revue : المواقف
Domaine : علم النفس و علوم التربية
Mots Clés : اختبار القدرة على التفكير الابتكاري ،الخصائص السيكومترية خصائص السيكوميترية
Auteur : صدار لحسن ،جعيجع عمر
Issn : 7872 1112
Eissn : 2007 -1910 vol : 1, Num : 11, pp : 33-57
Résume :
هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تقنين اختبار القدرة على التفكير الابتكاري لسيد خير الله على تلاميذ السنة الأولى من التعليم الثانوي، تم تطبيق الاختبار على (100) تلميذ وتلميذة، منهم (55) أنثى، ومن خلال المنهج الوصفي تم التوصل إلى أن الاختبار يتمتع بصدق التمييز وصدق الاتساق الداخلي والصدق الذاتي، كما يتمتع أيضا بالثبات من خلال تجزئته أو إعادة تطبيقه بعد (15) يوما أو معامل ألفا كرونباخ، والخلاصة أن جميع الطرق المتبعة أكدت على تمتع الاختبار بخصائص سيكومترية عالية، وعليه يمكن الوثوق بنتائجه إذا ما طبق على عينة مماثلة لعينة الدراسة الحالية.
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Le Rôle De La Responsabilité Sociale Des Entreprises Dans La Réalisation De La Performance : Etude Comparative De Sontrach Avec Des Leaders Mondiaux
La revue : مجلة دراسات و أبحاث
Domaine : la responsabilité sociale des entreprises.
Mots Clés : La responsabilité sociale des entreprises, partie prenantes, le système de management , Sonatrach ,performance globale , système de pilotage .
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Issn : 2253-0363
vol : Volume 6, , Num : Numéro 16, , pp : Pages 464-479.
Résume :
Résumé : L objectif de cette étude est de mettre l' accent sur les principes clés des bonnes pratiques de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et leurs impacts sur la réalisation de sa performances , dans un environnement interne et externe . La mise en place d’un système de management intégré HSE pour le Groupe Sonatrach constitue une priorité absolue du management à différents niveaux. Il s’agit par cette action de mettre en œuvre les engagements de la politique HSE du Groupe. Le processus, déjà entamé, permettra une meilleure évaluation des Performances HSE du Groupe ; et un niveau de comparaison universel .
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Numerical Evaluation of Biomechanical Stresses in Dental Bridges Supported by Dental Implants
La revue : Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : dental bridge, FE analysis study, supporting implants, bone, masticatory load, stress analysis
Auteur : Amel BOUKHLIF, Ali MERDJI, Noureddine DELLA, El-Bahri OULD CHIKH, Osama MUKDADI and Rajshree HILLSTROM
Issn : 2296-9845
vol : 37, pp : 43-54
Résume :
The number of supporting dental implants is an important criterion for the surgical outcome of dental bridge fixation, which has considerable impact on biomechanical load transfer characteristics. Excessive stress at the bone–implant interface by masticatory loading may result in implant failure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the number of implants supporting the dental bridge on stress in neighboring tissues around the implants. Results of the study will provide useful information on appropriate surgical techniques for dental bridge fixation. In this study, osseointegrated smooth cylindrical dental implants of same diameter and length were numerically analyzed, using three-dimensional bone–implant models. The effect of the number of supporting implants on biomechanical stability of dental bridge was examined, using two, three and four supporting implants. All materials were assumed to be linearly elastic and isotropic. Masticatory load was applied in coron-apical direction on the external part of dental bridge. Finite Element (FE) analyses were run to solve for von Mises stress. Maximum von Mises stresses were located in the cervical line of cortical bone around dental implants. Peak von Mises stress values decreased with an increase in the number of implants that support the dental bridge. Results of this study demonstrate the importance of using the correct number of supporting implants to for dental bridge fixation.
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Web Services Composition Applying MDA.
La revue : 2nd Conférence Internationale sur l'Informatique et ses Applications (CIIA'09), Saida, Algeria
Domaine : web service composition
Mots Clés : Web Service Composition; MDA
Auteur : Y.Hachemi, B.Malki, D.Amar Bensaber
vol : 02,
Résume :
Currently, Web services are available on Internet in a simple and easy way to use. However, a single service can not respond to a predetermined request by user. Thus, it is necessary to compose services, ie, organize them in a manner to achieve the goal automatically. The semantic web services increases the descriptions of web services using semantic annotations (eg ontology). There are different approaches to express the semantic aspect as OWL-S, WSMO, WSDL-S and a recent W3C recommendation SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema). To address complexity, scalability and heterogeneity problems of Web Systems, the OMG has proposed the model driven approach MDA based on the concepts of models, metamodels and transformations. The method describes a process that guides the developer through various phases, starting with the models, and ending with a new compound that can be deployed and published.
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Sinuosity-Driven Water Pressure Distribution on Slope of Slightly-Curved Riparian Zone: Analytical Solution Based on Small-disturbance Theory and Comparison to Experiments
La revue : Water
Mots Clés : riparian zone; slightly-curved; water pressure distribution; small-disturbance theory
Auteur : Jihong Xia, Genting Yu, Junqiang Lin, Weijie Cao, Zihan Yi, Lihuai Lin, Laounia Nehal
vol : 8, Num : 2, pp : 61
Résume :
A curved riparian zone can create highly complex flow patterns that have a great effect on erosion, pollutant transport, surface water-groundwater exchange and habitat qualities. The small-disturbance theory has been applied to derive the analytical solutions of pressure distributions along a sinusoidal riverbank. Experiments have also been performed to test the hydrodynamic and geomorphic effects on pressure distribution and to verify the applicability of the derived expressions. The derived expressions were simple, accurate and agreed remarkably well with experimental results for the riparian banks with a low degree of curvature. On the contrary, when a riparian bank had a high degree of curvature, these expressions applying the approach of small-disturbance, could not effectively estimate the pressure distributions for a complex bank boundary or complex flow conditions. Moreover, sensitive analysis has indicated that the disturbed pressures along the riparian banks increased with increasing Froude number Fr, as well as the ratio of bank amplitude to wavelength a/. However, a/ has been found to have more significant influence on pressure variation in subcritical flow.
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1. A new synthetic approach synthesis of bis-macromonomers of polyepichlorhydrin by exchanged montmorillonite.
La revue : Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Domaine : Chimie
Mots Clés : Maghnite, Montmorillonite, Catalyst, Epichlorhydrin, Macromonomer, Polyepichlorhydrin, Methacrylic Anhydride.
Auteur : H. Mekkaoui , A. Yahiaoui, A. Hachemaoui , A. M. Benkouider and Mohammed Belbachir
Issn : 0975-7384
vol : 9, Num : 7, pp : 933-944
Résume :
The polymerization of epichlorhydrin (ECH) catalyzed by Maghnite-H+; (Mag-H+), a montmorillonite sheet silicate clay exchanged with protons, was investigated. The cationic ring-opening polymerization of epichlorhydrin was initiated by Mag-H+ at different temperatures ( 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60°C) in bulk and in a solvent. The effects of the amount of Mag-H+ and the temperature were studi ed. The polymerization rate and the average molecul ar weights increased with an increase in the temperatu re and the proportion of the catalyst. These result s indicated the cationic nature of the polymerization and suggested that the polymerization was initiated by proton addition to the monomer from Mag-H+. Moreover, we used a simple method, in one step in bulk and in solution at room temperature (20°C), to prepare a telechelic bismacr omonomer: α,ω-bisunsaturated polyepichlorhydrin. The telechelique polymer was characterized by means of 1H-NMR, FT-IR spectroscopy, UV and GPC
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Statistical and Semantic Approaches for Tweet Contextualization
La revue : Procedia Computer Science
Domaine : Information retrieval
Mots Clés : Tweet contextualization track Twitter Query expansion Wikipedia Association rules Informativeness evaluation.
Auteur : Meriem Amina Zingla, Chiraz Latiri, Yahya Slimani, Catherine Berrut
vol : 60, Num : 1, pp : 498-507
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NTP Security by Delay-based Detection in Intelligent Defense Systems
La revue : Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Issn : 2180-1843
Eissn : 2289-8131 vol : 13, Num : 1,
Résume :
Nowadays, computer equipment has hardware or software clocks to which they refer to time stamp files, transactions and emails. The design of a quartz oscillator, such as clocks drift functions like ordinary watches that do not perfectly match. Therefore, it needs networked machines sharing common resources. For instance, UNIX makes command updates key files ensuring that files on which it depends exist and are up-to-date. Also, correlating log messages from several systems becomes very difficult if it does not occur at the same time. This paper focuses mainly on how to detect attacks, trying to predict attacks based on delays caused by this equipment. A server is configured using NTP protocol whose main target is to be implemented in UNIX system, to see how the NTP server is managed with the powerful package Chrony for Ubuntu. The examined results via Python reveal that clients neither will be nor able to make final decisions just after negotiating with servers in several attempts, before or after accepting their clock.
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La revue : International Journal of Modern Physics B
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Intermetallics; electronic structure; mechanical properties; thermodynamic properties; ab initio calculations
Auteur : M Ould Kada, T. Seddik, Adlane Sayede, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, E Deligoz, ZA Alahmed, S Bin Omran, D Rached
Issn : 0217-9792
vol : 28, Num : 3, pp : 1450006
Résume :
Structural, electronic, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Rh3X(X = Zr, Nb, Ta) intermetallic compounds are investigated in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The exchange-correlation (XC) potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and local density approximation (LDA). The computed ground state properties agree well with the available theoretical and experimental values. The elastic constants are obtained by calculating the total energy versus volume conserving strains using Mehl model. The electronic and bonding properties are discussed from the calculations of band structures (BSs), densities of states and electron charge densities. The volume and bulk modulus at high pressure and temperature are investigated. Additionally, thermodynamic properties such as the heat capacity, thermal expansion and Debye temperature at high pressures and temperatures are also analyzed.
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Mise en œuvre de l’essai d’indentation pour modéliser le comportement mécanique des aciers
La revue : Revue des matériaux et énergies renouvelables
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : small punch test ; plan d’expériences ; optimisation ; dimensionnement ; contraintes
Auteur : S. Habibi, L. Aminallah, A. Megueni, B. OuldChikh, A. S. Bouchikhi
vol : 1 , Num : 1, pp : 8-15
Résume :
La technique small punch test (SPT) d’un échantillon en miniature est mise en oeuvre pour estimer la charge ultime de l'acier ductile CrMoV. Les courbes caractéristiques par SPT (F-d) pour différentes combinaisons des variables d’essai (épaisseur du spécimen, diamètre du punch et matrice inférieure) ont été examinées. L’objet de cette étude est la mise en oeuvre d'une méthodologie d’optimisation susceptible d’évaluer et de concevoir le dimensionnement du dispositif d’indentation qui répond à la fois aux exigences des modèles implémentés et au modèle proposé par le plan d’expériences. On a adopté une démarche fondée sur l’approche comparative entre les plans d’expériences et les deux méthodes (code de pratique européenne et méthode de Norris et Parker). Le modèle mathématique élaboré par plan d’expériences est implémenté sous Matlab, permet à partir d’un espace de recherche considéré (données de références), une optimisation des paramètres du dispositif, en minimisant l’écart entre les modèles étudiés, sous contraintes pratiques liées au système d’indentation ‘’Pièce-Outil-Machine’’. Les résultats obtenus à une erreur de 0.5*e-3 permettent de déterminer le domaine admissible.
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irst principle study of spintronic properties for double perovskites Ba2XMoO6 with X =V, Cr and Mn
Auteur : A. Souidi, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali, B. Bouadjemi, A. Abbad, T. Lantri
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Electronic transport in random dimer GaAs-Alx Ga1-xAs superlattices
La revue : International Journal of Modern Physics B
Auteur : R.Djelti, S. Bentata, Z. Aziz and A.. Besbes
vol : 23, Num : 25 5067 ,
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Application du modèle de POLAK au cas de l’Algérie- période 2000-2013
La revue : Revue des Sciences Économiques – Sidi Bel Abbes
Domaine : Finance
Mots Clés : Prix du pétrole, réserves de change, offre de monnaie, PIB, crédit intérieur, emprunt extérieur net, balance commerciale, balance des paiements, ajustement, AMBP, modèle POLAK.
Auteur : Dr LEKKAM Abdelkrim Boudjelal
Issn : 1112-6191
vol : 12, Num : 12, pp : 16-29
Résume :
L’économie algérienne est fortement caractérisée par une dépendance d’exportation des hydrocarbures, des emprunts extérieurs, d’un contrôle des changes rigoureux de la part des pouvoirs publics et d’un marché informel dominant. En Effet, le « contre chocs » pétrolier de 1986 avec le resserrement de la contrainte extérieure de biens de consommation, celle-ci revêtant à ce jour, une double forme, importante facture alimentaire engendrant une aggravation du déficit commercial et l’obligation d’importer davantage de denrées alimentaire. Elle a obligé le gouvernement algérien à accroitre ses exportations et son ouverture commerciale afin de pouvoir dégager un excédent dans la balance des paiements (BP). L’approche monétaire à la balance des paiements constitue un cadre théorique permettant d’identifier les éléments des déséquilibres de la balance des paiements et du budget gouvernemental. À l’aide du modèle de POLAK, l’évaluation de certains paramètres et la compréhension des interactions existantes entre les différentes variables de l’économie, nous aiderons à mieux percevoir la nature de ces déséquilibres. Le but principal du modèle a toujours été l'analyse et la compréhension des déficits de la balance des paiements et les actions politiques mises en œuvre pour les surmonter. Il importe de clarifier la manière dont l’approche monétaire de la balance des paiements (AMBP) pourrait contribuer à identifier les éléments des déséquilibres de la balance des paiements extérieurs. Ainsi que les actions politiques mises en œuvre pour les surmonter. Nous avons estimé les paramètres du modèle pour la période de 2000 à 2013. D’où, nous avons signalé que les entrées nettes de capitaux non
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Parametric Study of the Mechanical Behavior of FSSW Welded Polymer Plates Using a New Form of Welding Tool
La revue : Defect and Diffusion Forum,
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Polymer PEHD; friction-stir spot welding FSSW; assemblage; welding parameters; tools geometries.
Auteur : Abdallah, OULD CHIKH El Bahri, MEDDAH Hadj Miloud, GUERAICHE Larbi, HACHELLAF Kaddour
Issn : 10120386
vol : 389, pp : 205-215
Résume :
This research paper aims at studying the friction stir spot welding (FSSW) some of thermoplastic polymer materials (HDPE and HDPE-PMMA) using a specifal geometry tool without a pin. The effect of the tool geometry on the welds static resistance was studied via several tool shape, a flat shape below the tool, a shape with concavity angles ranging from 0° to 16°, a flange shape of the sharp-edged tool, a chamfered flange shape and a rounded shape. This work is done to increase the surface area of the weld and further to maximize the static strength of the friction stir spot welding. Experimental tests have been carried out under various operational parameters such as the tool rotation speed, tool plunge depth and dwell time. This later has been carried out to highlight the effect of the tool’s geometry and the operational parameters of the welding on the surface in virtue on static resistance of the friction stir spot welding of thermoplastic polymers. Tests of lap-shear at speed of 5m/s have showed that the tool geometry plays a very important part. This study shows that a FSSW welding tool with 4° concavity angle tool and a rounded flange shape gives the best welding quality for the polymers studied.
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Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of a Thermoplastic Copolyetherester (TPC): Experimental Investigation
La revue : Fibers and Polymers
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Thermoplastic elastomers, Rate-dependence, Stress-strain behavior, Volumetric strain
Auteur : Abdel-Nour Zaim, , El Bahri Ould Chikh, Benattou Bouchouicha
Issn : 1229-9197
Eissn : 1875-0052 vol : 19, Num : 4, pp : 734-741
Résume :
In this article, the thermo-mechanical characterization of poly(butylene terephthalate)/poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PBT/PTMO) is studied by thermal analysis, dynamic mechanical analysis, and uniaxial tensile tests. The results of poly(ether esters) show that the melting temperature is equal to Tm=193 oC, which is 31 oC, lower than that of the melting temperature of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT). Its glass transition temperature, Tg is equal to -61 oC, determined by DMA. The melting and cooling temperatures (Tm, Tc) after aging at T0+48 h and T0+week are virtually unchanged. Moreover, the results of the tensile tests show that the effect of the lo
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Une analyse empirique de l’impact du régime de change dans les pays arabes sur la période 1980-2013
La revue : مجلة الدراسات المالية والمحاسبية والإدارية
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Auteur : Z. M'hamed
Issn : 2352-9962
Eissn : 2572-0147 vol : 2, Num : 2, pp : 7-27
Résume :
Cet article réexamine la contribution du régime de change à la croissance sur la base d’estimations en données de panel pour 8 pays méditerranéens couvrant la période 1980 à 2013. Nos estimations valident l’hypothèse d’une influence positive du régime de change sur la croissance, que ce soit par le biais d’une combinaison de l’accroissement des échanges commerciaux et du taux d’investissement ou par celui d’un niveau important de l’ouverture commerciale. Il apparait donc que l’abandon des régimes fixes observé au cours de la dernière décennie se justifie par un objectif de stabilité de la production.
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Influence of Ni–Ni separation on the optoelectronic and magnetic properties of Ni-doped cubic cadmium sulphide
Auteur : W. Benstaali, S. Bentata, H. A. Bentounes, A. Abbad, B. Bouadjemi
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Structural phase transition and opto-electronic properties of NaZnAs
La revue : Journal of alloys and compounds
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : NaZnAs; FP-LAPW+lo; Phase transition; Electronic band structure; Optical properties
Auteur : A Djied, T. Seddik, O Merabiha, G Murtaza, R Khenata, R Ahmed, S Bin-Omran, Ş Uğur, A Bouhemadou
Issn : 0925-8388
vol : 622, pp : 812-818
Résume :
In this study, we predict the structural phase transitions as well as opto-electronic properties of the filled-tetrahedral (Nowotny–Juza) NaZnAs compound. Calculations employ the full potential (FP) linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) plus local orbitals (lo) scheme. The exchange–correlation potential is treated within the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke and Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE). In addition, Tran and Blaha (TB) modified Becke–Johnson (mBJ) potential is also used to obtain more accurate optoelectronic properties. Geometry optimization is performed to obtain reliable total energies and other structural parameters for each NaZnAs phase. In our study, the sequence of the structural phase transition on compression is Cu2Sb-type → β → α phase. NaZnAs is a direct (Γ–Γ) band gap semiconductor for all the structural phases. However, compared to PBE-GGA, the mBJ approximation reproduces better fundamental band gaps. Moreover, for insight into its potential for photovoltaic applications, different optical parameters are studied.
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المناظرات والمحاورات النحوية وأثرها في الدرس اللغوي -كتاب طبقات النحويين واللغويين للزبيدي أنموذجا
La revue : مجلة إشكالات في اللغة والأدب
Domaine : اللغة
Mots Clés : المناظرات؛ المحاورات؛ النحاة ؛ اللغويون؛ الاختلافات.
Auteur : د.بزاوية مختار
Issn : 2335-1586
Eissn : 2600_6324 vol : 08, Num : 04, pp : 509-530
Résume :
كانت نشأة النحو لغايات نبيلة وهي صون القرآن الكريم واللغة العربية من اللحن والتغيير، وقد كان النحو العربي في بدايته يزخر بمجالس العلماء من القراء واللغويين ورواة الأشعار، فيتدارسون مسائل العربية ويستنبطون قواعدها. ومع مرور الزمن تحول النحو إلى باب من التكلف والتعقيد وكثرة الاختلافات والمذاهب النحوية، وبين هذا وذاك سجلت لنا كتب النحو واللغة والتاريخ مناظرات ومحاورات بين هؤلاء العلماء، ساهمت بشكل كبير في إثراء الدرس اللغوي والنحوي. وفي هذا البحث حاولت أن أجمع بعض ما تفرّق في الكتب من هذه المناظرات والمحاورات، مركزا على ما ورد في كتاب "طبقات النحويين واللغويين" للزبيدي، ولذلك لأتعرف على البواعث الحقيقية لهذه المناظرات، فهل كانت خدمة للدرس والتعلم؟ أم مفاخرة ومكابرة وترفا علميا ابتُلي به أسلافنا آنذاك؟
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La revue : Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
Domaine : Management
Mots Clés : Fonction RH, empowerment, marketing RH, innovation organisationnelle
Auteur : MECHEROUR, M. E. A., & HACINI, I.
Issn : 2028-5175
vol : 1, Num : 19, pp : 368-388
Résume :
This study aims to highlight the contribution of the modern HRM practices such as empowerment and HR marketing to the actors' innovative behaviors. The study is conducted in Algeria Telecom Company, Unit of mascara. In the context of the stimulation of innovation following to “liberalize the creativity that’s in you”, the company has adopted several organizational changes in different fields such as the structure and policies. The results revealed that there is positive impact of empowerment and HR marketing on organizational innovation in Algeria Telecom.
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Optimized Bends and Corporate 1x4 and 1x8 SIW Power Dividers Junctions Analysis for V Band Applications Using a Rigorous Finite Element Method
La revue : Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Domaine : telecommunications
Mots Clés : Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) V-band Bend analysis Two dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM) CST Microwave Studio
Auteur : Fellah benzerga, Mehadji Abri, Hadjira ABRI Badaoui
Issn : 12
Eissn : 231 vol : 41, Num : 9, pp : pp 3335–3343
Résume :
In this paper, two classes of V-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bends operating in V-band frequency in the range [58–63 GHz] for the 90∘90∘ SIW bend with inductive via and in the range [57–68 GHz] for the circular SIW bend and corporate 1×41×4 and 1×81×8 SIW power dividers that provide equal power split with high isolation in all output ports operating in V-band [45–80 GHz] are presented and studied. The advantages of the SIW technique are its low profile, low cost, mass production, ease of fabrication and full integration with planar circuits. All the SIW bend topologies are optimized and designed to operate in the V-band frequency range. The bends and dividers are analyzed using the two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM). The analysis was performed in H-plane using a powerful full-wave method based on the two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM) programmed under MATLAB environment. The return losses, transmission coefficients and the field’s distribution are exposed in this paper. To validate our results numerically, a comparison is made and the obtained results are compared with those given by the CST Microwave Studio. It is observed that the simulation computation time is reduced with good accuracy since the discretization was done only in two dimensions.
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Half-metallic ferromagnetism in PrMnO3 perovskite from first principles calculations
Auteur : B. Bouadjemi, S. Bentata, A. Abbad, W. Benstaali and B.Bouhafs
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Knowledge management as a critical success factor in developing international companies’ organizational learning capability
La revue : Journal of Workplace Learning
Domaine : Management
Mots Clés : Knowledge management, organizational learning,
Auteur : Dahou,K., Hacini, I & J Burgoyne
Issn : 1366-5626
vol : 31, Num : 3, pp : 2-16
Résume :
Purpose Organizational learning (OL) represents the real value and the heart of strategic management, the focal point to keep track of international development. This paper aims to investigate the effect of knowledge management (KM) on the development of OL capability (OLC) in international hotels installed in Algeria. Design/methodology/approach This deductive descriptive case study research examines the impact of KM, using knowledge conversion process (KCP) on the development of OLC. In all, 70 expatriates were targeted to respond to questionnaires, while only 47 were valid for analysis. Multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the influential processes on OLC. Findings The socialization, externalization and internalization have a direct positive significant effect on the development of OLC. Socialization is the major influencing factor. However, the combination has no effect on OLC. In sum, KM has an impact on the development of OLC in international hotels in Algeria. Practical implications Exhibiting the strong interdependency between KM and OL, expatriates emphasize on KM as the learning facilitator. The international hotels keen to realize KM as major process to build OLC. Socialization and internalization reinforce learning by providing primordial sophisticated tacit knowledge. Externalization generates expertise and strategic knowledge. Originality/value First, the research confirms the effect of KM process using KPC on OLC, stimulating learning at all levels; especially, in a developing Arab country, emphasizing the research’s theoretical contribution. The research is of high contribution, first of a kind in exploring the development of OLC in international hotels in the Algerian context; it is a newly emergent market, in its infancy stage, and an alternative that Algeria tries to boost to steer away from petroleum dependency.
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Electronic transmission in non-linear potential profile of GaAs/AlxGa1_xAs biased quantum well structure
Auteur : F.Z. Meghoufel, S. Bentata, S. Terkhi, F. Bendahma and S. Cherid
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La revue : cahiers de langue et littérature
Domaine : didactique
Mots Clés : Pratiques théâtrales, théâtre, communication orale, compétence orale, enseignement/apprentissage du français.
Auteur : S.nawel, B.Aicha
Issn : 1112-4245 1112-4245 1112-4245
Num : 10-11, pp : p. 331 - 344
Résume :
Cet article porte sur les pratiques théâtrales en classe de FLE. Il propose une réflexion sur la manière d’utiliser le théâtre comme outil pédagogique pour apprendre le FLE. IL s’agit d’une expérience menée avec mes étudiants de 1ère année LMD, du département de langue et littérature françaises de l’université de Mascara (Algérie). Nous voulons revenir ici sur une pratique différente,qui n’a pas été suffisamment exploitée par les enseignants et pratiquée par les étudiants en classe. Visant donc à leur faire prendre conscience de la réalité de la langue française telle qu’elle se parle, et développer chez eux l’expression orale, et encourager les enseignants à intégrer les activités théâtrales en classe sans objectif de monter une pièce théâtrale, mais de travailler l’oral de manière ludique.
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سيميائية الفضاء المقدّس في الرّحلات الحجازية الجزائرية، رحلة الحسين الورثيلاني أنموذجاً
La revue : مجلة العلامة
Domaine : اللغة والأدب العربي
Mots Clés : سيميائية ، الفضاء المقدّس، الرحلات الحجازية، الجزائرية، الحسين الورثيلاني
Issn : 2478-0197
Eissn : 2676-1718 vol : 03, Num : 01, pp : 09-25
Résume :
يعتبر أدب الرّحلة مجالاً فنياً ومعرفياً مهمًّا في تاريخ الثقافة العربية، فهو يتقاطع مع التاريخ والجغرافيا والدين والأدب والفلسفة.. ما يجعله يحظى بالكثير من الخصوصية، وقابلاً للتناول المعرفي ضمن مسارات بحثية مختلفة، ونظراً لمركزية الفضاء في فعل الارتحال، فإنّ هذه الورقة حاولت أن تبحث في رمزيته ضمن معطيات المنهج السّيميائي، طمعاً في الوصول إلى الدّلالات الثاوية خلف هذه العلامة.
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La revue : Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Domaine : production vegetale, arboriculture, olivier, salinite
Mots Clés : Salinity; olive tree; salt stress; proline; chlorophyll.
Auteur : B. Sid Ahmed, B. Fouzia, A. Adda, G. Farid
Issn : 1112-9867
Eissn : ******* vol : 11, Num : 1, pp : 525-538
Résume :
Salinity is a major problem directly affecting the ecological balance and the development of agriculture in the Mediterranean basin, particularly North Africa. This phenomenon is considered as the most important abiotic factor limiting crops growth and productivity, degrading and polluting soils in arid and semi-arid. In order to study the influence of salinity, on the physiological parameters and to assess the potential of adaptation of the olive tree in a saline environment, three parcels containing the Sigoise variety and subject to different degrees of salinity were selected: Parcel 1 (non-saline); Parcel 2 (saline); Parcel 3 (very saline). Under a saline constraint, the results showed two contrasting tendencies, an intense increase in the content of proline, sodium (Na+) and chlorophyll (b), while water content, potassium and chlorophyll (a) decreased strongly with increasing salinity.
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Ab-initio study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of CdTe doped transition metal Co
Auteur : A. Zitouni, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali and B.Abbar
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Preparation of polypyrrole (PPy)-derived polymer/ZrO2 nanocomposites: Effects of nanoparticles interface and polymer structure
La revue : Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Pyrrole N-Methylpyrrole Zirconium(IV) oxide Nanocomposites Electrochemical properties
Auteur : K. Yamani
Issn : 1388-6150
vol : 135, pp : 2089-2100
Résume :
New polypyrrole (PPy)-derived polymer/ZrO2 nanocomposite materials are prepared by single-step oxidative polymerization of pyrrole (Py) and/or N-methylpyrrole (mPy) in the presence of HCl-functionalized ZrO2 nanoparticles and ammonium persulfate. The physicochemical features of the PPy–ZrO2, poly(Py-co-mPy)–ZrO2 and PmPy–ZrO2 hybrids were analyzed by XPS, FTIR, XRD and UV–Vis techniques. To explore the advantages of these nanocomposites for potential applications, their thermal, conductive and electrochemical properties were investigated. The characterization reveals that a chemical bonding, based on electrostatic interactions, is established between the polymers and the ZrO2 nanoparticles. Interestingly, it is found that the growth of polymer on the surface of Cl-functionalized ZrO2 becomes more significant as the Py moiety (–NH– species) content in the polymer increases. The thermal stability and conductivity of the polymers increase by hybridization with the ZrO2 nanoparticles. This is assigned to the affective interaction of the polymers with the ZrO2 nanoparticles. Particularly, the resulting nanocomposites keep high conductivities, ranging between 0.323 and 0.929 S cm−1. Finally, voltammetric characterization shows that the PPy–ZrO2 and poly(Py-co-mPy)–ZrO2 nanocomposites are electroactive, thus demonstrating their capability for electrochemical applications. These results highlight the great influence of the nanoparticle interface and the nature of monomer on the nanocomposite formation and properties.
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Climate change impact on rainfall spatiotemporal variability (Macta watershed case, Algeria)
La revue : Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Domaine : changement climatique, eau
Mots Clés : Climate change Water resources Spatial variability Drought Macta watershed Algeria
Auteur : E. Abdelkader, H. Mohammed, B. Boumediene, B. Sid Ahmed
Issn : 1866-7511
Eissn : ******* vol : 10, Num : 22, pp : 1-14
Résume :
This work describes the climate change impact study on rainfall patterns in Macta watershed, located in the northwest of Algeria. The monthly rainfall data collection, verification and validation have built a database with 42 stations, each with 42 years of observations from 1970 to 2011. The study of annual total rainfall has identified a downward trend and quantifies the deficits that are within the observation time series. The division of the annual rainfall series into four periods allowed to highlighting the increase in inter-year temporal variability with the coefficient of variation increases from 17 to 27%. The study shows an annual rainfall deficit increment from 13 to 25%. The standard deviation values decrease significantly for the last two periods showing a spatial variability. Multivariate statistical study by the hierarchical clustering method resulted in the formation of station groups indicating the unification of monthly rainfall patterns.
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Removal of a textile dye by pillared clay
La revue : International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Domaine : chimie
Mots Clés : Bentonite; intercalation; dye; adsorption
Auteur : F. Zahaf , R.Marouf, N.Dali , J. Schott
vol : 6, Num : 01, pp : 11-14
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Short Query Expansion for Microblog Retrieval
La revue : Procedia Computer Science
Domaine : Information retrieval
Mots Clés : Short query expansion Microblog retrieval Wikipedia DBpedia TREC microblog
Auteur : Meriem Amina Zingla, Chiraz Latiri, Yahya Slimani
vol : 96, Num : 1, pp : 225-234
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Joint channel estimation and data detection for OFDM based cooperative system
La revue : Telecommunication Systems
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : Estimation
Auteur : Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi; Zouggaret Abdelhak; Iyad Dayoub
Issn : 1018-4864
Eissn : 1572-9451
Résume :
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based cooperative system using Alamouti space–time block coding at relay node represents an alternative solution to achieve better connectivity and significant enhancement to the data rate in wireless fading channels. But, these advantages cannot be achieved without an efficient estimation of the channels which becomes more challenging for cooperative communications. This paper addresses the joint channel estimation and data detection for cooperative communication systems. Indeed, equispaced pilot symbols are used by maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm to derive channels estimator, and then equalizers are calculated and applied to improve receiver data detection. The main contribution of our work is the development of the ML estimator, the corresponding Cramer–Rao lower bound, mean square error, signal to interference plus noise ratio, outage probability, bit error probability and the use of simulations to demonstrate the superior performances of the proposed methods.
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New poly(o-phenylenediamine)/modified-clay nanocomposites: A study on spectral, thermal, morphological and electrochemical characteristics
La revue : Journal of Molecular Structure
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Conjugated polymer. Poly(orthophenylenediamine). Modifed-clay. Electrochemical properties
Auteur : I.Khelifa
Issn : 0022-2860
vol : 1178, pp : 327-332
Résume :
This work describes the synthesis and characterization of new poly(o-phenylenediamine (PoPD)/modified-clay nanocomposite materials. For the synthesis, the raw clay (named as Mag) used in this study was from Maghnia (west Algeria), (Mag) clay was ion-exchanged with cobalt(II) sulfate hydrate and copper sulfate. The modified-clays were then dispersed in a oPD monomer-containing acidic solution to carry out in-situ intercalative oxidative polymerization by ammonium persulfate. XRF and XRD characterization reveal the success of ion-exchange to form highly intercalated Mag-Co and Mag-Cu clays. After polymerization, the disappearance of the interlayer-spacing diffraction peak for the PoPD-Mag-Cu and PoPD-Mag-Co nanocomposites points out fully exfoliation of the clay structure. The formation of intercalated PoPD into modified-clay nanocomposites was confirmed by XRD, TEM, TG analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and UV–vis studies. The nanocomposites show optical properties and the redox processes observed by cyclic voltammetry indicate that the reported polymerization into modified-clays leads to electroactive hybrid materials. All these properties make these polymer/clay nanocomposites attractive materials for multiple applications.
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"Contribution à la spatialisation de l'évapotranspiration d'un agro-système semi-aride en Algérie par utilisation de la télédétection et du modèle METRIC".
La revue : Physio-Géo - Géographie Physique et Environnement
Mots Clés : évapotranspiration, bilan d'énergie, télédétection, Lansdat, METRIC, Algérie
Auteur : Hamimed, A., Nehal, L., Khaldi, A., & Azzaz, H
vol : 8, pp : 197-213
Résume :
L'évapotranspiration est une composante majeure du bilan hydrologique, car elle exprime les échanges de masse et d'énergie entre le système sol-eau-végétation et l'atmosphère. Sa connaissance précise est indispensable dans plusieurs applications environnementales, telles que la climatologie, l'hydrologie et l'agronomie. La télédétection est un outil incontournable pour l'évaluation de l'évapotranspiration, à la fois dans l'espace et dans le temps. Dans cette contribution, le modèle de spatialisation METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) est appliqué pour l'estimation de l'évapotranspiration d'un agro-système semi-aride situé dans la plaine du Sersou en Algérie. Deux images du satellite Landsat 7 acquises le 13 mars 2012 et le 30 avril 2012 ont été utilisées. Le modèle METRIC se base sur la résolution de l'équation du bilan d'énergie à la surface, où l'évapotranspiration est estimée comme le terme résiduel lorsque le rayonnement net, le flux de chaleur sensible et le flux de chaleur du sol sont connus. Différents indices d'alimentation en eau de surface dérivés de l'évapotranspiration ont été ensuite calculés : la fraction d'évapotranspiration de référence, le paramètre de PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR et la résistance de surface à l'évaporation. Ces indices permettent le diagnostic quantitatif de l'état hydrique du pixel. Les résultats obtenus concernent la validation du modèle utilisé pour l'analyse de la distribution spatiale de l'évapotranspiration et des flux énergétiques de surface. En conclusion, les résultats montrent que le modèle peut être considéré comme une approche prometteuse de spatialisation de l'évapotranspiration dans le cas des régions où les informations de terrain sont rares ou difficiles à collecter.
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Development of a GIS-Based Decision Support System for Diagnosis of River System Health and Restoration
La revue : Water
Domaine : GIS
Mots Clés : decision support system (DSS); diagnosis; geographic information systems (GIS); river health
Auteur : Jihong Xia, Lihuai Lin, Junqiang Lin, Laounia Nehal
Issn : 2073-4441
vol : 6, pp : 3136-3151
Résume :
The development of a decision support system (DSS) to inform policy making has been progressing rapidly. This paper presents a generic framework and the development steps of a decision tool prototype of geographic information systems (GIS)-based decision support system of river health diagnosis (RHD-DSS). This system integrates data, calculation models, and human knowledge of river health status assessment, causal factors diagnosis, and restoration decision making to assist decision makers during river restoration and management in Zhejiang Province, China. Our RHD-DSS is composed of four main elements: the graphical user interface (GUI), the database, the model base, and the knowledge base. It has five functional components: the input module, the database management, the diagnostic indicators management, the assessment and diagnosis, and the visual result module. The system design is illustrated with particular emphasis on the development of the database, model schemas, diagnosis and analytical processing techniques, and map management design. Finally, the application of the prototype RHD-DSS is presented and implemented for Xinjiangtang River ofHaining County in Zhejiang Province, China. This case study is used to demonstrate the advantages gained by the application of this system. We conclude that there is great potential for using the RHD-DSS to systematically manage river basins in order to effectively mitigate environmental issues. The proposed approach will provide river managers and designers with improved insight into river degradation conditions, thereby strengthening the assessment process and the administration of human activities in river management.
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Semi-Blind Estimation of CFO and Channels for STBC-OFDM System
La revue : International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : Estimation CFO
Auteur : Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi
Issn : 1757-2665
Eissn : 1757-2657
Résume :
Space Time Block Coding-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (STBC-OFDM) based MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) system has been shown to be robust against non ideal operating conditions such as antenna correlation, channel estimation errors, and Doppler effects. But, the later suffers from carrier frequency offset (CFO) which makes channels estimation more challenging.rnIn this paper, we propose joint semi-blind CFO and channels estimators based on modified- multiple signal classification (M-MUSIC) algorithm for STBC-OFDM system over MIMO channels. Channels state information can be estimated at the receiver using pilot symbols embedded in each transmission block. To this end, we propose to encode pilot symbols by a Specific Space-Time Block Coder (S-STBC) while information symbols are encoded by Alamouti based space-time block coding (A-STBC). MUSIC based estimation algorithms are characterized by a high computational complexity. To overcome this drawback, we derive an iterative algorithm which leads to low complexity, high performance CFO and channels estimation. The performance of our algorithms is compared with existing approach by simulations.
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Poly [(pyrrole-2, 5-diyl) co (4-Nitro benzylidene)]: A new synthetic approach and electronic properties
La revue : MaterialsScienceandEngineering
Domaine : Chimie
Auteur : H. Gherras, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui, M. Belbachir , A. Belfedal
Résume :
A new poly (heteroary1ene methylene) containing one to four -pyrrole rings alternating with an sp3-carbon atom in the main chain were synthesized and characterized. The synthesized poly [(pyrrole-2, 5-diyl)-co-(4-nitrobenzylidene)] was found to be highly dehydrogenated, thus resulting in black materials with conjugated segments larger than a single pyrrole ring. The conjugated polymers containing alternating aromatic and quinoid heteroarylene moieties in the main chain were prepared by polycondensation of 4-nitrobenzaldehyde and pyrrole catalysed by Maghnite-H+.
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La revue : International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management
Auteur : Emad Kamil.Hussein, Tayser Sumer. Gaaz, Kussay Ahmed. Subhi, Samir. Ghouali, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil
Eissn : 2321-2543 vol : 9, Num : 3, pp : 01-14
Résume :
Purpose: As a result of a sudden spreading of an epidemic novel virus, scientifically named COVID-19, this paper has been done to present a contribution towards fighting this virus in Iraq. Methodology: This investigation is focusing on constructing an engineering mathematical model based on the Suspected, Infected, and Recovered model (SIR), given by Kermack and McKendrick. Main Findings: Iraqi people are facing and suffering from this COVID-19. Three governorates occupying the locally highest infection levels, plus the world's highest deaths to infected cases ratio of about 11%, are Baghdad, Sulaimani, and Karbala. Implications: It is showed that the Reproduction ratio R0)K is positive (greater than 1) in the three nominated zones, which means that the epidemic disease will keep spreading in a broad manner and depending on many specific factors. Many effective recommendations are presented to avoid spreading this novel virus via many techniques. Novelty: SIR model is used to assess epidemic levels in 3 zones.
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Influence of the unsaturated zone of soil layer on the solute migration
La revue : Journal of Engineering Geology
Domaine : Géotechnique environnementale
Mots Clés : leachate, unsaturated soil, TDR methed
vol : 85, Num : 1-2, pp : 2-8
Résume :
To design waste containment barriers, low permeability soils or manufactured liner products are required. For hydraulic barriers in waste containment system, it is recommended to use soil layer of 5 m thickness when the coefficient of the permeability is higher than 10− 6 m/s or a layer of one meter thickness, when the coefficient of permeability is lower than 10− 9 m/s. So some authors tried to prove analytically, that the barrier thickness can be reduced when the permeability of the soil is less than 10− 9 m/s (e.g. 10− 10 or 10− 11 m/s). This suggestion does not take into account the ion sorption and the solute migration delay which can occur in an unsaturated zone and reduce the solute transfer
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Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Volume Change Incited by Porosity in Polyvinyl chloride
La revue : Polymer Science, Series A,
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Polyvinyl chloride, stress triaxiality, damage, tensile test
Auteur : B. Moulai Ali, El Bahri Ould Chikh, B. Bachir Bouiadjra
vol : 61, Num : 3, pp : 1–11
Résume :
The polymers are known to be delicate to hydrostatic pressure. The impact of stress triaxiality proportion on damage and cavitation has been shown in numerous investigations. This article proposes trial examinations to control both the stress triaxiality proportion and the void distribution by microscopic observations of surfaces from tensile tests. For that, the Gurson−Tvergaard−Needleman model was adjusted with the assistance of a finite element code, by utilizing multi-scale trial information. At that point correlation between both numerical and analytical models and experimental data was performed. In addition, a better understanding of the time development of critical parameters, for example, the porosity (volume change) and the stress triaxiality proportion (hydrostatic pressure), was featured.
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Tourism Spending-Economic Growth Causality in 49 Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
La revue : Procedia Economicsand Finance "Elsevier"
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL, Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Mohammed Abbes SAHRAOUI, Yassine Zakarya GHOUALI
Issn : 2212-5671
vol : 23, pp : 1613–1623
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Les structures de contact généralisées
La revue : Univesity of Tlemcen, Algeria.
Domaine : Geometry
Mots Clés : generalized Kählerian manifolds, generalized contact structures, generalized almost complex structures.
Auteur : Bouzir Habib
Résume :
Le concept de la géométrie généralisée est dû à Nigel Hitchin (\cite{hg}, 2003), et elle est intéressante dans la théorie physique de la supersymétrie. En géométrie généralisée on étudie non pas le fibré tangent d'une variété différentiable $M$, qui est noté $TM$ mais plutôt la somme du fibré tangent et du fibré cotangent, que nous noterons par $\mathds{T}M:=TM \oplus T^{*}M$, qu'on appel le fibré de Pontryagin (ou le fibré tangent généralisé) sur la variété $M$ avec la somme de Whitney $TM \oplus T^{*}M$ des fibrés tangent et cotangent.\\
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Auteur : A. Abbad, H. A. Bentounes, W. Benstaali, S. Bentata, B. Bouadjemi
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Elastic, Electronic, Optical and Thermal Properties of Na2Po: An Ab Initio Study
La revue : Journal of Electronic Materials
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Electronic structure, band gap, optoelectronic, FP-LAPW + lo, TB-LMTO
Auteur : N Baki, RD Eithiraj, H Khachai, R Khenata, G Murtaza, A Bouhemadou, T. Seddik, S Bin-Omran
Issn : 0947-8396
vol : 45, Num : 1, pp : 435-443
Résume :
The structural, elastic, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of the sodium polonide Na2Po compound have been studied through the full potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbitals (FP-LAPW + lo) and tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbital (TB-LMTO) methods. The exchange–correlation potential was treated within the local density approximation for the TB-LMTO calculations and within the generalized gradient approximation for the FP-LAPW + lo calculations. In addition, Tran and Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) potential and Engel–Vosko generalized gradient approximation were used for the electronic and optical properties. Ground state properties such as the equilibrium lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were calculated and compared with available data. The single-crystal and polycrystalline elastic constants of the considered compound were calculated via the total energy versus strain in the framework of the FP-LAPW + lo approach. The calculated electronic structure reveals that Na2Po is a direct band gap semiconductor. The frequency-dependent ielectric function, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity oefficient and electron energy loss function spectra are calculated for a wide energy range. The variations of the lattice constant, bulk modulus, heat capacity, volume expansion coefficient and Debye temperature with temperature and pressure were calculated successfully using the FP-LAPW + lo method in combination with the quasi-harmonic Debye model.
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Prospective Analysis for a Long-Term Optimal Labor Force Planning in Algeria (PALOLFA)
Mots Clés : Sustainability GDP Energy consumption Goal programming model Work force Environment
Auteur : MS. Guellil S. Ghouali O. Khedir D. Benabou H. Ayad SE. Sari-Hassoun
Résume :
Objective programming models propose an explanatory framework to look at multi-criteria issues, including a couple of clashing targets. Genuine issues regularly include uncertain data, which makes weighted objective programming (WGP) models the most appealing decision. This article offers a WGP model that consolidates ideal resource distribution to simultaneously satisfy planned objectives on economic improvement, vitality utilization, workforce, and ozone-depleting substance (GHG) emanation decrease associated with key financial areas of Algeria. The model offers significant encounters to chiefs for fundamental arranging and adventure portions towards doable progression. We exhibit the authenticity and substantiality of the model through a numerical case.
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Kählerian Structures on Generalized Doubly D-Homothetic Bi-Warping
La revue : African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Product manifolds, Trans-Sasakian structures, K¨ahlerian structures
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici, BELKHELFA mohamed.
Issn : 1539-854X
vol : 21, Num : 2, pp : 1-14
Résume :
In this paper we give a generalization of the doubly D-homothetically warped metric introduced by Blair [4], and we study the construction of K¨ahlerian structure on the product of two almost contact metric structures. It is shown that if one factor is β-Kenmotsu, the other is β-Kenmotsu or α-Sasakian, and if one factor is cosymplectic, the other is α-Sasakian, but the product of two α-Sasakian is never K¨ahlerian. Several examples are discussed
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Using the Priestley-taylor expression for estimating actual evapotranspiration and monitoring water stress from satellite Landsat ETM + data". Larhyss journal
La revue : Larhyss journal
Mots Clés : Remote sensing, triangle concept, energy balance, evapotranspiration, vegetation index, surface temperature, Priestley-Taylor
Auteur : Hamimed, A., Benslimane, M., Khaldi, A., Nehal, L., Zaagane, M
Num : 18, pp : 179-195
Résume :
The quantification of evapotranspiration from irrigated areas is important for agriculture water management, especially in arid and semi-arid regions where water deficiency is becoming a major constraint in economic welfare and sustainable development. Conventional methods that use point measurements to estimate evapotranspiration are representative only of local areas and cannot be extended to large areas because of landscape heterogeneity. Remote sensing-based energy balance models are presently most suited for estimating evapotranspiration at both field and regional scales. In this study, we aim to develop a methodology based on the triangle concept, allowing estimation of evapotranspiration through the classical equation of Priestley and Taylor (1972) where the proportional coefficient α in this equation is ranged using a linear interpolation between surface temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values. Preliminary results using remotely sensed data sets from Landsat ETM+ over the Habra Plains in west Algeria are in good agreement with ground measurements. The proposed approach appears to be more reliable and easily applicable for operational estimation of evapotranspiration over large areas.
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المناخ التنظيمي وضغوط العمل علاقة مركبة بين الحتمية و ضرورة العلاج. Organizational Climate And Pressures Of Work ,a Complex Relationship Between Inevitability And Necessity Of Treatment
La revue : المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية
Domaine : إدارة الموارد البشرية
Mots Clés : المناخ التنظيمي , ضغوط العمل ، الاتصال الفعال ، إدارة الضغوط الوظيفية ، الموارد البشرية .
Auteur : H.Assia,D.khaoula- Z.Hayet
Eissn : 2602-6058 vol : Volume 9, , Num : Numéro 1, pp : , Pages 74-101
Résume :
يشير المناخ التنظيمي إلى التفاعل بين خصائص الفرد المرتبطة إلى حد كبير بالنظام المعرفي والخبرات والتجارب والتعليم والثقافة و بيئة العمل التي تميز المنظمة عن غيرها من المنظمات وتختلف من منظمة إلى أخرى باختلاف الأبعاد التي تحدد المناخ التنظيمي من هيكل تنظيمي ، مركزية القرار،اتصالات،أنظمة أجورو حوافز،نمط القيادة،التكنولوجيا. أكدت الدراسة التالية وجود ارتباطات ذات دلالة إحصائية إيجابية مهمة ومتفاوتة التأثير بين ضغوط العمل والعوامل السابقة ، في إطار مناخ تنظيمي ملائم يعمل كوسيط ناجع بين متطلبات الوظيفة والحاجات المهنية للأفراد.
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Nature des états électroniques des superréseaus (Type Dimer/Trimed) désordonnés en hauteur de barrière
La revue : Lebanese Science Journal,
Auteur : R.Djelti, S. Bentata and Z. Aziz
vol : 8, Num : 1,
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Deformation of some generalized structures
La revue : April 2019JAMA '19
Domaine : GD
Auteur : Habib Bouzir
Num : 2019,
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An effective approach for designing a low pressure DC glow discharge plasma reactor
La revue : Journal of electrostatics
Mots Clés : Reactor, Cold plasma Glow discharge Sputtering Vacuum
Issn : 0304-3886
vol : 88, pp : 225-231
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Trimer Barrier Height Effect on the Nature of the Electronic State of the Superlattices GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As
La revue : Journal of Applied Sciences
Auteur : R. Djelti, S. Bentata and Z. Aziz
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FP-APW+ lo calculations of the elastic properties in zinc-blende III-P compounds under pressure effects
La revue : Computational materials science
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : III-P compoundsFP-APW + loElastic moduliPressure effect
Auteur : A Bouhemadou, R Khenata, M Kharoubi, T. Seddik, Ali H Reshak, Y Al-Douri
Issn : 0927-0256
vol : 45, Num : 2, pp : 474-479
Résume :
The effect of high-pressures on the structural and elastic properties of XP zinc-blende compounds, with X = B, Al, Ga and In, has been investigated using the full-potential augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method within density functional theory. The bulk properties, including lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative are obtained. The elastic constants and their pressure dependence are calculated using total energy variation with strain technique. We derived the bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio for ideal polycrystalline XP aggregates. We estimated the Debye temperature of XP compounds from the average sound velocity. Our results are in reasonable agreement with the available theoretical and experimental data.
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البيئة وأهمية التكنولوجيا النظيفة في ظل جائحة كورونا
La revue : مجلة البحوث الاقتصادية المتقدمة، جامعة الوادي
Domaine : الاقتصاد البيئي
Mots Clés : جائحة كورونا، البيئة، التلوث البيئي، التدهور البيئي،التكنولوجيا النظيفة،
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية
Issn : 1572-2676
Eissn : 1572-2676 vol : 6, Num : 5, pp : 187-206
Résume :
ملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة للتعرف على تداعيات جائحة كورونا على البيئة، حيث أثر انتشار فيروس كوفيد 19 بشكل سلبي على العديد من القطاعات الاقتصادية العالمية، كما كان له بعض التأثيرات الايجابية على قطاعات أخرى كقطاع الانترنت والتجارة الالكترونية، الخدمات اللوجستية، البرمجيات وكذا قطاع البيئة. باعتبار البيئة من العناصر الأكثر تضررا من تطور نشاط الإنسان، فقد جاءت الجائحة لتحد من هذا النشاط وتسمح للبيئة باسترجاع عافيتها. كما أن هذه الأزمة أكدت على ضرورة الاعتماد على التكنولوجيا النظيفة كآلية لحماية البيئة من التدهور، حيث تعبر هذه الأخيرة على مجموع الاستراتيجيات المتبعة للتعامل مع مصدر المشكلة والوقاية من التلوث وبالتالي تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.
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An algebra of generalized Roumieu ultradistrbutioms
La revue : Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; ultradistributions
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 70, Num : 2,
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Contribution to the study of the flow resistance in a flume with artificial emergent vegetation
La revue : Larhyss journal
Mots Clés : emergent vegetation, density, Manning resistance coefficient, Drag
Auteur : Hamimed, A., Nehal, L., Benslimane, M., Khaldi, A
Issn : 1112-3680
Num : 15, pp : 55-63
Résume :
Vegetation growing in the water along rivers has been the subject of several studies since it was recognized that it could have a significant impact on the water flow. It may increases resistance to flow and causes higher water levels. Also, it has affects on the turbulent structure such as the mean velocity profiles. For flow of water through emergent vegetation, previous investigations show different results. Hence, better knowledge on its impact on flow conditions is needed. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, how density and placement of emergent vegetation influence flow resistance, water depth and velocity profile. Experiments using artificial vegetation selected to simulate emergent vegetation were carried out in a laboratory flume instead of natural channel, and Manning’s n is used to denote the resistance coefficient. The results show large variations in the Manning resistance coefficient with depth of flow and vegetative density. Vegetation causes resistance to flow; it reduces flow velocities and increases water depth. For the vegetation densities considered, the presence of foliage significantly reduces the mean velocities. Also mean velocity profile is set by the vertical structure of the vegetative drag.
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Influence of Temperature on the Chromatic Dispersion of Photonic Crystal Fiber by Infiltrating the Air Holes with Water
La revue : Journal of Optic Communication
Domaine : Photonic Fiber
Mots Clés : optoelectronics, photonic fiber, sensor, numerical simulation, optical fiber, chromatic dispersion
Issn : 2191-6322
vol : 40, pp : 1-4
Résume :
This paper describes study of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) in order to study the influence of temperature on the chromatic dispersion; these types of fibers are based on commercial structures, but air holes will be infiltrated with water. Using finite domain-beam propagation method, it is shown that the zero dispersion wavelength can be shifted from 1.058753 to 1.271767 µm, a shift of 213 nm. At 50 °C, a shift of 169 nm.
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التحليل الاحصائي و نمذجة سوق العمل في الجزائر
La revue : Revue Des Politiques Economiques En Algérie « POLDEVA»,
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : خذير أسامة، بلمقدم مصطفى، قليل محمد صغير
Issn : 1112-9786
vol : 5, pp : 206-228
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Ab initio study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of the half-Heusler CoCrZ (Z = Al, Ga)
La revue : Canadian Journal of Physics
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : FP-LAPWGGA; Structural properties; half-Heusler
Auteur : A Missoum, T. Seddik, G Murtaza, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, Y Al-Douri, A Abdiche, H Meradji, H Baltache
vol : 92, Num : 10, pp : 1105-1112
Résume :
To study the structural, electronic, and optical properties of the half-Heusler CoCrZ (Z = Al, Ga), we have performed ab initio calculations using the full-potential with the mixed basis (APW + lo) method within the generalized gradient approximation. The structural properties as well as the band structures, and total and atomic projected densities of states are computed. From electronic band structures we have found that both compounds have a semimetallic nature. We also studied the evolution of electronic structure of CoCrAl under external hydrostatic pressure. It is found that the pseudo gap around the Fermi level increases continuously with increasing pressure, while the electronic density of states at the Fermi level does not change significantly. Furthermore, the optical properties, such as the dielectric function and refractive index were evaluated and discussed under pressure up to 20 GPa, and the electrical conductivity and electron energy loss were calculated for radiation up to 30 eV. The same way, we have studied the magnetic properties of CoCrAl for lattice expansion up to a = 1.1a0 where a transition from the paramagnetic phase to the half-metallic phase is expected.
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The ballistic resonance of transversal mechanical waves in random dimer systems
Auteur : H. Khalfoun, S. Bentata, M. Bouamoud and L. Henrard
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Hydraulic features of flow through emergent bending aquatic vegetation in the riparian zone.
La revue : Water
Domaine : Hydrodynamique
Mots Clés : riparian zone; flexible aquatic vegetation; ecohydraulics; Manning coefficient n; vertical velocity; turbulence
Auteur : Jihong Xia, Launia Nehal
Issn : 2073-4441
vol : 5, Num : 4, pp : 2080-2093
Résume :
Vegetation in riparian zones has a significant influence on resistance, velocity distribution and turbulence intensity. This study experimentally investigated the effect of emergent bending riparian zone vegetation on the flow. The results showed that the frond and stem parts of Acorus calami had different influences on hydraulic features and that the relative depth ratio of water depth h to stem height hs was a key determinant of those influences. Manning coefficient n varied greatly with the variation of vegetation densities, relative depth ratio of water depth h to stem height hs, Re and Fr. Manning coefficient n increased with increasing vegetation density, particularly in cases when h/hs > 1. The velocity distributions did not follow logarithmic profiles, but they instead exhibited double logarithmic profiles. In addition, vegetation characteristics were shown to influence the height of maximum velocity. The position of maximum velocity is further away from the bed in cases with denser vegetation distribution. Finally, turbulence intensity showed more significant variation in the stem part and peaked near the middle of the stem, at z/hs = 0.5, where z was the distance from the bottom.
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Modélisation Mathématique de la Production Pétrolière des Pays Membres de L’OPAEP
La revue : Revue Des Politiques Economiques En Algérie « POLDEVA»,
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL , Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM
Issn : 1112-9786
vol : 4, pp : 1-15
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قلق الموت وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات دراسة ميدانية بولاية معسكر
La revue : مجلة الرواق
Domaine : Psychologie
Mots Clés : القلق،الخوف، الموت، قلق الموت
Auteur : شعنبي نور الدين
Issn : 2437-0363
Num : 9, pp : 176-186
Résume :
هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مستوى قلق الموت لدى عينة من اﻟﻤﺠتمع الجزائري، وكذا التعرف على الفروق في مستوى الشعور بقلق الموت تبعا لمتغير الجنس والمستوى التعليمي والحالة الاجتماعية والسن، جرت الدراسة بمدينة معسكر حيث تكونت عينة الدراسة من 106 فرد تم اختيا رهم بطريقة عشوائية، طبق عليهم مقياس قلق الموت، وتمت المعالجة الإحصائية للبيانات ببرنامج الرزم الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية، وكشفت الدراسة عن النتائج التالية: - وجود مستوى مرتفع من قلق الموت لدى عينة الدراسة. - توجد فروق دالة إحصائيا في درجة قلق الموت تبعا لمتغير الجنس. - لا توجد فروق دالة إحصائيا في درجة قلق الموت تبعا لمتغير الحالة الاجتماعية والمستوى التعليمي والسن .
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Evolutionary Autopilot Design Approach for UAV Quadrotor by Using GA
La revue : Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineerin, Springer Link
Domaine : Control
Mots Clés : Mini-UAV Fuzzy control Autopilot Genetic algorithms
Auteur : M. Zareb, W. Nouibat, Y. Bestaoui, R. Ayad, Y. Bouzid
Issn : 2228-6179
Eissn : 2364-1827 pp : 1-29
Résume :
This paper presents an off-line design strategy of an intelligent 3D autopilot of Micro-UAV Quadrotor. It consists of hybridization between two fuzzy controllers for the x and y motions and four PID classical controllers for the attitude/altitude motions. Genetic algorithms are used to adapt and optimize the value of the six controllers' parameters to achieve the best performance and decrease the consumed energy. Also, in order to ensure the global optimum control parameters, genetic algorithm named Bi-GA is used to automatically configure the two GAs using for the tuning process. This design strategy can be used to different types of Quadrotor (with cross or X configuration). Initially, in order to get the controller parameters, simulation tests are made on a commercial Quadrotor named AR.Drone V2. Finally, these parameters values are tested in an experiment using the robot operating system. The results of these experimentations confirm the effectiveness of using genetic algorithms in the design of intelligent PID autopilot.
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Numerical simulation of a steel weld joint and fracture mechanics study of a Compact Tension Specimen for zones of weld joint, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
La revue : Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Welding; Residual Stress; Energy Release Rate; Stress Intensity Factor.
Auteur : Ahmed Bensari, El Bahri Ould Chikh, Benattou Bouchouicha, Malika Tirenifi
Issn : 19718993
vol : 47 , pp : 17-29
Résume :
To evaluate the integrity of a structure is to prove its ability to perform its mechanical functions for all modes of loading, normal or accidental, and throughout its life. In the context of the nuclear safety, for the most important structures such as the tank or the primary circuit, the presence of a degradation in these structures grouping several aspects, such as cracks created during welding. We seek then, to show the mechanical resistance for this defect mode. It also seeks to fit the mechanical resistance of a structure in the presence of a crack when the defects have been detected during an inspection. In this context, the fracture mechanics provides the necessary tools to analyze cracked components. Its purpose is to establish a fracture criterion to foreordain the loading margins in normal or accidental operating conditions. Each type of rupture must be the subject of a specific characterization
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Chemical polymerization, characterization and electrochemical studies of PANI/ZnO doped with hydrochloric acid and/or zinc chloride: Differences between the synthesized nanocomposites
La revue : Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Nanocomposites. Aniline. Zinc oxide. Zinc chloride. Electrochemical properties
Auteur : S.Daikh
Issn : 1068-3755
vol : 121, pp : 78-84
Résume :
An in-situ polymerization method has been employed to prepare HCl-doped polyaniline (PANI)/ZnO nanocomposites and (HClZnCl2) doped PANI/ZnO. Structural characteristics were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Transmission Electron Micrographs (TEM). TGA results showed that the decomposition of the HCl doped PANI/ZnO nanocomposites was less than that of (HClZnCl2) doped PANI/ZnO nanocompositess. Conduction studies were done by using four-probe method. Electrical conductivity study shows an increase in the conductivity of the samples with the (HClZnCl2) doped) PANI/ZnO to 0.081 S cm−1. To further explore the advantages of these nanocomposites for real applications, we investigated the electrochemical properties of these samples electrodes, the (HClZnCl2-doped) PANI/ZnO nanocomposite presented much higher electrochemical response to (HCl-doped) PANI/ZnO and (ZnCl2-doped) PANI/ZnO nanocomposites.
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Generalized Roumieu ultradistributions and their microlocal analysis
La revue : Novi Sad J. Math
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Generalized functions; ultradistributions; microlocal analysis
Auteur : K. Fatma Zohra
vol : 46, Num : 2, pp : 181-200
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Case-Based Planning with User Preferences for Web Service Composition
La revue : International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP)
Domaine : Service-Oriented Computing. web service composition
Mots Clés : Case-Based Planning, Ontologies, User Preferences, Web Service Composition
Auteur : Y.Hachemi, SM.Benslimane
Issn : 1938-0194
Eissn : 1938-0208 vol : 06, Num : 04, pp : 58-71
Résume :
Web services composition has emerged as a solution to answer the requester's requirements. However, the selection of an appropriate Web service has become a difficult task due to the number of Web services present on the Web and mostly they offer similar functionalities. User preferences are a key factor that can be used to rank candidate services and retain only the best ones. To improve the process of web service composition the authors propose a Case-Based Planning (CBP) approach based on preferences which uses successful experiences in past to solve similar problems at present or/and in the future. How to make a choice base on non-functional factors becomes a problem that need to be solved. This paper, argues that the selection should be considered in a global manner based on the user's preferences. The authors present a framework that deals with web service composition based on user preferences and CBP method. Results obtained offer more than a solution to the user and taking both functional and non-functional requirements.
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Removal of Quinmerac by Diatomite and Modified Diatomite from Aqueous Solution
La revue : Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Adsorption. Isotherms. Quinmerac Diatomite activation
Auteur : K. Khaldi
Issn : 1068-3755
vol : 54, pp : 194-202.
Résume :
Algerian aluminosilicate mineral natural diatomite and its modified variant were applied to remove quinmerac (QM)—a week acid herbicide from aqueous solutions. Then samples were investigated by the transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray fluorescence and physical adsorption of gases. The adsorption experiments were carried out at ambient temperature in baths at different pH and the results showed that the amount of adsorbed QM increased at a higher pH, reaching a maximum at pH 2.5. The Langmuir model provided the best correlation of the experimental data for adsorption equilibrium. It was found that the modified diatomite exhibits a slightly better efficiency in the removal of QM than natural diatomite; this is why it could be considered to be an alternative material for removing a specific pollutant from environment.
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Galerkin method for time fractional semilinear equations
La revue : Submitted
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Galerkin method; fractional derivative ; semilinear Equations
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COVIDz: Deep Learning for Coronavirus Disease Detection
La revue : Computational Intelligence Techniques for Combating COVID-19
Auteur : Mohammed Anis. Oukebdane, Samir. Ghouali, Emad Kamil. Hussein, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Amina Elbatoul. Dinar, Walid. Cherifi, Abd EllahYoucef. Taib, Boualem. Merabet
Résume :
The severe damage caused by COVID-19 has become a reality, and there is no longer a way to save humanity from this epidemic except diagnose and prevention, especially with emergence delay and lack of vaccine recognized by the World Health Organization. Without therapeutic treatment or explicit restorative immunizations for COVID-19, it is fundamental to diagnose the disease at an early stage and quickly seclude patients contaminated with the virus. This study aims at estimating the damage via consistency of chest imaging, which is not always feasible or possible. Here, an application is proposed to solve the problem via a WEB Predictor ‘COVIDz” and a program exploiting deep learning, so as emergency care will be able to systematically bring chest X-ray images and predict the percentage of the absence or presence of COVID-19. The proposed approach (custom VGG model) and our WEB site “COVIDz” objective validation of the suggested solution obtained the best classification efficiency of 99.64%, F-score of 99.2%, precision of 99.28%, MCC of 99.28%, recall of 99.28%, and a specificity value of 100%.
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Notion de la maladie professionnelle et leur conditions d ouverture droit a la couverture
La revue : Revue de droit d economie
Domaine : Droit
Mots Clés : maladie professionnnelle
Auteur : B.kamel.Y.souad.A.rachid
Issn : 2477-9784
Num : 01, pp : 286-301
Résume :
Pour determiner la notion maladie professionnelle il et necessaire d enfaire la distinction avec la notion de maladie ordinaire dont on fait a certains egards l amalgame avec la notion maladie professionnelle la notion d accident de travail souvent adjacente a celle de maladie professionnelle.
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Sukuk and economic development (Prospects and Challenges), Refer to the experience of Malaysia
La revue : Journal of Economics and HumanDevelopment,university of BLIDA 2
Domaine : المالية الاسلامية
Mots Clés : Sukuk, economic development, social development, types of Sukuk, the challenges of Sukuk , Malaysian Experience Mots clés : sukuk financiers islamiques, développement économique, développement social, types de sukuk, les défis sukuk financiers islamiques, Expérience malaisienn
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية
Issn : 6820- 2600
Eissn : 2600-6820 vol : 10, Num : 2, pp : 208-222
Résume :
This study is designed to identify the Islamic financial sukuk as one of the Islamic financial instruments for mobilizing saving and for the use of investmenT instruments to contribute to the financing for economic and social development process. The financial sukuk is known as financing instruments used in Islamic financial instruments according to the regulations of Islamic law (chari’a), and vary the versions of the diversity and versatility of the exporting as well as nature. Despite the increasing trend toward these instruments according to the Islamic finance act of 2018 and following the successful experience of Malaysia, but this deal funding instruments still sees many challenges. Résumé : Cette étude vise à identifier le sukuk financiers islamiques comme l’un des instruments financiers islamiques destinés à mobiliser l’épargne à utiliser les outils d’investissement pour contribuer au financement du processus de développement économique et social. les sukuk financiers sont défini comme étant des outils de financement utilisés dans les établissements financiers islamiques selon les règlements de la loi islamique (chari’a). ses formes sont variées selon leurs utilisations. Leurs émetteurs et leurs natures. Malgré la tendance croissante vers l’utilisation de ces outils conformément au rapport financier de l’année 2018 et à la suite de l’expérience réussie du Malaisie, leur utilisation est confrontée à plusieurs défis
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Optimization Of A Photovoltaic Generator With A New Solar Tracker
La revue : Journal of Electrical Engineering
Domaine : Electrotechnique
Mots Clés : Photovoltaic generator, Solar panels; tracker; yield, optimization
Auteur : Brahami Imen Souhila, Brahami Mostefa, Tilmatine Amar, Senoussaoui Mohammed El Amine
Issn : 1582-4594
vol : 17, Num : 3, pp : 178-187
Résume :
Electricity generation using conventional sources such as fossil fuels raises a lot of problems either economically since it is a non-renewable or environmentally, due to the release of greenhouse gas that are the main causes of global warming. Electrical energy from photovoltaic effect provides an alternative to that produced in fossil energy power plants since it is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Many kinds of research have been conducted and still developing in order to improve overall solar system’s efficiency and especially photovoltaic ones. The solar tracker is one of the elements that contribute to increase the maximum power captured from solar panels by adjusting their position in an optimal direction towards the sun. In this paper, the design of low cost, solar generator provided with a new single axis tracker (east-west) for a predetermined inclination of 30 degrees was developed. This new tracker, on sunny days, can increase the generation of the power station by 30% in comparison with a fixed system, even if it is made of cheap material, such as resistors and transistors. The generator follows the sun using a low power motor connected to a force multiplier; which provides a low energy consumption.
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Adsorption of Zinc and Lead onto Sediments of the Dam Chorfa
La revue : Journal iranien de chimie et de génie chimique (IJCCE)
Auteur : Mohamed El-Amine Bekhti, Ahmed Yahiaoui, Aicha Hachmaoui, Abdelghani Benyoucef
Issn : 1021-9986
vol : 38, Num : 6, pp : 127-133
Résume :
Au niveau du laboratoire, nous avons étudié les effets de divers facteurs, la concentration initiale d'ions métalliques, le pH de la solution, la quantité de boue utilisée et le temps de contact, sur l'adsorption des ions zinc et plomb sur le matériau du barrage (Mascara, Algérie ). Les constituants des sédiments limoneux sont le quartz, la calcite et un mélange d'argiles. Le temps d'équilibre était de l'ordre de 60 min. Le diagramme d'adsorption est lisse et continu conduisant à la saturation, suggérant la possible couverture monocouche d'ions zinc et plomb à la surface de l'adsorbant. Le degré d'adsorption augmente avec l'augmentation du pH. De plus, l'adsorption des métaux augmente avec l'augmentation de la quantité d'adsorbant. La modélisation de l'adsorption a été réalisée en utilisant les modèles d'adsorption de Langmuir et Freundlich pour déterminer les paramètres mécanistiques associés au processus d'adsorption. Le modèle isotherme Langmuir-Freundlich était le meilleur pour décrire les données expérimentales. La capacité de sorption maximale s'est avérée être de 42,73 et 131,57 mg/g pour le Zn2+ et le Pb2+, respectivement.
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Structures on the Product of Two Almost Hermitian Almost Contact Manifolds
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Almost Hermitian almost contact structure, almost contact metric manifolds with 3-structures, hyperkählerian structure.
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici, BELKHELFA mohamed.
Issn : 1307-5624
vol : 9, Num : 2, pp : 80-86
Résume :
The purpose of this paper is to define some classes of almost contact metric 3-structures manifolds and almost quaternionic metric with an almost Hermitian almost contact metric structure. Next, we construct an almost quaternionic Hermitian structure on the product of two almost Hermitian almost contact metric structures. This gives a new positive answer to a question raised by T. Tshikuna-Matamba.
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Damage analysis of composites reinforced with Alfa fibers: Viscoelastic behavior and debonding at the fiber/matrix interface
La revue : Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Domaine : Polymer science
Mots Clés : composites; fibers; mechanical properties; resins; surfaces and interfaces
Auteur : M. Khaldi, A. Vivet, A. Bourmaud, Z. Sereir, B. Kada
Issn : 0021-8995
Eissn : 1097-4628 vol : 133, Num : 31,
Résume :
In this article, we first review state‐of‐the‐art experimental techniques and measurements to characterize the mechanical properties of anisotropic vegetal alfa fibers, epoxy‐resin, and the behavior of the interphase between the matrix and alfa fibers. Second, we conduct experimental tests to determine the mechanical properties of fibers, resin, and the interphase. Third, we carry out a series of finite element simulations to predict damage initiation and to estimate crack propagation in alfa‐fiber/epoxy‐resin (AFER) composites. Different tests to determine the longitudinal Young's modulus of alfa fibers and epoxy resin as well as nanoindentation tests to obtain the transverse stiffness of the fibers are presented. Experimental results from the characterization are introduced in a micromechanical model to estimate, using the concept of the energy release rate (ERR), the matrix crack, and its interaction with interfacial debonding. The wettability problems in the preparation of vegetable composites and their effect on fiber‐matrix interfacial debonding are also addressed. The analysis of the damage behavior of AFER composites demonstrates that under load transverse to the fiber axis, a crack initiated in the matrix is propagated perpendicular to the direction of the load. Near the interface, the ERR decreases and this energy is higher in the presence of interfacial debonding areas generated by problems of fiber wettability.
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Characterization of thermally affected steels by nanoindentation
La revue : Recueil de mécanique
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Heat treatments; Characterization; Nanoindentation; Modulus of elasticity; Hardness
Auteur : Samir Habibi, Noureddine Mahmoudi, Benaoumeur Aour, Laid aminallah, Ould Chikh el bahri
vol : 2, Num : 002, pp : 168 – 174
Résume :
The thermal affectation is the basis of metallurgical modifications of the base metal which can induce fragilities, decreases in mechanical strength, lack of ductility ... These modifications depend on the material examined, the process used, the mode of operation followed ... This research is devoted to the experimental study, whose objective is the study of low-carbon steels who sustained of the various heat treatments. Then, the instrumented nanoindentation test is developed to analyze the characteristic loading and unloading curves of the examined specimens. In this case, we focus on the effect of heat treatments on the metallographic examination and the mechanical properties of the studied steels. At the same time, we study the coherence of the results obtained between the heat treatment and the nanoindentation process in the determination of elasticity modulus and hardness.
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Computational investigations on band structure and electronic features of chromium-based carbides and nitride Cr3PX (X= C and N) through the FP-APW+ LO approach
La revue : Superlattices and Microstructures
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Antiperovskite; FP-APW+LO; Magnetic properties; Elastic properties; Electronic band-structure; Thermoelectric properties
Auteur : T. Seddik, GÖKAY Uğur, F Soyalp, R Khenata, Deo Prakash, IV Kityk, Saleem Ayez Khan, A Bouhemadou, S Bin-Omran, DP Rai, KD Verma
Issn : 0749-6036
vol : 109, pp : 1-12
Résume :
In this work, we have theoretically investigated the band structure of antiperovskite chromium-based carbides and nitrides Cr3PX (X = C and N) using the first-principles calculation based on the FP-APW+LO method. The principal structural properties i.e., lattice constants (a,b,c) and internal parameters are in accordance with the experimental results. The calculated values of elastic constants indicated that the mechanical strength for both Cr3PC and Cr3PN compounds at (001) plane is higher than the (100) and (010) planes. Moreover, the Cr3PX compounds are expected to be hard materials with ductile nature. In addition, we have found that the FM ground state of herein materials Cr3PC and Cr3PN are energetically favorable with low magnetic moments of about 2.27 and 2.94 μB, respectively, confirming that these are weak ferromagnets. Based on the spin-polarized electronic band structure we have found that both alloys have metallic behavior, such behavior has been shown in the calculated electrical conductivity. We have also estimated other thermoelectric constants like the Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, power factor and electrical resistivity of Cr3PC and Cr3PN compounds.
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إستراتيجية الحجاج عند البشير الإبراهيمي- خطبة مسجد كتشاوة أنموذجاً
La revue : مجلة فصل الخطاب
Domaine : اللغة والأدب العربي
Mots Clés : البشير الإبراهيمي، الحجاج، التداولية، اللسانيات، الدلالة
Issn : 2335-1071
Eissn : 2602-5922 vol : 02, Num : 05, pp : 73-91
Résume :
يمثّل الحجاج الركن الأساس لفن الخطابة، بسبب حاجة هذه الأخيرة لمختلف الأدوات التي تمكّنها من التأثير في المتلقي وتغيير قناعاته، وهو ما نلمس أثره بوضوح في خطبة الشيخ الإبراهيمي التي ألقاها في مسجد كتشاوة، حيث استخدم ترسانة من الآليات الحجاجية، معتمدا على ذخيرة لغوية وثقافية هائلة، سمحت بتنويع المنظومة الحجاجية عبر ثلاثة أسس؛ الأساس الاستشهادي، والأساس الأسلوبي، والأساس المنطقي. وقد تفرّع كلّ واحد منها إلى بنيات حجاجية أصغر، سمحت في النهاية ببناء شبكة حجاجية قوية، ومترابطة، ومنسجمة، تجمع بين الإقناع والإمتاع.
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Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of a Thermoplastic Copolyetherester (TPC): Experimental Investigation
La revue : Fibers and Polymers
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Thermoplastic elastomers, Rate-dependence, Stress-strain behavior, Volumetric strain
Auteur : Abdel-Nour Zaim, , El Bahri Ould Chikh, Benattou Bouchouicha
Issn : 1229-9197
Eissn : 1875-0052 vol : 19, Num : 4, pp : 734-741
Résume :
In this article, the thermo-mechanical characterization of poly(butylene terephthalate)/poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PBT/PTMO) is studied by thermal analysis, dynamic mechanical analysis, and uniaxial tensile tests. The results of poly(ether esters) show that the melting temperature is equal to Tm=193 oC, which is 31 oC, lower than that of the melting temperature of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT). Its glass transition temperature, Tg is equal to -61 oC, determined by DMA. The melting and cooling temperatures (Tm, Tc) after aging at T0+48 h and T0+week are virtually unchanged. Moreover, the results of the tensile tests show that the effect of the low deformation rate reduces the friction resulting from the sliding mechanisms between the amorphous and crystalline parts.
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منهجية إعداد السياسات العامة في إطار إعداد إستراتيجية التنوع البيولوجي،قراءة في الإستراتيجية الجزائرية للتنوع البيولوجي للفترة(2016-2030). Methodology For Preparing Public Policies In Preparing The Biodiversity Strategy, Read On The Algerian Biodiversity Strategy(2016-2030)
La revue : مجلة الإستراتيجية و التنمية
Domaine : Environment
Mots Clés : لتنوع البيولوجي،الخطط القطاعية،الإستراتيجية الجزائرية،الإستدامة،الجزائر. ; Keywords:Biodiversity, Sectoral Plans,Algerian Strategy,sustainability,Algeria
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Eissn : 2600-6839 vol : Volume 11,, Num : Numéro 3, pp : , Pages 349-366
Résume :
تقوم الدراسة التالية على إبراز ضرورة إدماج الاستدامة في إعداد السياسات العامة التي تظهر جليا في الخطط الفصلية والسنوية لجميع القطاعات ضمن الإستراتيجية الجزائرية للتنوع البيولوجي(2016-2030). تحقيقا لأهداف أيشي للتنوع البيولوجي في مشروع الإستراتيجية المقترح للفترة المدروسة ،تؤكد الدراسة على ضرورة حوكمة التنفيذ القائم على التنسيق والتكامل بين جميع الفاعلين بالدولة لضمان التحسين المستمر. Abstract: The following study highlights the need to integrate sustainability into the development of public policies that are evident in the quarterly and annual plans for all sectors within the Algerian Biodiversity Strategy (2016-2030). To achieve Aichi's objectives in the strategy project ,the study emphasizes the need for governance of implementation based on coordination and integration among all actors in the country to ensure continuous improvement
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The Direction of Information between Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic Signals: Test Analysis using Granger Causality
La revue : Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research (JMSOR)
Domaine : Mathematics
Mots Clés : Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic signals; Direction of information; Granger Causality; Multivariate study; (MGH / MF) waveform database
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
Issn : 2251-3388
vol : 02, Num : 02, pp : 57-66
Résume :
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Algebras of generalized Gevrey ultradistributions
La revue : Novi Sad J. Math
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; ultradistributions
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 41, pp : 53-62
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Study of transmission properties in GaAs/Al x Ga1-x As superlattices generated by specific sequences
Auteur : S.Terkhi, Z. Aziz, S.Bentata, B.Bouadjemi
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Politique de change et croissance économique : Evidence empirique des pays MENA
La revue : REVUE Des économies nord Africaines
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : MENA countries, exchange rate change, economic growth, panel data
Auteur : Z. M'hamed
Issn : 1112-6132
Eissn : 2588-1930 vol : 9, Num : 11, pp : 1-21
Résume :
This paper examined the empirical relationship between the exchange rate regime and economic growth using pane data regressions for 8 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia) for the period 1980-2012. The main results are: the exchange rate regime appears to affect economic growth through a combination of increased foreign trade and investment rate but with a weights higher degree of openness to international trade.
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Kählerian Structure on the Product of Two Trans-Sasakian Manifolds
Domaine : Geometry
Mots Clés : Trans-Sasakian manifolds, Kählerian manifolds; product manifolds
Auteur : Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali
vol : 13, Num : 2,
Résume :
It’s shown that for some changes of metrics and structural tensors, the product of two transSasakian manifolds is a Kählerian manifold. This gives new positive answer and more generally to Blair-Oubin˜a’s open question. (See [7] and [17]). Concrete examples are given.
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GGA+U Study of electronic and magnetic properties of Pr(Fe/Cr)O3 cubic perovskites,
La revue : Journal of supercond.
Auteur : M. Rezaiguia, W. Benstaali, A. Abbad, S. Bentata, B. Bouhafs
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Spin-polarized structural, elastic, electronic and magnetic properties of half-metallic ferromagnetism in V-doped ZnSe
La revue : Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Half-metallic; Magnetic moment B and structure; FP-LAPW; GGA
Auteur : M El Amine Monir, H Baltache, G Murtaza, R Khenata, Waleed K Ahmed, A Bouhemadou, S Bin Omran, T. Seddik
Issn : 0304-8853
vol : 374, pp : 50-60
Résume :
Based on first principles spin-polarized density functional theory, the structural, elastic electronic and magnetic properties of Zn1−xVxSe (for x=0.25, 0.50, 0.75) in zinc blende structure have been studied. The investigation was done using the full-potential augmented plane wave method as implemented in WIEN2k code. The exchange-correlation potential was treated with the generalized gradient approximation PBE-GGA for the structural and elastic properties. Moreover, the PBE-GGA+U approximation (where U is the Hubbard correlation terms) is employed to treat the “d” electrons properly. A comparative study between the band structures, electronic structures, total and partial densities of states and local moments calculated within both GGA and GGA+U schemes is presented. The analysis of spin-polarized band structure and density of states shows the half-metallic ferromagnetic character and are also used to determine s(p)-d exchange constants N0α (conduction band ) and N0β (valence band) due to Se(4p)–V(3d) hybridization. It has been clearly evidence that the magnetic moment of V is reduced from its free space change value of 3 µB and the minor atomic magnetic moment on Zn and Se are generated.
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Study of Tunnelig Transport in Disorder DNA Structures
La revue : Journal of Applied Sciences
Auteur : R. Bentata and S. Bentata
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A new FCA-based method for identifying biclusters in gene expression data
La revue : International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Domaine : Informatique
Mots Clés : Biclustering · Formal concept analysis · Data mining · Bioinformatics · DNA microarray data · Bond correlation measure
Auteur : Amina Houari, Wassim Ayadi, Sadok Ben Yahia
Issn : 1868-8071
vol : 9, Num : 11, pp : 1879-1893
Résume :
Biclustering has been very relevant within the field of gene expression data analysis. In fact, its main thrust stands in its ability to identify groups of genes that behave in the same way under a subset of samples (conditions). However, the pioneering algorithms of the literature has shown some limits in terms of the quality of unveiled biclusters. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm, called BiFCA+, for biclustering microarray data. BiFCA+ heavily relies on the mathematical background of the formal concept analysis, in order to extract the set of biclusters. In addition, the Bond correlation measure is of use to filter out the overlapping biclusters. The extensive experiments, carried out on real-life datasets, shed light on BiFCA+’s ability to identify statistically and biologically significant biclusters.
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Structural disorder and its effect in laser wavelength GaAs-Alx Ga1-xAs superlattices
Auteur : R.Djelti, S. Bentata, Z. Aziz and A. Bebes
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البيئة وسبل حمايتها في الجزائر
La revue : Revue Etudes en Economie et Commerce et Finance Alger3
Domaine : الاقتصاد البيئي
Mots Clés : جائحة كورونا، البيئة، التلوث البيئي، التدهور البيئي،التكنولوجيا النظيفة،
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية
Issn : 6774- 2600
Eissn : 6774- 2600 vol : 9, Num : 1, pp : 707-728
Résume :
The research deals with the subject of environemental protection in Algeria in the framework of sustainable development and biodiversity through a regulation of the negative behaviour of the citizen by using a range of texts and procedures that put an end to the aggressions suffered this environement. The study concluded that when it comes to preserving the evironment, it is not enough to legislate, but rather to coordinate all the efforts of stakeholders to mitigate the risks of various types of pollution. Abstract: La recherche traite du sujet de la protection de l’environnement en Algérie dans le cadre du developpement durable et la biodiversité à travers une régulation du comportement négatif du citoyen en usant d’une panoplie de textes et de procédures qui mettent fin aux agressions que subit cet environnement. L’étude a conclu à une réalité ; quand il s’agit de préserver l’environnement, il ne suffit pas légiférer ne suffit pas mais plutôt coordonner tous les efforts des parties prenantes pour atténuer les risques de pollutions diverses. يعالج البحث مسألة حماية البيئة في الجزائر في إطار تحقيق التنمية المستدامة والتنوع البيولوجي، من خلال ضبط السلوك السلبي للمواطن بمجموعة من القوانين و الإجراءات التي تحد من التدهور البيئي. توصلت الدراسة إلىحقيقة أنه عندما يتعلق الأمر بحماية البيئة فلا يكفي الإعتماد على سن القوانين و انما يرتبط بتكاتف الجهود بين كل الأطراف المعنية للحد من خطر التلوث بمختلف أشكاله.
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الشراكة بين القطاعين العام و الخاص و دورها في تحقيق التنمية في الجزائر : فرص و تحديات
La revue : Revue Les Cahiers du POIDEX
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : الشراكة قطاع عام - قطاع خاص ; التنمية ; الجزائر
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; K. Ali
Eissn : 2600-6383 vol : 8, Num : 1, pp : 122-133
Résume :
عتمـدت الحكومـة الجزائريـة في السـنوات الأخـيرة مبـادرات كبـيرة و متعـددة هتـدف إلى تشـجيع الشـراكة بـين القطـاعين العـام والخـاص. فحسب العديد من الخبراء و المحللين، لا تزال هذه الحملة بدائية كو�ا لم تساهم إلى حد كبير للمساعدة من حيث النتائج لتصبح أداة لتحسين وترشيد الإنفاق العام لاسيما اشكالية الإطار القانوني و وضوحه للمتعاملين الاقتصاديين. الغرض من هـذه الورقـة هـو تحليـل و قراءة لهاته المبادرة الى جانب دراسة فرص تفعيلها و تحقيقها للتنمية الاقتصادية المستدامة لتجنب تكرار الأخطاء الماضية مع المقارنة ابلتجارب الدولية و على الخصوص للدول الشقيقة كالمغرب و تونس.
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The Stress Triaxiality Effect under Large Plastic Deformation of a Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
La revue : International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa,
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Triaxiality, Plastic instability, polyester; Damage
Auteur : Abdel-Nour Zaim, Benattou Bouchouicha, Meddah Hadj Miloud, EL Bahri Ould Chikh
Issn : 1663-4144
vol : 34, pp : 13-28
Résume :
In this work, we focus on a new generation of polymer named Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). In order to analyse and determine true behaviour of this polymer, a special experimental method was used. Hence, the true stress/strain responses are investigated under a large plastic deformation in different stress triaxiality frameworks with a particular attention on the volumetric strain evolution, with their decomposition to an elastic volumetric strain, plastic volumetric strain and the pure shear. Moreover, the effect of stress triaxiality on the plastic instability and the fracture strain is also examined. With the plastic instability analysis, it was found that plastic strain hardening increases gradually with the triaxiality. Finally, in order to evaluate the damage of this polymer, a theoretical damage formula is proposed.
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A component-based language specific to complex systems modeling
La revue : 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration (IRI)
Domaine : Informatic
Mots Clés : Complex Systems , Component-Based Language , Domain-Specific Language , SysML
Auteur : houraya Bouabana-Tebibel ; Stuart H. Rubin ; Kadaouia Habib ; Sofia Mellah ; Lynda Allata
Num : 13867497,
Résume :
Abstract: The modeling and design of complex systems continues to face grand challenges in feedback and control. Existing languages and tools, either textual or graphical, bring some improvement for such purposes, but much remains to be done in order to readily insure scalability. In this paper, we propose a language, which gathers specialization and composition properties. It is our belief that the latter properties bear the necessary capabilities to overcome the difficulties raised when developing these systems. The language is designed, on one hand, in a way to be specific to complex system domains. It supports, on the other hand, a component-based structure that conforms to a user-friendly component assembly. It is conceived in the spirit of SysML concepts. Its' programs generate Internal Block Diagrams. A programming tool is built on the basis of the Eclipse framework.
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Improved IMC-Filter Design to IMC-PI Equivalence: Application to Quadrotor
La revue : IFAC-PapersOnLine
Domaine : Control
Mots Clés : Reference model IDA-PBC Autonomous UAV Internal energy Tracking control
Auteur : Yasser Bouzid, Houria Siguerdidjane, M Zareb, Yasmina Bestaoui.
Issn : 2405-8963
Eissn : 24058963 vol : 52, Num : 12, pp : 158-163
Résume :
This paper proposes a method to reach the equivalence between an IMC and a PI controller regardless of the model order. To this end, the key idea consists of using a specific IMC filter that exhibits a good level of robustness and further leads to get a structure of a PI controller whatever the order of the model is. The developed procedure constitutes the main contribution of this paper. To meet given set of specifications, the controller parameters are tuned through a straightforward analytic way using the dynamics of the tracking error. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the efficiency level of this procedure, an application to control an autonomous vehicle is described and the simulation results are shown to be satisfactory.
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Ab-initio study of optoelectronic and magnetic properties of the orthorhombic NdMnO 3 perovskite
Auteur : B. Bouadjemi, S. Bentata, A. Abbad and W. Benstaali
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Finite element based fatigue analysis of 6082 Aluminum alloy under random loading
Auteur : Khellafi Habib , Bendouba Mostefa ,Djebli Abdelkader, Aid Abdelkrim, Benseddiq Noureddine , Benguediab Mohamed , Talh Abderrahim.
vol : 5 (2018), pp : 73–80
Résume :
Mechanical and structural components are subject in the most cases during their services to random loading. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce the complex history of these kinds of loading in a series of constant amplitude cycles. There are several counting methods that lead to different results. Among all these methods, it is recognized that the Rainflow Cycle Counting method provides the most conservative results. In this paper, a finite elements analysis technique is presented to predict the fatigue life using this method associate with the S-N method which is used for high cycle fatigue applications that makes no distinction between initiation or growing a crack, but rather, predicts the total life to failure. Comparison between numerical and experimental results is considering in this paper.
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Evapotranspiration and Surface Energy Fluxes Estimation Using the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus Image over a Semiarid Agrosystem in the North-West of Algeria
La revue : Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia
Domaine : Télédétection
Mots Clés : evapotranspiration, remote sensing, METRIC, energy balance, Landsat
Auteur : Nehal Laounia, Hamimed Abderrahmane, Khaldi Abdelkader, Souidi Zahira, Zaagane Mansour
Issn : 0102-7786
Eissn : 1982-4351 vol : 32, Num : 4, pp : 691-702
Résume :
Monitoring evapotranspiration and surface energy fluxes over a range of spatial and temporal scales is crucial for many agroenvironmental applications. Different remote sensing based energy balance models have been developed, to estimate evapotranspiration at both field and regional scales. In this contribution, METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration), has been applied for the estimation of actual evapotranspiration in the Ghriss plain in Mascara (western Algeria), a semiarid region with heterogeneous surface conditions. Four images acquired during 2001 and 2002 by the Landsat-7 satellite were used. The METRIC model followed an energy balance approach, where evapotranspiration is estimated as the residual term when net radiation, sensible and soil heat fluxes are known. Different moisture indicators derived from the evapotranspiration were then calculated: reference evapotranspiration fraction, Priestley-Taylor parameter and surface resistance to evaporation. The evaluation of evapotranspiration and surface energy fluxes are accurate enough for the spatial variations of evapotranspiration rather satisfactory than sophisticated models without having to introduce an important number of parameters in input with difficult accessibility in routine. In conclusion, the results suggest that METRIC can be considered as an operational approach to predict actual evapotranspiration from agricultural areas having limited amount of ground information.
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Preparation of Hybrid Material Based of PANI with SiO2 and Its Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solution
La revue : Polymer Science, Series B.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Conjugated polymer. Poly(orthophenylenediamine). Modifed-clay. Electrochemical properties
Auteur : A. Belalia
Issn : 1560-0904
vol : 60, pp : 816-824
Résume :
PANI and PANI-SiO2 were prepared by chemical oxidative polymerization in acidic medium of hydrochloric acid (1 M) using ammonium persulfate as oxidant. The developed adsorbents were characterized using various analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and physical adsorption of gases. To further explore the advantages of these materials for real applications, we investigated the electrochemical properties of these samples electrodes. The efficiency of PANI, SiO2 and PANI-SiO2 for the adsorptive removal of phenol (Ph) from aqueous solutions has been evaluated with respect of several experimental conditions. These latter has to do with the effect of contact time and the effect of pH. The experimental data were analyzed by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The Langmuir isotherm fits the experimental data very well due to the homogeneous distribution of active sites onto adsorbents surface. The kinetics study revealed that adsorption of Ph onto three samples follows the pseudo-second order kinetic model.
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Examining the connection amongst renewable energy, economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions in Algeria
La revue : Ekonometri ve İstatistik e-Dergisi
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Salah Eddine Sari Hassoun, Mohammed Mékidiche, Mohammed Seghir Guellil
Issn : 2651-396X
vol : 14, Num : 29, pp : 199 - 223
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A New Class of Golden Riemannian Manifold
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Almost contact metric structure, Almost Golden structure, Golden sectional curvature
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici
Issn : 1307-5624
vol : 13, Num : 1, pp : 1-8
Résume :
In this paper, we introduce a new class of almost Golden Riemannian structures and study their essential examples as well as their fundamental properties. Next, we investigate a particular type belonging to this class and we establish some basic results for Riemannian curvature tensor and the sectional curvature. Concrete examples are given.
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Consommation d'Energie et Croissance Economique : Essai d'Analyse par le Recours A la Cointegration en Panel
La revue : Revue Valaque d'Etudes Economiques
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Yassine Zakarya GHOUALI, Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL
Issn : 2067 – 9459
vol : 5, Num : 19, pp : 49-62
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Theoretical prediction of half metallic ferromagnetic full-Heusler alloys Cs2 CrGe
Auteur : S. Cherid W. Benstaali, A. Abbad, S. Bentata, T. Lantri, B. Abbar,
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الاقتصاد الوطني وضرورة التحول إلى الاقتصاد الأخضر– تهديدات الحاضر و تحديات المستقبل
La revue : دفاتر البحوث العلمية
Domaine : إقتصاد الأخضر
Mots Clés : الطاقة الأحفورية ; الاقتصاد الأخضر ; التهديدات والتحديات
Auteur : لقام عبد الكريم بوجلال و بوزنورة أسماء
Eissn : 2716-8379 vol : 10, Num : 01, pp : 59-78
Résume :
الإكراهات البيئية من تدهور التربة، تغير المناخ وتعدد أشكال التلوث، إضافة إلى التهديدات التي يعاني منها الاقتصاد من خطر النضوب والأزمات الاقتصادية لاعتماده على الطاقات الأحفورية، كلها رهانات رئيسية تواجهها الجزائر وتفرض إعادة توجيه النموذج الاقتصادي نحو اقتصاد أخضر. وهذا ما عمدت إليه الجزائر منذ اثنى عشر سنة خاصة في مجالي الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح، إلا أنها لاتزال في بدايتها مع مواجهتها لتحديات عدة. فاستغلال الطاقات المتجددة في الجزائر يظل ضعيف جدا لم يتعد 0.5℅ من الاستهلاك الكلي وإنتاج الوقود الحيوي يبقى منعدما أما إنتاج الكهرباء انطلاقا من الموارد الطبيعية المتجددة يظل هو الآخر محدودا، مع استمرار الاعتماد الكبير على موارد الطاقة الأحفورية. نظرا للتكلفة المرتفعة لبرنامج التوجه نحو الطاقات المتجددة.
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Novel Blind CFO Estimation Method for OFDM/OQAM System
La revue : IEEE Communications Letters
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : OFDM/OQAM Estimation CFO
Auteur : Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi
Issn : 1089-7798
Eissn : 1558-2558 vol : 24, Num : 7, pp : 1451 - 1454
Résume :
To solve the performance degradation due to Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) for OFDM/OQAM system, a new blind CFO estimation method is proposed in this letter. This method uses the header structure of the transmitted signal by considering that there is an OFDM/OQAM symbol of null-valued OQAM symbols before the first one and exploits the orthogonality among subcarriers as well as the orthogonality between synthesis and analysis filter banks to estimate the CFO. Therefore, without compromising the spectral efficiency of OFDM/OQAM system this method can estimate accurately the CFO. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Structural, electronic and elastic properties of the new ternary alkali metal chalcogenides KLiX (X= S, Se and Te)
La revue : Computational materials science
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : A. Alkali metal chalcogenides B. FP-L/APW + lo method D. Structural properties D. Elastic constants D. Electronic properties
Auteur : T. Seddik, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, D Rached, Dinesh Varshney, S Bin-Omran
Issn : 0927-0256
vol : 61, pp : 206-212
Résume :
The structural, electronic and elastic properties of the tetragonal alkali metal chalcogenides KLiX [X: S, Se and Te] have been investigated using the full-potential (linearized) augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method. The exchange–correlation potential is treated within the generalized gradient approximation of Wu and Cohen. Moreover, the alternative form of GGA proposed by Engel and Vosko is also used for the electronic properties. The calculated structural parameters are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The elastic constants Cij are predicted using the total energy variation versus strain technique. The polycrystalline elastic moduli, namely; shear modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, sound velocities and Debye temperature are derived from the obtained single-crystal elastic constants. Brittleness behavior of these compounds is interpreted via the calculated elastic constants Cij. Calculated band structures show that KLiS and KLiSe have an indirect energy band gap, whereas KLiTe has a direct energy band gap. The contribution of alkali metals and chalcogen atoms to the electronic band structure and electronic density of states has been analyzed. This is the first quantitative theoretical prediction of the elastic and electronic properties for these investigated compounds and still awaits experimental confirmations.
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A Leaky Wave Antenna Design Based on Half-mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology for X Band Applications
La revue : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Domaine : telecommunications
Auteur : S. Doucha, M. Abri, H. Abri Badaoui, B. Fellah
Issn : 2088-8708
Eissn : 10.11591/ijece.v7i6.pp3467-3474 vol : 07, Num : 06, pp : 3467~3474
Résume :
A new type of leaky-wave antenna (LWA) using half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) as the base structure is proposed in this paper. The structure consists of an array of slot, antenna designed to operate in X band applications from 8 to 12 GHz. HMSIW preserves nearly all the advantages of SIW whereas its size is nearly reduced by half. The antenna radiates one main beam that can be steered from the backward to the forward direction by changing frequency. Copyright © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.
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Examples of Shrinkage Estimators of the Mean, Dominating the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Larges Dimension
La revue : IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)
Domaine : Mathematics
Mots Clés : ames-Stein estimator, multivariate normal distribution, non-central chi-square distribution, quadratic risk, shrinkage estimator.
Auteur : Abdenour Hamdaoui, Nadia Mezouar, Djamel Benmansour, and Driss Bouguenna*
Eissn : 2278-5728 vol : 12, Num : 3, pp : 14-28
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New Design of Pilot Patterns for Joint Semi-Blind Estimation of CFO and Channel for OFDM Systems
La revue : AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : Joint Semi-Blind Estimation
Auteur : Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi
Issn : 1434-8411
Eissn : 1434-8411 vol : 69, Num : 4, pp : 759-764
Résume :
The greatest threat to the OFDM system is the loss of orthogonality between subcarriers due to the carrier frequency offset (CFO) which results in significant performance degradation. In addition to this last problem was the effect of propagation over multipath fading channel. Hence, both the channel and the CFO need to be estimated and corrected at the receiver for subsequent symbol detection. A new joint semi-blind CFO and channel estimation method for OFDM systems operating in multipath fading channels is investigated in this paper. The proposed algorithms are based on virtual subcarriers (VSC) in one hand and on a new design of pilot patterns in OFDM blocks in other hand. We propose to use Newton-Raphson algorithm for the estimation of CFO that has a faster convergence and a lower complexity compared to similar estimators that not employed this algorithm. Finally, we derive the Modified Cramer-Rao bounds (MCRB) for semi-blind CFO and channel estimation to evaluate the performance bounds of the proposed methods for commonly encountered scenarios. The simulation results are given to verify the validity of the proposed methods.
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Fuzzy sliding mode control for synchronous machine
La revue : Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Serie Électrotechnique et Énergétique
Domaine : Électrotechnique et Énergétique
Mots Clés : Machine synchrone à aimant permanent (MSAP), Contrôle robuste, Régulateur hybride par mode glissant, Commande par logique floue (CLF), Commande par mode glissant (SMC), Régulateur mode glissant floue (RMGF) (Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), Robust control, Sliding mode hybrid regulator, Fuzzy logic control (FLC), Sliding mode control (SMC), F
Auteur : Ahmed Larbaoui, Baghdad Belabbes, Abdelkader Meroufel, Driss Bouguenna
Eissn : 0035-4066 vol : 62, Num : 2, pp : 192-196
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Study of a new electrostatic precipitator with asymmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration for cement particles collection
La revue : Journal of Electrostatics
Domaine : Elsevier
Mots Clés : Electrostatic precipitator Corona discharge High resistivity particles Asymmetrical geometry Collection efficiency
Auteur : F Kherbouche, Y Benmimoun, A Tilmatine, A Zouaghi, N Zouzou
Issn : 0304-3886
vol : 83, pp : 7-15
Résume :
In this paper, a new electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with asymmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration is investigated experimentally and numerically. The main objective is to evaluate the collection efficiency of high resistivity particles.The electrical measurements show that the corona discharge behavior is similar to that obtained in symmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration. Results show that the collection efficiency can reach 95% in the case of negative corona discharge. In order to understand the particle trajectories inside the ESP, the experimental results are compared with numerical simulation by using a coupled model. Numerical results indicate that particles can be collected on the collecting electrode backside.
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أثر تغيرات بيئة الأعمال على نشاط الشركات العائلية . - دراسة تحليلية لمقياس الأعمال السنوي للشركات العائلية الأوربية 2017 –
La revue : Beam Journal of economic studies
Domaine : Management international
Mots Clés : : مناخ الأعمال ، الشركات العائلية الأوربية ، النجاعة ، البارومتر السنوي 2017 ، الإبداع والتطوير .
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Issn : 2661-779X
vol : 04, Num : 01, pp : 274-285.
Résume :
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل الأثر الكبير الذي تحدثه التفاعلات العامة والخاصة للشركات العائلية مهما كان حجمها ونشاطها مع مناخ الأعمال السائد في موقعها الجغرافي و تفاعلها مع بيئتها الداخلية والخارجية ومسؤوليتها اتجاه الأطراف أصحاب المصلحة - أكد الاستبيان السنوي لعام 2017 من إعداد الفدرالية الأوربية للشركات العائلية EBF ومجموعة مستشاري شركة مرافقة الأعمال العائلية KPMG ، بعد أن حقق نسبة أكثر من 1100 إجابة من مالكي الشركات العائلية في كل مكان في أوروبا لسنة 2017، على قوة روابط الشركات العائلية الأوربية على الرغم من التحديات التي تواجهها يوميا وإعادة استثمار أرباحهم والبحث عن الجديد و الفرص التطويرية التي تسمح لهم بخلق ظروف ملائمة للنمو المستدام لشركاتهم .
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Taux de change et croissance économique en Afrique du Nord
La revue : Revue Algérienne d'Economie et de Management
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : Taux de change, régime du change, croissance économique, Afrique du Nord.
Auteur : Z. M'hamed
Eissn : 2600-6197 vol : 8, Num : 1, pp : 47-59
Résume :
L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser la relation empirique entre le régime de change et la croissance économique pour certains pays de l’Afrique du Nord (Algérie, Egypte, Maroc et Tunisie), entre 1980 et 2014. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent un effet significatif du régime de change sur la croissance, que ce soit par le biais d’une combinaison de l’accroissement des échanges commerciaux et du taux d’investissement ou par celui d’un niveau important de l’ouverture commerciale. Il apparaît donc que l’abandon des régimes fixes observé par ces pays au cours de ces dernières décennies se justifie par un objectif de stabilité de leurs croissances.
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الضغط النفسي واستراتيجيات مواجهته
La revue : مجلة الحكمة
Domaine : علم النفس الاكلينيكي
Mots Clés : الضغط النفسي الحالي، الضغط النفسي المت
Auteur : بن مصمودي علي
Num : 07, pp : 74-81
Résume :
اهم الاستراتيجيات التي يستخدمها الفرد لمواجهة الضغوط النفسية
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Régime De Change Et Croissance En Méditerranée : Une étude Empirique
La revue : المجلة المغاربية للإقتصاد و المانجمت
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : Régime de change, croissance économique, données de panel
Auteur : Z. M'hamed
Issn : 2170-1083
Eissn : 2600-6138 vol : 2, Num : 1, pp : 24-35
Résume :
Cet article réexamine la contribution du régime de change à la croissance sur la base d’estimations en données de panel pour 8 pays méditerranéens couvrant la période 1980 à 2013. Nos estimations valident l’hypothèse d’une influence positive du régime de change sur la croissance, que ce soit par le biais d’une combinaison de l’accroissement des échanges commerciaux et du taux d’investissement ou par celui d’un niveau important de l’ouverture commerciale. Il apparait donc que l’abandon des régimes fixes observé au cours de la dernière décennie se justifie par un objectif de stabilité de la production.
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Study of electronic and magnetic properties of binary zinc sulfide and ternary manganese - and iron-substituted alloys
Auteur : A. Abbad, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali, H.A. Bentounes, and B.Bouadjemi
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التعسف في استعمال حق الطلاق
La revue : مجلة الحضارة افسلامية
Domaine : شريعة
Mots Clés : الطلاق التعسفي، التعسف، الطلاق، التليق ، الضرر، التعويض الضمان ، المسؤولية0
Auteur : عمري رشيد
Issn : ISSN: 1112- 5357
Eissn : EISSN 2602 5736 vol : 19, Num : 01, pp : 227-256.
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La Gouvernance Bancaire, En Algérie, à L'épreuve De La Crise Pétrolière : Défis Et Enjeux.
La revue : Finance & marchés
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : Partenariat ; Accord d’association ; Modèle d’équilibre général calculable ; Matrice de comptabilité sociale ; Algérie ; Union européenne
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; R. Lotfi
Eissn : 2602-5191 vol : 6, Num : 2, pp : 22-46
Résume :
Dans cette étude, nous tentons d’analyser les perspectives de l’économie algérienne dans le contexte actuel de chute des prix pétroliers sur le système bancaire et le développement économique. Pour cela, nous discutons la question de la gouvernance de système bancaire algérien et ses défis face à cette nouvelle conjoncture pétrolière, et qui place l’Algérie devant des choix difficiles accompagnée par un recul de 30% de la fiscalité pétrolière, une essence pour les plans de dépenses du gouvernement.
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Experimental and Theoretical Study of Tetracaine-Hydrochloride β-Cyclodextrin Complexation
La revue : Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences
Domaine : Materials and Environmental Sciences
Mots Clés : Complexation, Tetracaine hydrochloride, 1H-NMR, β-Cyclodextrin, UV-Visible Spectrophotometry, quantum calculations
Auteur : M.A. Nouairi, T. Fergoug, M. Azayez, H. Boujoures, C. Zelmat, Y.Bouhadda
Issn : ISSN: 2028-2508
vol : Volume 8, Num : issue 5, pp : 1589-1598
Résume :
The complexation of the drug Tetracaine-hydrochloride (TC,HCl) with β- cyclodextrin (β-CD) was studied by means of UV-Visible Spectrophotometry and positive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ESI+/MS and 1D 1H-NMR. The experimental results confirm that an inclusion complex was formed between the drug and β-CD and that the cationic end of the guest molecule is inserted into β-CD cavity. Quantum semi-empirical calculations were performed to determine the best inclusion pathway between the cationic Tetracaine and the β-CD. Potential energy scan showed that the most stable inclusion complex is obtained when the guest molecule is inserted with its ammonium group into the cavity of β-CD from its wider rim in accordance to experimental results.
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Optical Code Division Multiple Access for a FTTH system
La revue : Photonics Letters of Poland
Domaine : Optical Communication
Auteur : M.Bouregaa, M.Chikh-Bled, M.Debbal, C.Ouadah, H.Chikh-Bled
Issn : 2080-2242
vol : 10, Num : 04, pp : 121-123
Résume :
Many multiple access techniques have been proposed and demonstrated to provide flexible solutions for FTTH network configurations. The performance of this system suffers because of the correlation properties that contribute to a high level of Multiple Access Interference (MAI), low system capacity (users), and lower transmission rate. In this paper, we have proposed Optical CDMA (OCDMA) as a configuration solution for FTTH networks to improve the performance of this type of network.
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3-dimensional Golden almost contact metric manifolds
La revue : Palestine Journal of Mathematics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Golden manifold; Almost contact metric manifold.
Auteur : Beldjilali gherici
Issn : 2219-5688
vol : 9, Num : 1, pp : 594-603
Résume :
In this work, we have dealt with almost contact metric structures induced by Golden structures and simultaneously as one can be obtained from the other, and provided the following results besides some side ones. Various examples are discussed.
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مدى توفر معاير جودة التعليم العالي من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية :دراسة ميدانية بكلية الأداب و اللغات جامعة معسكر .
La revue : الناصرية للدرسات الاجتماعية و التاريخية
Domaine : علم النفس و علوم التربية
Mots Clés : هيئة التدريس ،معاير الجودة ،التعليم العالي ،الجامعة
Auteur : صدار لحسن ،مزيان محمد
Issn : 2170-1822
Eissn : 2600-6189 vol : ?????? ?????? , Num : ??? ??? ?????? 2018, pp : 333-364
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Elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of fluoro-perovskite KZnF 3 via first-principles calculations
La revue : Applied Physics A
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Ab initio calculation; FP-APW + lo; Structural properties; Elastic constants
Auteur : T. Seddik, R Khenata, O Merabiha, A Bouhemadou, S Bin-Omran, D Rached
Issn : 0947-8396
vol : 106, Num : 3, pp : 645-653
Résume :
The elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of fluoro-perovskite KZnF3 have been calculated using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The exchange-correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE). Also, we have used the Engel and Vosko GGA formalism (GGA-EV) to improve the electronic band structure calculations. The calculated structural properties are in good agreement with available experimental and theoretical data. The elastic constants C ij are calculated using the total energy variation with strain technique. The shear modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and the Lamé coefficients for polycrystalline KZnF3 aggregates are estimated in the framework of the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximations. The ductility behavior of this compound is interpreted via the calculated elastic constants C ij . Electronic and bonding properties are discussed from the calculations of band structure, density of states and electron charge density. The thermodynamic properties are predicted through the quasi-harmonic Debye model, in which the lattice vibrations are taken into account. The variation of bulk modulus, lattice constant, heat capacities and the Debye temperature with pressure and temperature are successfully obtained.
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Étude numérique du couplage de la convection libre avec le transfert de masse dans une cavité cylindrique verticale annulaire
La revue : R E C U E I L D E M É C A N I Q U E
Domaine : transfer de chaleur et masse
Mots Clés : heat transfer and mass
Auteur : Mohamed Amine MEDEBBER, Noureddine RETIEL, Belkacem OULD SAID
vol : 05, Num : 01, pp : 4 3 0 – 4 3 9
Résume :
This study concerns the two-dimensional numerical simulation of the double diffusive convection in cylindrical vertical annular cavity. The vertical walls are maintained at different uniform temperatures and concentration. The governing equations are solved numerically using the finite volume method. The coupling between the continuity and momentum equations is effected using the SIMPLER algorithm. Numerical analysis has been carried out for a wide range of the buoyancy ratio (N=0.8 and 1.3). The influence of the buoyancy ratio (N) parameters on the streamlines, isotherms, isoconcentration, average Nusselt number and Sherwood numbers has been numerically investigated in detail.
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Synthesis and characterization of poly (2,5-diyl pyrrole-2-pyrrolyl methine) semiconductor copolymer
La revue : Journal of Semiconductors
Domaine : Chimie
Mots Clés : proposed technique; Maghnite-H+ catalyst; conducting PPPM copolymer; pyrrole; pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde
Auteur : H. Gherras, A. Yahiaoui, A. Hachemaoui, A. Belfedal, A. Dehbi, A-H I. Mourad;
vol : 39, Num : 09,
Résume :
In the current research, the proposed technique to synthesise poly {(2,5-diyl pyrrole) (2-pyrrolyl methine)} (PPPM) copolymer by condensation of pyrrole and pyrrole-2- carboxaldehyde monomers catalyzed by Maghnite-H+ is introduced. The protons are exchanged with Maghnite-H+, which is available in the form of a montmorillonite silicate clay sheet. The effect of several parameters such as time and temperature of copolymerization, [pyrrole]/[pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde] molar ratio, amount of Maghnite-H+, and solvent on the produced poly (2,5-diyl pyrrole-2- pyrrolyl methine) semiconductor copolymer material (yield%) was investigated.
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Agriculture Gross Production Value- Arable Land- Active Population in Agricultural Sector and Energy Consumption Causality in 76 countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
La revue : New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL? Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Samir GHOUALI
Issn : 2547-8818
vol : 4, Num : 10, pp : 406-416
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Caractérisation d’un cordon de soudure Par FSW: Cas des matériaux polymères
La revue : Nature & Technology,
Domaine : sciences des matériaux
Mots Clés : Polymères, essais de traction, FSW, FEM, couplage, procédé-propriété
Auteur : Hachellaf Kaddour, Meddah Hadj Miloud, Ould Chikh El Bahri et Lounis Abdellah
Num : 18, pp : 83-86
Résume :
Le but de notre travail expérimental est de proposer un modèle d’outil qui pourrait être utilisé comme un outil prédictif pour obtenir une bonne soudure des polymères comme le PEHD par la technique de soudage par friction malaxage FSW ou un soudage linéaire des plaques plates minces. Une série des essais expérimentaux concernant ce type de soudage (FSW) ont été réalisés avec différents type d'outils en fonction des paramètres optimaux de soudage tel que la vitesse d'avance, la vitesse de rotation, la forme géométrique d’outil, … etc. Des résultats satisfaisants ont été obtenus montrant l’influence de ces paramètres sur la qualité du joint.
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تنظيم الضمان الاجتماعي في دول المغرب العربي،دراسة مقارنة بين الجزائر والمغرب
La revue : مجلة المعيار
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : الحماية الإجتماعية - هياكل الضمان الإجتماعي - - مبدأ التوحيد- النظام الإجباري- الأنظمة التكميلية
Eissn : 2588-2384 vol : 32, Num : 03, pp : 562-589
Résume :
يعتبر الحق في الضمان الاجتماعي من الحقوق التي كرّستها دساتير مختلف الدول ،حيث إنبثق هذا التكريس من المواثيق والإعلانات الدولية المختلفة لاسيما المادة 22 من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان، و التي نصت على أن:" كل شخص باعتباره عضوًا في المجتمع، له الحق في الضمان الاجتماعي " و إذا كان الإعتراف بالضمان الاجتماعي كنظام كامل متكامل هو القاسم المشترك لمختلف الدول على إختلاف أنظمتها السياسية و توجّهاتها الإقتصادية ، إلا أن الإختلاف يكمن في طريقة تجسيده و الهيئات المشرفة على تنفيذه و طريقة تمويله و من ثمة كيفية توزيع مداخيله، أما عن المخاطر التي يغطيها فهي لا تخرج عن تطبيق مقتضيات الإتفاقية الدولية رقم 102. تهدف الورقة العلمية المقدمة إلى إجراء دراسة مقارنة حول كيفية تطوّر تنظيم أنظمة الضمان الإجتماعي في كل من الجزائر والمغرب ، بغية معرفة طبيعة منظومة الضمان الاجتماعي في كل دولة و العوامل التي ساهمت في تحديدها بالتبعية ،كما تقتصر الدراسة على الجزائر و المغرب لتباين و إختلاف أنظمة الضمان الاجتماعي المطبقة في كل منهما. Abstract: The right to social security is one of the rights enshrined in the constitutions of the different States. This commitment stems from various international conventions and declarations, in particular article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization,..". If the recognition of social security as a complete integrated system is the common denominator of different states on the difference of their political systems and economic orientations, this difference lies in the manner of its embodiment and the bodies supervising its implementation and the manner of financing it and it is how to allocate its income, and the risks covered by it does not go to the application of the provisions of Convention no. 102. The paper aims to conduct a comparative study on how the organization of social security systems in Algeria and Morocco has evolved in order to know the nature of the social security system in each state and the factors that contributed to its subsequent identification, as the study on Algeria and Morocco are limited to security systems variation and difference social aspects of each
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Estimation of the energy of crack propagation in different zones of a welded joint by the local technique
La revue : Internatianal journal of Fracture
Mots Clés : Microhardness · Plastic zone · Local energy · Cracking · E48 Steel
Auteur : B. Bouchouicha, M. Zemri, A. Zaim, B. Ould Chikh
Issn : 2369-0739
Eissn : 2369-0747 vol : 192, pp : 107–116
Résume :
The fatigue damage of a material generally goes through of an incident or a heterogeneity producing a local stress concentration. The growth of crack is related to the existence of a plastic zone at the crack tip and accompanied by an energy dissipation. The objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of the energy at the crack tip during the propagation of a crack in a welded joint. In order to determine the energy nearest the end of the crack in the plastic zone, we used microhardnessmeasurements. The estimate of the total strain in each measurement point was determined by a polynomial relation between Hv and εt /2. After the determination of the average strain, the total energy in each zone was deducted. The higher value of this energy is in the Weld Metal, it is more lower in the Base Metal and even lower in the Heat Affected Zone.
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Agriculture gross production value – arable land – active population in agricultural sector and energy consumption causality in 76 countries: A dynamic panel data approach
La revue : New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
Domaine : Agriculture et l'Energetique
Mots Clés : Agriculture gross production value, arable land, active population, energy consumption, panel co - integration, panel Granger causality.
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir Guellil, Mostefa Belmokaddem, Samir Ghouali
Issn : 2547 - 8818
vol : 04, Num : 10, pp : 406-416
Résume :
The overall goal of this paper is to investigate the long run and casual relationship between agriculture gross production value (AGPV), arable land (AL), total economically active population in agricultural sector (APA) and total primary energy consumption in the agricultural sector given the historical trend of the se variables. For a panel of 76 countries during the period 1991–2012, the paper’s three main findings are that: (i)Neutrality hypothesis is adopted because there is no causality between AL and AGPV.; (ii) APA-led AGPV; (iii) Feedback hypothesis indicates that there are four cases of bidirectional causality between the rest of the variables. Adaptation measures are recommended for both authorities and farmers to ensure food security, such as providing incentives for farmers to adopt more recent technologies, which consumes less energy, land reclamation, steer more employees towards the agricultural sector.
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الإطار القانوني للمؤسسة العمومية في الجزائر كعون اقتصادي
La revue : جامعة الشارقة للعلوم القانونية
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : المؤسسة العمومية-المرفق العام- العون الاقتصادي
Eissn : 2616-6526 vol : 16, Num : 01,
Résume :
تسعى الجزائر كدولة يعيش اقتصادها مرحلته الانتقالية ، إيجاد حلول وسط تمكّنها من تفعيل المبادئ الأساسية لاقتصاد السوق ،بعد ضبط الآليات التي تكرّس الدور التنظيمي و الرقابي للدولة في المجال الإقتصادي. تعتبر المؤسسة العمومية بمفاهيمها المختلفة أحد أهمّ صور تدخل الدولة في المجال الإقتصادي. ترتبط دراسة المؤسسة العامة من الناحية القانونية ارتباطا و ثيقا بالنظرية التقليدية للمرفق العام و القانون الإداري ، لذلك فمن البديهي أن يؤدي تحوّل هذه النظرية – تحديثها – إلى تحوّل في الطبيعة القانونية للمؤسسة العامة و في طبيعة الوظائف التي تؤديها و التي ترتبط في جزء منها بإدارة المرافق العامة الإقتصادية . و من هذا المنطلق جاءت إشكالية الورقة المقدمة، للبحث في مدى ملائمة الإطار القانوني للمؤسسة العمومية الإقتصادية تحديدا لمبادئ و قواعد اقتصاد السوق و للآليات المختلفة التي تدار بها المرافق العامة الإقتصادية . Abstract: As a country whose economy is in transition, Algeria seeks to find solutions that help it to activate the basic principles of the market economy, without ignoring its significant role as a joint economic participant, after the organization of the mechanisms that devote the regulatory role of the state in the economic sector and the public institution in its different concepts, the role of the intervening participant and the officer emerge. The public institution is adopted by Algeria as well as other countries, in order to avoid misadministration and administrative routine, as it is considered a tool of economic planning. In this sense, the problematic presented this paper was to examine the appropriateness of the legal framework of the public economic institution specifically to the principles and rules of the market economy and to the different mechanisms in which the economic utilities are managed
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Nodal solutions for fourth order elliptic equations with critical exponent on compact manifolds
La revue : Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Domaine : Differential geometry
Mots Clés : Fourth elliptic equation; Nodal solutions; critical Sobolev exponent
Auteur : B. Mohamed B. Mohammed
Issn : 17476933, 17476941
vol : 63, Num : 10, pp : 1421-1437
Résume :
Using a variational method, we prove the existence of nodal solutions to prescribed scalar Q- curvature type equations on compact Riemannian manifolds with boundary. These equations are fourth-order elliptic equations with critical Sobolev growth.
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Causality between economic growth and investment in the United Arab Emirates
La revue : Int. J. Economics and Business Research
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Salem A Al-Jundi , Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL
Issn : 1756-9869
vol : 15, Num : 4, pp : 524-540
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Electronic transmission in random trimer InAs/In x Ga1 superlattices
Auteur : S.Terkhi, S.Bentata, R.Djelti, B.Bouadjemi
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3. Morphological and physicochemical properties of dip-coated poly (2,5-diyl pyrrole) [4-nitrobenzylidene] (PPNB) thin films: towards photovoltaic applications
La revue : Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys
Domaine : Chimie
Auteur : Y. Mouchaal, H. Gherras, A. B. Reguig, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui, M. Makha, A.Khelil, J-C. Bernede
Résume :
A new material: conjugated poly {(2,5-diyl pyrrole) [4-nitrobenzylid`ene]}, that we called (PPNB), has been synthesized and characterized. The cyclic voltammetry has been used in order to estimate first oxidation (Ep) and reduction (En) potentials of our polymer. These values have been assigned, respectively, to the position of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and determination of the energy band gap which have been estimated to be 6.16, 3.89 and 2.27 eV respectively.
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Les Transitions énergétiques Des Pays Méditerranéens;D’ici 2040. Etude Des Scénarios Proposés Par L’observatoire Méditerranéen De L’énergie Ome
La revue : الأفاق للدراسات الإقتصادية
Domaine : Economie de l'energie.
Mots Clés : L’énergie, le programme énergétique, L’efficacité énergétique, Les énergies renouvelables, L’Algérie.
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
vol : ?????? 3,,, Num : ????? 5, pp : ?????? 350-369
Résume :
Cette étude décrit les deux scénarios proposés par l’ Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’énergie (OME) d’ici 2040 , pour la production et la consommation de l’énergie dans les pays de nord et sud méditerranéen , Elle décrit les deux scénarios proposés par l’ Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’énergie (OME) d’ici 2040 , pour la production et la consommation de l’énergie dans les pays de nord et sud méditerranéen , plus les tendances d’efficacité énergétique dans ses pays et donc préciser les points positifs et négatifs des politiques énergétiques utilisés par voie d’analyse, comparaison et de conclusion, ce qui nous permet de saisir un nombre très important des informations utiles à l’illustration des tendances futurs dans le domaine de l’énergie pour ces pays.
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Ultraregular generalized functions of Colombeau type
La revue : J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; Regularity
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 15, Num : 4, pp : 427—447
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إدارة التنوع الثقافي في منظمات الأعمال الدولية . دراسة حالة شركة زين لاتصالات الخليج.
La revue : مجلة التنمية وإدارة الموارد البشرية
Domaine : Management des ressources humaines.
Mots Clés : التنوع ، إدارة التنوع ، الشركة الدولية ، التدريب الدولي ، شركة زين للاتصالات
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
vol : ?????? 6,, Num : ????? 2, , pp : 133-151
Résume :
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز الدور الإستراتيجي لإدارة التنوع الثقافي في الموارد البشرية ، الذي يعد من أكثر المواضيع أهمية و هذا نظرا للقناعة المتزايدة بأهمية إدارة وتنمية التنوع في الموارد البشرية كأحد العناصر العامة والمؤثرة في نجاح تلك المنظمات، مع الإشارة إلى حالة شركة زين للاتصالات التي حققت ميزة تنافسية مهمة في ميدان نشاطها بفضل استقطاب المواهب من مختلف الجنسيات وتطويرها وخلق بيئة عمل مناسبة بالتركيز على النجاعات العملية و ليس الاختلافات التي يمكن التعامل معها بإتباع استراتيجيات مدروسة لإدارة التنوع التي أصبحت من الأعراف الدولية اليومية في أماكن العمل.
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Chemical synthesis and characterization of a new soluble conducting polymer
La revue : Synthetic Metals
Domaine : Chimie
Auteur : H. Gherras, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui, A. Benyoucef, A.Belfedal, M.Belbachir
Issn : 03796779
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Structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of cubic REGa3 (RE= Sc or Lu) compounds: Ab initio study
La revue : Journal of alloys and compounds
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : FP-APW + lo; Electronic properties; Optical properties; Thermodynamic properties
Auteur : G Murtaza, SK Gupta, T. Seddik, R Khenata, ZA Alahmed, R Ahmed, H Khachai, PK Jha, S Bin Omran
Issn : 0925-8388
vol : 597, pp : 36-44
Résume :
Structural, elastic, optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties of REGa3 (RE = Sc and Lu) compounds have been studied self consistently by employing state of the art full potential (FP) linearized (L) approach of augmented plane wave (APW) plus local orbitals method. Calculations were executed at the level of Perdew–Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE) parameterized generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for exchange correlation functional in addition to modified Becke–Johnson (mBJ) potential. Our obtained results of lattice parameters show reasonable agreement to the previously reported experimental and other theoretical studies. Analysis of the calculated band structure of ScGa3 and LuGa3 compounds demonstrates their metallic character. Moreover, a positive value of calculated Cauchy pressure, in addition to reflecting their ductile nature, endorses their metallic character as well. To understand optical behavior calculations related to the important optical parameters; real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function, reflectivity R(ω), refractive index n(ω) and electron energy-loss function L(ω) have also been performed. In the present work, thermodynamically properties are also investigated by employing lattice vibrations integrated in quasi harmonic Debye model. Obtained results of volume, heat capacity and Debye temperature as a function of temperature for both compounds, at different values of pressure, are found to be consistent. The calculated value of melting temperature for both compounds (ScGa3 and LuGa3) is found to be similar to the experimental data with an underestimation of 5%.
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التعريف بجهود علما الجزائر في علم التصريف. أحمد أبو العباس الوهراني أنموذجا
La revue : مجلة المناهل
Domaine : علم الصرف/تراجم جزائرية
Mots Clés : لامية، الأفعال، الوهراني، شرح ابن مالك
Issn : 2437-0738
vol : 3, Num : 3, pp : 223-244
Résume :
حاولت في الورقة البحثية ان أميط اللثام عن احد أعلام الجزائرية في علم اللغة وفروعها، خاصة وأن صاحب هذا الشرح أعني الوهراني مغمور لا توجد له تراجمة في كتب التراجم، وكان الغرض في إجلاء جهود علماء الجزائر في الشروح الصرفية ، مبينا منهجه في الشرح بعد التعريف به وقيمة الشرح في ميزان الشروح الصرفية
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Mining Negative Correlation Biclusters from Gene Expression Data using Generic Association Rules
La revue : Procedia Computer Science
Domaine : Informatique
Mots Clés : Biclustering; Negative correlations; Generic Association Rules ; Data mining; Bioinformatic; DNA microarray data.
Auteur : Amina Houari, Wassim Ayadi, Sadok Ben Yahia
Issn : 1877-0509
vol : 112, pp : 278-287
Résume :
A majority of existing biclustering algorithms for microarrays data focus only on extracting biclusters with positive correlations of genes. Nevertheless, biological studies show that a group of biologically significant genes may exhibit negative correlations. In this paper, we propose a new biclustering algorithm, called NBic-ARM. Based on Generic Association Rules, our algorithm identifies negatively-correlated genes. To assess NBic-ARM’s performance, we carried out exhaustive experiments on three real-life datasets. Our results prove NBic-ARM’s ability to identify statistically and biologically significant biclusters.
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On Three Dimensional C12-Manifolds
La revue : Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Domaine : GD
Mots Clés : Almost contact metric structure, C12-manifolds, CR-manifolds.
Auteur : Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali and Benaoumeur Bayour
vol : N18, 2021, Num : 239 , pp : 1-13
Résume :
In this article, we study some properties of three dimensional C12-manifolds and we give a method of construction for normal manifold starting from a non-normal but integrable manifold. Concrete examples are given.
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L’impact Du Partenariat Euro-mediterraneen Sur L’economie Algerienne
La revue : Revue des Réformes Economique et intégration dans l’économie mondiale
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : Partenariat ; Accord d’association ; Modèle d’équilibre général calculable ; Matrice de comptabilité sociale ; Algérie ; Union européenne
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; K. Ali
Eissn : 2600-6502 vol : 13, Num : 3, pp : 326-339
Résume :
Dans le cadre de l’analyse des effets des accords d’association euro – méditerranéens, nous essayerons d’utiliser un modèle d’équilibre général calculable, afin de quantifier cet impact. Pour cet objectif, nous élaborerons une matrice de comptabilité sociale, qui nous permettra de valider notre modèle et d’effectuer nos simulations. Nous analyserons les scénarii relatifs à la substitution entre les importations et la production nationale, par les consommateurs et les producteurs. Pour la résolution du modèle, nous utiliserons le logiciel GAMS.
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Geometry of hypersurface γ×H2 in the geometry of Thurston F4
La revue : Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
Domaine : Géométrie différentielle
Mots Clés : Thurston geometry · Hypersurface · Minimal · Totally umbilical · Pseudo-parallel · Sasakian
Auteur : M. Belkhelfa, H. Boukhari, A. Hasni
vol : 59, Num : 4, pp : 739–760
Résume :
The aim of this paper is to give the conditions for the hypersurface γ × H2 to be minimal in Thurston geometry F4. In addition we show that γ ×H2 is not totally umbilical neither pseudo-parallel nor Sasakian, where γ is a curve in R2 and H2 is hyperbolic plane.
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Chemotaxis Behavior of Pseudomonas Species and Biodegradation of Pollutants
La revue : Springer
Domaine : Molecular Microbiology
Mots Clés : Biofilm, Chemotaxis , regulatory system
Auteur : Amina Meliani
Issn : 2210-4410
Eissn : 2210-4429 vol : 31, pp : 1 - 25
Résume :
Chemotaxis in Pseudomonas species is one of the most diversified and best-understood signal transduction network. Most strains possess one or two sets of the chemotaxis genes. They have the ability to sense changes in the concentration of chemicals in the environment and respond by altering their pattern of motility using the two chemotaxis pathways. The flagella-mediated pathway and the pili-mediated system are involved in bioremediation, pathogenesis and plant protection. Although a large number of Pseudomonas species have chemotaxis abilities, only seven species have had their chemotaxis abilities screened. P. aeruginosa is now considered as a model organism for the study of chemotaxis systems. This chapter reviews chemotaxis and biodegradation in Pseudomonas species.
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Tailoring the properties of polyanilines/SiC nanocomposites by engineering monomer and chain substituents
La revue : Journal of Molecular Structure.
Domaine : materials
Mots Clés : Nanocomposites. Polymer-SiC. Optical properties. Electrochemical properties
Auteur : F.Z.Kouidri
Issn : 0022-2860
vol : 1188, pp : 121-128
Résume :
Hybridization of nanomaterials constitutes an interesting approach to boost and develop novel properties and applications. In this work, different polyaniline (PANI)-derived polymer-SiC nanocomposites have been successfully synthesized by facile surface-initiated polymerization of aniline (ANI) and/or 4-Anisidine (4ANS) on HCl-functionalized SiC. The obtained materials were characterized by different analytical techniques as well as solubility, conductivity and electrochemical tests. The effect of the nature and combination of the substituents in the polymer was analyzed. XRD; thermogravimetry; and vibrational FTIR spectroscopy revealed effective polymerization and interaction between the polymers and the SiC nanoparticles to form PANI-SiC, poly(ANI-co-4ANS)-SiC and P4ANS-SiC nanocomposites. The presence of electron-donating (para) -OCH3 substituents was found to hinder this interaction and/or to retard the polymerization, decreasing the content and crystallinity of the polymer in the nanocomposite. However, the dispersibility of the nanocomposites in different solvents greatly increased, and the electroactive and optical properties were affected. As a result, the poly(ANI-co-4ANS)-SiC nanocomposite exhibits higher dispersibility, lower band gap, similar conductivity and richer electroactivity than PANI-SiC, and an intermediate polymerization yield. Then, engineering the substituents of polymer chains is demonstrated to be an efficient approach to tailor the properties of (PANI)-derived polymer-SiC nanocomposites.
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Alcohol Dehydrogenation on Kraft Lignin-Derived Chars with Surface Basicity
La revue : Catalysts.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : alcohol dehydrogenation; biomass; lignin; bio-char; CO2 gasification; activated carbon; sodium
Auteur : F. J. G. Mateos
Issn : 2073-4344
vol : 7, pp : 308
Résume :
The properties of lignin and its potential as a renewable source make it an ideal precursor for carbon products. Specifically, the high content of Na observed in Kraft lignin makes this industrial by-product an interesting precursor for the preparation of catalysts for different applications. In this work, basic activated carbons with different textural properties and surface chemistry were obtained from Kraft lignin by direct carbonization at various temperatures. The influence of a further washing treatment and partial gasification with CO2 was also evaluated. The carbon catalysts were tested as catalysts for the alcohol decomposition reaction. In this sense, 2-propanol, a molecule widely used for testing the acidic-basic character of heterogeneous catalysts, was selectively transformed into acetone, meanwhile, ethanol and methanol yielded mainly acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, respectively.
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وكالات الاستخدام الخاصة -دراسة للنظام القانوني للهيئات الخاصة للتنصيب في الجزائر
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : سوق الشغل- مرفق التنصيب- الإتفاقية الدولية رقم 181 - عروض العمل- طلبات العمل-ضبط سوق العمل- الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل- الهيئات الخاصة للتنصيب.
Eissn : 2600-6952 vol : 33, Num : 04, pp : 121-153
Résume :
لم يمانع المشرع الجزائري من فتح الوساطة في التشغيل لأشخاص القانون الخاص طبيعيين ومعنويين ،لكنه حصر مشاركتهم في تسجيل العمال،إنتقائهم،وتقديمهم للهيئات المستخدمة قصد تنصيبهم ومن دون الإخلال بالإعتراف لهم بالبحث عن عروض العمل وجمعها وتوزيعها وهو ما يعني أنّه حصر مهمتهم في الوساطة في التنصيب، ما جعله يسمي الأشخاص التي تتولى هذه المهمة بالهيئات الخاصة للتنصيب بدل وكالات الإستخدام الخاصة وفق ما حددته منظمة العمل الدولية. تتناول الورقة البحتية المقدّمة تحديدا لماهية وكالات الإستخدام الخاصة والشكل الذي اختار المشرع الجزائري أن تظهر به أو ما يعرف بهيئات التنصيب الخاصة كاستجابة لتحرير الوساطة في التشغيل،من خلال إعادة النظر في آليات ضبط سوق العمل وتنظيمه ،لتنتقل الوساطة في التشغيل من الإحتكار الكلي للوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل إلى المشاركة المقيّدة لوكالات الإستخدام الخاصة. ABSTRACT The Algerian legislator did not object to the opening of employment mediation to private law persons; however, he limited their participation in the registration, selection and submission of workers to the bodies used for their inauguration without prejudice to their recognition of the search, collection and distribution of work. , which means that inventory their mission on mediation at the inauguration, who undertake this task to the private bodies for installation, instead of private employment agencies as defined by the International Labor Organization. This paper deals with the specific nature of the private employment agencies and the form in which the Algerian legislator chose to be represented by the so-called private instigators, with the aim of liberalizing employment mediation, by revising the mechanisms of regulating and regulating the labor market, in order to restrict participation of private use agencies
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An epidemic of plagiarism strikes our Universities The current threat and the delayed treatment: A literature review analysis
Mots Clés : Plagiarism, online plagiarism, offline plagiarism, self plagiarism, cheating in exams
Issn : 2311-5181
Num : 48, pp : 139-147
Résume :
In this paper we clarify the phenomenon of plagiarism which threatens the credibility of both the examination and the learning process
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Modification of surface characteristic and tribo-electric properties of polymers by DBD plasma in atmospheric air
La revue : Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.
Auteur : MF Bekkara, L Dascalescu, Y Benmimoun, T Zeghloul, A Tilmatine, N Zouzou
Issn : 1286-0042
Eissn : 1286-0050 vol : 81, Num : 1, pp : 1-7
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Effect of the Alumium fraction “x” in subminiband structures of Fibonacci AlxGa1−xAs/GaAs superlattices
La revue : Journal of applied sciences
Auteur : Z. Aziz, S. Bentata and R. Djelti
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Mixed disorder in GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As superlattices and its effect on the range of wavelength infrared lasers
Auteur : R.Djelti, Z. Aziz, S. Bentata
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Boosting a Reference Model-Based Controller Using Active Disturbance Rejection Principle for 3D Trajectory Tracking of Quadrotors: Experimental Validation
La revue : Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Domaine : Techenologie
Mots Clés : Reference model-based control Nonlinear control Robust Control IDA-PBC ADRC ESO Quadrotor
Auteur : Yasser Bouzid, Mehdi Zareb, Houria Siguerdidjane, Mohamed Guiatni
Issn : 0921-0296
Eissn : 1573-0409 vol : 100, Num : 1, pp : 597–614
Résume :
It is relevant to develop an adequate control algorithm for quadrotors that guarantees a good compromise robustness/ performance. This compromise should be ensured with or without external disturbances. In this paper, we investigate and apply a revisited formulation of a reference model-based control strategy by introducing a boosting mechanism. This mechanism uses an Extended State-based Observer (ESO) to estimate the uncertainties and variety of disturbances. The estimation is continually updated and rejected from the main control loop. The reinforcement principle is inspired from the popular Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) technique in order to enhance the robustness ability of a nonlinear reference model-based control strategy (i.e. Interconnection and Damping Assignment-Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC)). The obtained controller is augmented by an additional input, which is derived via sliding modes framework to handle the estimation errors and ensure asymptotic stability. This combination leads to promising results by improving the nominal control technique. The primary results are shown through numerical simulations and are confirmed, experimentally, with several scenarios.
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Effect of Correlated Mixed Disorder on Miniband Structure and Resonance Energy of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Superlattice
Auteur : Radouan Djelti, Samir Bentata, Zoubir Aziz and Anissa Besbes
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Adsorption of Cationic Dye onto Silt Dam from Aqueous Solution
La revue : Proceeding of 2015 International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Environmental Engineering
Domaine : chimie
Mots Clés : Adsorption; Malachite Green; Kinetic; Silt.
Auteur : F.Ouadjenia, F. Zahaf , R.Marouf,
Eissn : 978-93-84422-22-6 pp : 328-334
Résume :
In this work, the potential feasibility of silt dam for removal of malachite green (MG), a cationic dye from aqueous solution was investigated. XRD, MEB and chemical composition analysis were used to characterize the adsorbent material. XRD analysis identified illite as the major clay mineral. The effects of contact time and temperature (298, 303, 313 and 323 K) on the malachite green adsorption have been examined. The results indicated that dye removal was seen to increase with increasing contact time until equilibrium. The experimental isotherm data were analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich equations. Data isotherms were good fitted by Freundlich equation. Two kinetic models, the pseudo first order and second-order equations, were selected to follow the adsorption process. Kinetic parameters, rate constants, equilibrium adsorption capacities and correlation coefficients, for each kinetic equation were calculated and discussed. It was shown that the adsorption of malachite green onto adsorbent could be described by the pseudo second-order equation.
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Copper(II) Removal from Aqueous Solutions by PANI-Clay Hybrid Material: Fabrication, Characterization, Adsorption and Kinetics Study
La revue : Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials.
Domaine : materials
Mots Clés : Nanocomposites. Polymer-SiC. Optical properties. Electrochemical properties
Auteur : H. Soltani
Issn : 1574-1443
vol : 29, pp : 841-850
Résume :
In this study, polyaniline/Clay nanomaterials (PANI/Clay) was synthesized through one-step method and used as an adsorbent to remove Cu(II) ions from aqueous solution. The PANI/Clay was characterized using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, cyclic voltammograms and physical adsorption of gases. Adsorption parameters such as contact time, pH value, and initial metal ion concentration were investigated. The results revealed that PANI/Clay exhibits a much higher adsorption capacity than the natural clay; the attractive adsorption capacity reached 22.77 mg/g with 0.05 g of 100 mg PANI/Clay at an initial pH solution of 6 and adsorption temperature of 25 °C. Moreover, the Langmuir model well describes the adsorption data with the maximum sorption capacity of 22.77 mg/g. Pseudo-second-order model can fit well the kinetic data obtained from batch Cu(II) removal experiments. The Cu(II) adsorption on PANI/Clay nanocomposite was mainly attributed to electrostatic interaction, donor–acceptor interaction and intermolecular interactions.
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Nanocomposite of 2‐Aminophenol with Aniline Using Copper‐Montmorillonite: Synthesis, Characterization, Conductivity, and Electrochemical Study
La revue : Advances in Polymer Technology.
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Hybrid materials Nanoparticle Zinc oxide 4-Chloroaniline Electrical conductivity
Auteur : F. Z. Dahou
Issn : 1548-0569
vol : 35, pp : 411-418
Résume :
Polymer/clay nanocomposite particles with 2‐aminophenol (2AP) and polyaniline and modified montmorillonite by copper minerals were synthesized using an in situ intercalative oxidative polymerization method. The nanocomposites were characterized by elementary analysis, X‐ray diffraction, FTIR, thermogravimetric analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and conductivity measurements. The insertion of the polymer into the layer of the clay was confirmed by X‐ray diffraction analysis, which shows a significantly larger d spacing expansion from 13.35 to 13.45 Å, thus indicating that the conducting polymer chain was aligned with layers of the clay. The conductivity of the nanocomposites salt is between 8.87×10−5 and 9.78×10−4 S/cm, probably due to the confined environment in the nanometer size layers of the nanocomposite. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites has been studied by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymers grown into M‐Cu; the redox processes indicate that the polymerization into M‐Cu is electroactive.
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Nature of the Eigenstates in the Miniband of Random Dimer-Barrier Superlattices
La revue : Journal of applied sciences
Auteur : S. Bentata , B. Ait Saadi & H. Sediki
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he ballistic dimer resonance in the one-dimensional disordered photonic crystals
Auteur : H. Khalfoun, S. Bentata, M. Bouamoud, L. Henrard and C. Vandenbem
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First-principles calculations of magnetic, electronic and optical properties of binary GaN and ternary CrGaN, CuGaN
Auteur : A. Abbad, W. Benstaali, H.A. Bentounes, S. Bentata and A. Belaidi
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Antioxidant activity and exopolysaccharide-expression of pathogenic bacteria treated with Mentha viridis extracts
La revue : Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Domaine : sciences de la nature et de la vie
Mots Clés : exopolysaccharides-antioxydant activity- pathogenic bacteria- mentha viridis
Auteur : T.Aicha,M.Catherine B.Mohamed, M.Boumediene
Issn : 0975-7384
vol : 7, Num : 6, pp : 90-95
Résume :
Natural extracts contain a variety of phenolic compounds which have an antioxidant and antibacterial capacity;they can successfully replace antibiotics that show their inefficiencies against multi-resistant bacteria. In this context, this study was intended as a contribution to the understanding and evaluation of the bioactive potential of methanolic, hydro-methanolic and aqueous extracts of Mentha viridis. The qualitative analysis revealed the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids, which were confirmed-by-quantitative-analysis. The extracts of Mentha viridis expressed an important anti-production activity of the Exopolysaccharides by all pathogens strains. The amount of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produces by bacteria decreased considerably with all extracts comparatively to control (without extracts). The extracts showed strong properties to trap molecules of free radical DPPH with an inhibition power ranging from 45 to 85%. Key words: antibacterial, antioxidant, extracts, Mentha viridis, multi-resistant bacteria
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Polyphonie argumentative. Étude des variables argumentatives et de la négation dans le discours politique, cas des législatives 2012 en Algérie
La revue : Kiraat
Domaine : Sciences du langage
Mots Clés : polyphonie argumentative, stratégies discursives, surgissements, coïncidences, la situation du discours, l’entourage affectif, variables argumentatifs, le présupposé, le posé, les enchaînements, source d’hypothèses, manœuvres.
Auteur : Diaf Fredj
Issn : 6858-1112
vol : revue, Num : 7, pp : 59-80
Résume :
Notre recherche se focalise sur la conception énonciative du sens, cas des slogans engagés dans les législatives 2012, baptisées printemps algérien. C’est précisément une étude sur la polyphonie argumentative articulée par l’activation, d’une part, des variables argumentatives ‘‘mais’’ introduisant la restriction, la précision et la correction et ‘‘pour’’ dans la caractérisation de la notion de changement (conditions et signification). Quant à la négation, elle se considère comme un jugement sur un jugement dans la mesure où une proposition affirmative traduit ce sentiment. Et d’autre part, des fragments tirés des chansons sportives dans la confection des slogans des campagnes électorales. Certes la situation de discours et l’entourage affectif en sont autres mais là le paramètre de la coïncidence intervient pour donner une interprétation de discours. Notre étude a révélé le non-dit à travers le dit.
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Collaborative Strategy for Teaching and Learning Object-Oriented Programming Course: A Case Study at Mostafa Stambouli Mascara University, Algeria
La revue : Informatica
Domaine : informatique
Mots Clés : University Teaching Strategies, Oriented-Object Programming, Collaborative Learning,
Auteur : C Boudia, A Bengueddach, H Haffaf
Issn : 1854-3871, 0350-5596
vol : 43, Num : 1, pp : 129–144
Résume :
Several strategies and methods have been designed and tested to allow students to have better teaching and learning of programming concepts and training their programming skills acquired. In our university, old and classic pedagogical methods are still used in the learning of Oriented-Object Programming (OOP). This paper explores the experimentation of a pedagogical approach designed for Mostafa Stambouli Mascara University’s computer sciences students to enhance their chances to get an effective teaching using a collaborative learning and early introduction of current technologies. The study was made of 108 second year informatics students’ for two semesters (October–January 2016- 2017, September-December 2017-2018) who were identified in a controlled experience for collaborative learning OOP in lab session. Students gathered into predetermined groups based on initial test and some setting. The students are supposed to share the same programming assignment by distributing roles according to global pedagogical scenario for problem-resolving activities. This experience allows the teachers to apply this strategy and see students in closer and permit them to express their problems and search together for solutions. The principal objective was to offer a new experience to motivate students and make this design a smart opportunity to have better programming performance. Furthermore, as a result of testing this new strategy, the students’ academic progress is clear. A questionnaire was distributed with the purpose of analyzing students’ motivation and satisfaction levels alongside the effects of the experiment. Results show that students found that among other benefits this method facilitates the learning process.
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Analytical evidence of commuting resonance energy in correlated disorder trimer GaAs-Alx Ga1-xAs superlattices
Auteur : R.Djelti, S. Bentata, Z. Aziz and A.. Besbes
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La revue : JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : product manifolds, Sasakian structures, Kählerian structures.
Auteur : K. Zegga, G. Beldjilali and A. Mohammed Cherif
Issn : 0972-415X
vol : 20, Num : 4, pp : 409-425
Résume :
In this paper, we construct a Sasakian structure on the product of Sasakian manifold and Kählerian manifold with exact Kähler form.
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التربية الجنسية بين فقه الضرورة ومحاذير الااثارة
La revue : مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الفلسفية
Domaine : علم النفس النمو
Mots Clés : البلوغ، مداخل تدريس التربية الجنسية،
Auteur : بن مصمودي علي
Issn : 2009-5129
Num : 16, pp : 181-190
Résume :
كيف يمكن ان ندرس التربية الجنسية بدون اثارة الغرائز بحيث يتم ذلك بصورة علمية
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Argumentation et polyphonie dans le discours de presse. Cas du Quotidien d’Oran
La revue : Revue Algérienne des Sciences du Langage
Domaine : analyse du discours
Mots Clés : polyphonie, discours de presse, locuteur, énonciateur, point de vue.
Auteur : Mazot A.
Issn : 2507-721X
vol : 2, Num : 1, pp : 79-86
Résume :
Notre étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie de polyphonie linguistique. Notre corpus est composé d’un ensemble d’énoncés tirés du Quotidien d’Oran. Nous nous attachons à analyser quelques marques de polyphonie permettant au journaliste d’introduire d’une façon explicite ou implicite une ou plusieurs voix dans son discours, tout en véhiculant des points de vue et en exprimant des attitudes envers son énoncé et les voix qu’il met en scène. Nous nous inspirons des travaux menés par Oswald Ducrot (1980/1984) et Jean Claude Anscombre (1983) qui relèvent essentiellement de la linguistique de l’énonciation, de la théorie de l’argumentation dans la langue et de la théorie de polyphonie linguistique.
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الفرص الاستثمارية في مجال أنظمة تسيير النفايات في الجزائر . التحليل الاستراتيجيswot لفرص التعاون الهولندي– الجزائري. Investment Opportunities In Waste Management Systems In Algeria. Strategic Analysis Of Swot Opportunities For Dutch - Algerian Cooperation.
La revue : مجلة معهد العلوم الإقتصادية
Domaine : Développement durable
Mots Clés : إدارة النفايات؛شراكة هولندية- جزائرية؛تحليل إستراتيجي؛SWOT؛الجزائر. Key Word: Waste management, Dutch-Algerian partnership, Strategic analysis SWOT, Algeria
Auteur : Hebri Assia
Eissn : 2600-6731 vol : Volume 24, N, Num : Numéro 1,, pp : Pages 589-608
Résume :
تهدف الدراسة التالية إلى التحليل الإستراتيجي للفرص الاستثمارية للشركات الهولندية والشركات الأخرى فيما يتعلق بأنظمة تسيير النفايات في الجزائر على أساس وجود فرص كثيرة و متعددة التخصصات.أثبتت الدراسة بواسطة التحليل الإستراتيجي الرباعيSWOT للدراسة الإستراتيجية المعدة من طرف الوكالة الهولندية للأعمال2018،وجود إمكانيات عديدة للشريك الهولندي في مجال التجميع،التسليم،البناء والتطوير التكنولوجي ،زيادة معدلات التدوير الإستغلال الإقتصادي للنفايات،الخدمات الإستشارية و خلق القيمة،بإستخدام الشراكات المحلية ودراسات السوق المتخصصة في مجال تسيير النفايات. Abstract: The following study aims at strategic analysis of investment opportunities for Dutch companies and other companies with regard to waste management systems in Algeria, on the basis of the presence of many opportunities and multidisciplinary, by partnership with Algerian companies working in the field studied. The study was proven by the strategic SWOT contained in the strategic study prepared by Dutch Business Agency 2018, many possibilities exist for the Dutch partner in the field of assembly delivery, construction, technology development, increased recycling rates, economic exploitation of waste and value creation, using partnerships For local market studies specialized in the field of waste management
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Theoretical study of correlated disorder in superlattices under bias voltage
Auteur : R.Djelti, S. Bentata, Z. Aziz and A.. Besbes
vol : , Vol. 23, Num : No. 25 5067 ,
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المراقبة الادارية في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي
La revue : مجلة دراسات ةأبحاث
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : المراقبة الميدانية- المراقبة المحاسباتية- مراقب الضمان الإجتماعي – المؤمن له إجتماعيا-المكلف
Issn : 1112-9751
Eissn : 2253-0363 vol : 10 , Num : 03, pp : 270-302
Résume :
تقتضي ضرورة التطبيق السليم لتشريع الضمان الاجتماعي، ضمان المراقبة المستمرة لمختلف أحكامه ،حيث تعتبر المراقبة الإدارية في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي أهم الآليات التي تساهم في ضمان ديمومة المنظومة وتأديتها لمختلف وظائفها . تمحورت إشكالية الورقة البحثية حول البحث في حدود مساهمة المراقبة الإدارية في المحافظة على ديمومة منظومة الضمان الاجتماعي ، الإجابة التي إستدعت ضرورة التدقيق في ماهية المراقبة الإدارية، بغية حصر أهم أثارها بالتبعية بعد تحديد مضمونها و الفئات المشمولة بها Abstract: The need for proper application of the social security legislation, requires to ensure the continuous monitoring of the various provisions. Therefore, administrative control is considered in the area of social security the most important mechanisms that contribute to ensure the sustainability of the organization and performing its various functions.
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آليات حماية فئة المسنين من جرائم الأسرة في التشريع الجزائري
La revue : FSM ILMI ARASTIRMALAR lnsan ve.Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : المسننين-الرعاية المؤسساتية-الحق في النفقة-دعم البقاء في الوسط الاسري
Issn : 2147-3153
Eissn : 2148-2217 Num : 09, pp : 1-28
Résume :
تقوم السياسة الإجتماعية في الجزائر على مبادئ قارة منطلقها تكفل الدولة بكل أفراد المجتمع مع إعتبار الأسرة الأساس الذي ينبني عليه هذا التكــــفل، هــــذا الأخير يتخذ أشكالا مختلفة، تتعد بتعدد الأفراد المكونين لها و الذين يشكلون خارج الأسرة ما يعرف بالفئات الخاصة كالأطفال ، النساء، و المسنين و بربط هذه الفئات بالأسرة و بالجرائم التي أصبحت تقع داخلها تتأكد ضرورة إعتماد آليات فعالة للحماية عندما تكون الفئة المستهدفة هي فئة الأصول لتتضاعف ضرورات الحماية أكثر عندما يتعلق الأمر بالأصول المسنين، ما يجعل آليات الحماية تتنوع بين الآليات الإجتماعية و الآليات الجزائية. ÖZET Cezayir’de, toplumsal siyaset, toplumun bütün fertlerinin sorumluluklarını üstlenen yerleşik prensipler üzerine kuruludur. Bu prensipler bu sorumlulukları üstlenirken aileyi de temel olarak kabul etmektedir. Aile kurumu kendisini oluşturan fertlerin ve toplumda aile dışında bulunan özel kesimlerin –ki bunlar çocuklar, kadınlar ve yaşlılar olarak değerlendirilir- çeşitliliğine göre farklılık gösterir. Bu grupların aileyle ilişkilendirilmesi ve aile içinde işlenen suçların da göz önünde bulundurulmasıyla hedeflenen kitle bu temel kitle olunca ve durum yaşlıları da ilgilendirince yaşlı fertlerin korunmasındaki etkili tedbirlerin bulunmasının zorunluluğu daha da artmakta ve bu koruyucu tedbirler toplumsal tedbirler ve cezaî tedbirler olarak çeşitlilik göstermektedir Abstract The social policy in Algeria is built on solid principles, which state ensure all members of the community with the consideration of family foundation upon which the latter provide various forms, include a wide range of components individuals which form outside the family what is known as special categories, such as children, women, the elderly and linking these categories to the family and the crimes that happens inside. Therefore it is confirmed the need to adopt effective mechanisms of protection when the target category is the asset class to multiply the needs of protection more when it comes to aging assets, making protection mechanisms, ranging from social and penal mechanisms.
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Hybrid Query Expansion Model for Text and Microblog Information Retrieval
La revue : Information Retrieval Journal Inf Retrieval J
Domaine : Information retrieval
Mots Clés : Information Retrieval; Query Expansion; Microblog Information Retrieval; Tweets Search; Explicit Semantic Analysis; Tweet Contextualization; TREC 2011; INEX 2014; WIKIPEDIA; DBPEDIA; Association Rules.
Auteur : Meriem Amina Zingla, Chiraz Latiri, Philippe Mulhem, Catherine Berrut, Yahya Slimani.
vol : 21, Num : 4, pp : 337-367
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Electronic Differential and Neuro-Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control with Extended State Observer for an Electric Vehicle System
La revue : E3S Web Conf.
Domaine : Electrical Engineering
Mots Clés : Electric vehicleDynamicPMSMNeuro-fuzzy sliding mode controlExtended state observer ESO
Auteur : I. F.Bouguenna, A.Azaiz, A. Tahour
Eissn : 2267-1242 vol : 61, Num : 7,
Résume :
In this paper a neuro-fuzzy-sliding mode control (NFSMC) with extended state observer (ESO) technique; is designed to guarantee the traction of an electric vehicle with two distinct permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). Each PMSM systems (source-convertermotor) are attached to an electronic differential (ED), in order to adjust the senses of direction of the vehicle, and sustain a stable speed by adapting the difference in velocity of each motor-wheel according to the direction in the case of a turn. Two types of controllers are employed by a hybrid control scheme to assure the control and the performance of the vehicle. This hybrid control scheme guarantees the stability of the vehicle by ED, reduces the chattering phenomena in the PMSM electric motor, and improves the disturbance rejection ability which employs tow types of controllers. The neuro-fuzzy sliding mode control on the direct current loop and ESO controller on the speed loop, and the quadratic current loop; taking into account the dynamic of the vehicle. Simulation runs under Matlab/Simulink to assess the efficiency, and strength of the recommended control method on the closed loop system.
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les oeuvress social des travailleures entre le concept des services sociaux et les domaines de la protection sociale
La revue : Arrachidia
Domaine : Droit
Mots Clés : oeuvres social .service social
Auteur : B.kamel.Y.souad.A.rachid
Issn : 2170-0907
Num : 9, pp : 311-324
Résume :
les oeuvres sociales des travailleures sont etroitement liees a la politique sociale de letat ayant une humanitaire vu le premier concept duquel elles sont generees a savoire le service social. cependant limiter l objet des oeuvres sociales dans le cadre des relations de travaile comme l une des branches de la protection sociale lui confere le caractere du droit conscacre par la loi que tout emploiyeure doit garantir dans les limites des possiblites qui lui sont offertes.
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The square root of tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices.
La revue : International Journal of Advanced and Applied Scienses (IJAAS)
Domaine : Mathématiques.
Mots Clés : Tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix, square root, persymmetric matrix, eigenvalue.
Auteur : K. Ismaiel, T.M. Mohamed, S. Abderrahmane.
Issn : 2313-626X
vol : 7(2020)(7), Num : 7, pp : 92-94
Résume :
In this paper, we present an explicit formula to find square roots of a tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix, and we show that these square roots have the form of a persymmetric matrix with examples to illustrate.
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Le Programme Des énergies Renouvelables En Algérie,Vers Une Efficacité énergétique D’ici 2030.
La revue : مجلة دفاتر اقتصادية
Domaine : Les énergies renouvelables.
Mots Clés : L’énergie, le programme énergétique, L’efficacité énergétique, Les énergies renouvelables, L’Algérie.
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
vol : ?????? 9, , Num : ????? 1, , pp : ?????? 351-362
Résume :
L’objectif principal de cette étude est de cibler quelques pratiques techniques et économiques utilisées dans le domaine énergétique, selon les capacités énergétiques de l’Algérie, elle s’appuie sur les indicateurs d’efficacité énergétique par grand secteur consommateur d’énergie. Pour maitriser la consommation énergétique et assurer le passage sein et rationnel au domaine des énergies renouvelables. On trouve ici que les piliers de ce passage sont divers et multiples, débutant de l’efficacité des politiques générale de l’énergie, passant par une stratégie seine et fiables pour les indicateurs énergétiques, arrivant au perspectives claires et lignes directrices des stratégies globales de productions et consommation de cette énergie. L’objectif de l’efficacité énergétique consiste à produire les mêmes biens ou services, mais en utilisant le moins d’énergie possible. Le programme algérien comporte des actions qui privilégient le recours aux formes d’énergie les mieux adaptées aux différents usages et nécessitant la modification des comportements et l’amélioration des équipements.
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Experimental and Numerical Fracture Modeling Using XFEM of Aluminum Plates
La revue : International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa
Auteur : Ali Taghezout, Bendouba Mostefa ,Djebli Abdelkader ,Aid Abdelkarim et Habib Khellafi
vol : 46, pp : 45-52
Résume :
In this paper a numerical modeling was carried out to study the problem of plane elasticity in a medium cracked by the method of the extended finite elements (XFEM) in a thin cracked plate made of aluminum using the software Abaqus 6.13.This method improved the capability of the classical finite element method especially the crack propagation problems. Furthermore, the extended finite elements method has been used to simulate tensile and fracture behavior of the study materials. Based on variation in size and shape of crack, the results obtained will be compared with those obtained experimentally, this comparison shows a good agreement.
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Analysis and Design of an Optimum Novel Millimeter T and Y-Junction SIW Power Dividers Using the Quick Finite Element Method
La revue : WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Domaine : telecommunications
Auteur : Fellah benzerga, Mehadji Abri, Hadjira ABRI Badaoui, JUNWU Tao
Issn : 1109-2742
Eissn : 2224-2864 vol : 16, Num : 39, pp : 347-352
Résume :
The aim of this paper is to present a novel technique for the design of millimetre substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) power dividers based on the Quick Finite Element Method. The return losses, transmission coefficients and the field's distribution are presented and analyzed by this technique. To present the validity and the performances of our structures, the obtained results are compared with CST commercial software in the band frequencies from 40 to 75 GHz. The numerical simulation program can provides useful design information as well as physical insights for frequencies in the millimeter wave range.
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إستراتيجية الأمن الصناعي و تسيير الأخطار المهنية في مجمع سوناطراك ( تنافسية نظام الوقاية و مقوماته
La revue : مجلة الباحث الإقتصادي
Domaine : Hygiène et sécurité.
Mots Clés : / سوناطراك/الأخطار المهنية /استثمارات طوير حصة الأمن و السلامة في العمل
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
vol : ?????? 1, , Num : ????? 1, , pp : ?????? 263-297
Résume :
لقد ساهمت الديناميكية العميقة و المنسجمة لمجمع سوناطراك و التي تتضمن إضافات و استثمارات جديدة كل عام في تطوير حصة الأمن و السلامة في العمل خلالها و الاهتمام الكبير بالبيئة . يتضمن هذا البحث إستراتيجية المجمع المبنية على اهتمامه في الفترة الأخيرة بتخفيض منحنيات الكوارث و الحوادث التي تمس مواقع العمل و العمال بها ، فقد حقق المجمع انخفضا في معدلات شدة الإصابة و تكرار الحوادث خلال الفترة الأخيرة و هذا كان بفضل انطلاق العمل بنظام الأمن و الصحة و البيئة، ليعزز السياسة الوقائية بالمجمع ، و هو نظام مؤسس و مهيكل مكن من تحديث و انسجام طرق التسيير في مجال الأمن و هذا ما يشكل إيجابيات لكل عمال المجمع و ما يرسي ثقافة خاصة للأمن داخله.
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Looking over the Horizon 2030: Efficiency of Renewable Energy Base Plants in Algeria Using Fuzzy Goal Programming
La revue : Springer, Cham
Domaine : Energie - Economie
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Seghir Guellil, Mostefa Belmokaddem
Issn : 978-3-030-37206-4
vol : 102, pp : 329-337
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محاربة تقليد العلامات في ضوء قانون العلامات الجزائري بين العقوبات الردعية و الإجراءات التحفظية
La revue : مجلة البحوث القانونية والاقتصادية
Domaine : القانون
Mots Clés : العلامة. التقليد ، الردع، الحجز. الوصف
Auteur : بن أمينة مصطفى
vol : 2, Num : 4, pp : 44-53
Résume :
يسعى المشرع الجزائري في أحكام الأمر رقم 03-06 المتعلق بالعلامات إلى توفير أقصى درجات الحماية القانونية للعلامات ويظهر هذا في تجريمه لفعل تقليد العلامة و استعمالها في مجال المنافسة دون إذن أو ترخيص من مالكها ، إضافة إلى تخصيص مجموعة من الإجراءات التحفظية التي تسبق أو تتزامن مع دعوى الموضوع. إن الاجراءات التحفظية التي جاء بها المشرع الجزائري في قانون العلامات تسعى عموما لوقف عملية التقليد و تقليص حجم الضرر الذي يصيب مالك العلامة ، كما أنها تمثل تعاملا تشريعيا سريعا مع ظاهرة التقليد التي أصبحت صورها تتطور بشكل متسارع . The Algerian legislator seeks the provisions of Order No. 03-06 on marks to provide the maximum legal protection for marks. This is manifested in the criminalization of the trademark tradition and its use in the field of competition without the authorization or authorization of the owner, in addition to the allocation of a set of precautionary measures preceding or coinciding The precautionary measures introduced by the Algerian legislator in the Trademark Law generally seek to stop the process of imitation and reduce the scale of damage to the owner of the mark, and represent a quick legislative deal with the phenomenon of tradition, whose images are rapidly evolving
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Fuel cell grid connected system with active power generation and reactive power compensation features
La revue : Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
Domaine : Energies renouvelables
Mots Clés : Fuel cell
Auteur : H.A.AZZEDDINE , D.CHAOUCH1 , M.Berka1 , M.Hebali A.Larbaoui1 , M.Tioursi
vol : 96, pp : 124-127
Résume :
This article presents a control of a three-phase low voltage grid connected fuel cell system which participating in the improvement of the quality of energy at the connection point by ensuring the reactive energy compensation, the active power control and the harmonic filtering functionalities. A p-q theory based control has been developed to control the injected fuel cell active power and to allow the system to provide the reactive energy compensation function. The system is structured around a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system and a three-phase voltage inverter.
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le role d organe interne d etablissements employeur afin de garantir la securite et la prevention dans les lieux de travail
La revue : droit de travail
Domaine : Droit
Mots Clés : securite
Auteur : ben azzouz saber
Issn : 243-115
Num : 05, pp : 104-113
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Structural parameters and their effects on the electronic transport properties in aperiodic superlattice profile
Auteur : F. Bendahma, R. Djelti and S. Bentata
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The Granger Causality Effect between Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic Signals
La revue : Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, Forging Connections between Computational Mathematics and Computational Geometry, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 124, DOI 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS14.50_23
Domaine : Mathematics, Statistics and Biomedical
Mots Clés : Direction of information, Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, Granger causality, Multivariate study, (MGH/MF) waveform database
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
Issn : 2194-1009
pp : 275-300
Résume :
Granger causality (GC) is one of the most popular measures to reveal causality influence of time series based on the estimated linear regression model and has been widely applied in economics and neuroscience due to its reliability, clarity, and robustness. Granger causality has recently received increasing attention to study causal interactions of neurophysiological data; in this chapter we have developed a model of causality between the respiratory, hemodynamic, and cardiac signals, more specifically, a study based on the Granger causality between three ECG leads, blood pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, respiratory impedance, and airway CO2. We selected 187 patients of 250 for our study, taken from Montreal General Hospital/MF (Massachusetts General Hospital/Marquette Foundation) databases. These signals are ideal for understanding causality and coupling (unidirectional or bidirectional). In this approach we aim to analyze and understand the interactions between the signals mentioned above, and identify the significance of this interaction. The originality of this chapter is the number of variables selected for the study. Unlike the majority of studies that are conducted only with two variables, our study is multidimensional. The main advantage of a multidimensional and multivariable model is to solve a myriad of problems which is not the case in the two-dimensional studies.
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Le Rôle De La Responsabilité Sociale Des Entreprises Dans Le Renforcement De Système De Pilotage De L’entreprise: Cas De La Compagnie Pétrolière Sonatrach
La revue : مجلة البحوث الاقتصادية والمالية
Domaine : La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise.
Mots Clés : Responsabilité sociale des entreprises, partie prenantes, le système de management, Sonatrach, performance globale, système de pilotage
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
vol : ????? 1,, Num : ????? 1, , pp : ????? 25-39
Résume :
La recherche proposée tente d’appréhender l’image de l’entreprise comme le résultat des perceptions et représentations des différentes parties prenantes au sujet du rôle et de l‘impact qu‘exerce l’entreprise sur ces mêmes acteurs et la participation de ses acteurs dans la réalisation de la performance dans leur sens globale. L’hypothèse sous-jacente postule que chaque catégorie d’acteur possède une manière propre d’interpréter les caractéristiques de l’activité en fonction de ses propres contraintes et intérêts. Sur cette base, ces acteurs élaborent une représentation particulière de l’entreprise qu’ils tentent de diffuser afin de rallier d’autres catégories d‘acteurs à leurs points de vue..
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Le pronom On dans la presse écrite : une marque d’effacement ou d’engagement énonciatifs ?
La revue : IHALAT
Domaine : Les sciences du langage
Mots Clés : locuteur, énonciateur, effacement énonciatif, engagement énonciatif, On.
Auteur : A. Mazot
Issn : 2602+7585
Num : 4, pp : 228-240
Résume :
Notre étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie de la linguistique de l’énonciation. Notre corpus est composé d’un ensemble d’énoncés tirés de10 numéros du Quotidien d’Oran et qui s’inscrivent dans une période qui s’étend de janvier à octobre 2019. Nous nous attachons dans cette présente recherche à analyser une marque linguistique permettant au locuteur-journaliste d’introduire d’une façon explicite ou implicite son point de vue dans l’énoncé tout en exprimant des attitudes envers son énoncé et son interlocuteur. Nous nous inspirons des recherches menées par Vion ( 2001) et Rabatel ( 2003,2004, 2005) et qui consistent à proposer un appareil formel des procédés de l’effacement énonciatif. En s’inscrivant dans cette optique, nous proposons une analyse de l’usage du pronom On dans les articles du Quotidien d’Oran.
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Generalized Gevrey Ultradistributions
La revue : New York J. Math
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; Regularity
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 15, Num : 3, pp : 37-72
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أثر التجارة الدولية على سوق العمل في الجزائر
La revue : Global journal of Economic and Business
Domaine : économie
Mots Clés : التجارة الدولية، سوق العمل، خلق فرص العمل، المحتوى في مجال العملية الدولية، انفتاح المحلية للصناعات التحويلية
Auteur : R.mounia, K.Nnouria, B.kouider
Issn : 2519-9293
Eissn : 2519-9285 vol : 3, Num : 1, pp : 174-190
Résume :
الهدف من هذا العمل هو الدراسة الكمية لتأثير التجارة الدولية على حركة خلق و تدمير الوظائف في الصناعة التحويلية للجزائر، من خلال تطبيق طريقة مضمون العمالة في التجارة الدولية، بالاضافة لاقتراح نموذج لقياس أثر تحرير التجارة على العمالة المحلية في الصناعات التحويلية على المدى الطويل و القصير، و لاظهار الى أي مدى تؤثر تدفقات التجارة الخارجية على هيكل العمالة المحلية في الصناعات التحويلية.
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De la voix de l’Autre dans le discours de presse. Analyse linguistique de polyphonie dans les articles du Quotidien d’Oran
La revue : LAROS
Domaine : analyse du discours
Mots Clés : polyphonie, discours de presse, locuteur, énonciateur, point de vue.
Auteur : Mazot A.
Num : 14, pp : 391-401
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Effect of Mentha viridis extracts on pathogenic bacteria adhesion
La revue : Journal of Natural Remedies JNR
Domaine : sciences de la nature et de la vie
Mots Clés : Mentha viridis- adhesion- pathogenic bacteria- extract
Auteur : T.Aicha,M; Catherine ,B.Mohamed, M.Boumediene
Issn : 2320-3358
vol : 15, Num : 1, pp : 12-22
Résume :
Micro-organisms do not always exist in planctonic forms (single cells or small groups). To survive, especially in limiting media, they may adhere to inert or living surfaces. This enables them to multiply within a community protected by an extracellular matrix, thus forming a biofilm which protects them from antimicrobials especially antibiotics. In this paper, the aim of this study was to investigate autoaggregation, co-aggragation, surface hydrophobicity and exopolysaccharides production of different pathogenic bacteria treated with methanolic, hydro-methanolic and aqueous extract of Mentha viridis collected in El Bayadh (South West of Algeria). The qualitative analysis revealed the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids, which were confirmed-by-quantitative-analysis. All extracts showed an antibacterial activity (antiadhesiveness).The percentage of autoaggregation, coaggregation decreased in presence of extract comparing to control. E.coli was hydrophobic while the others hydrophilic. The amount of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produces by bacteria decreased considerably with all extracts comparatively to control (without extracts). Keywords: antiadhesiveness activity, extracts, Mentha viridis, multi-resistant bacteria, polyphenols.
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Two types of extended statesin Random Dimer-Barrier Superlattices
La revue : Journal of applied sciences
Auteur : S. Bentata
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Fuzzy Farthest Point First Method for MRI Brain Image Clustering
La revue : IET Image Processing
Domaine : Informatique
Mots Clés : Fuzzy ; MRI Image Clustering
Auteur : D. Mohammed
vol : 13, Num : 13, pp : 2395-2400
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Revealing the Dynamic Correlation between Cardiac and Respiratory Hemodynamic Signals Using Time-Dependent Panel Co-Integration Analysis
La revue : International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Domaine : Mathematics
Mots Clés : Panel Co-integration, Panel Granger Causality, Cardiorespiratory Hemodynamic signals, Multivariate study, (MGH / MF) waveform database
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Mohammed Feham, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali
Issn : 2320 –3765
vol : 03, Num : 11, pp : 13470-13483
Résume :
In this article, we conducted an investigation using very powerful mathematical model to verify if a long-term relationship exists between Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, the methodology we applied in this paper is mainly based on four basic parts, in first part we applied unit root tests to assess the stationarity of series, the second step is to apply the test of Co-integration model and quantify this long-term relationship. Finally we applied the Granger causality tests to the entire panel that consists of 186 patients taken from Montreal Hospital/General MF (Massachusetts General Hospital/Marquette Foundation) database. The results found in this study show the long-term interaction between the Cardiorespiratory hemodynamic signals, and reveals how the understanding of these interactions can help the doctors to understand the risks that may exist between these interactions.
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Numerical Study of Natural Convection in Vertical Cylindrical Annular Enclosure Filled with Cu-Water Nanofluid under Magnetic Fields
La revue : Defect and Diffusion Forum
Domaine : heat and mass transfer
Mots Clés : Computational fluid mechanics; Natural Convection; Nanofluid; Magnetic Field; Finite Volume Method; Cylindrical coordinate, Partially Annular; Average Nusselt Number.
Auteur : Mohamed A MEDEBBER, Abderrahmane AISSA, Mohamed El Amine SLIMANI and Noureddine Retiel
Issn : 1662-9507
vol : 392, pp : 123-137
Résume :
The two dimensional study of natural convection in vertical cylindrical annular enclosure filled with Cu-water nanofluid under magnetic fields is numerically analyzed. The vertical walls are maintained at different uniform hot and cold temperatures, TH and TC, respectively. The top and bottom walls of the enclosure are thermally insulated. The governing equations are solved numerically by using a finite volume method. The coupling between the continuity and momentum equations is effected using the SIMPLER algorithm. Numerical analysis has been carried out for a wide range of Rayleigh number (103 ≤Ra≤106), Hartmann number (1 ≤Ha≤100) and nanoparticles volume fraction (0 ≤ϕ≤0.08). The influence of theses physical parameters on the streamlines, isotherms and average Nusselt has been numerically investigated.
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La revue : Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Kählerian structures, product manifolds, Sasakian structures
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici, BELKHELFA mohamed.
Issn : 1312-5192
vol : 42, Num : 1, pp : 1-13
Résume :
We introduce the notion of D-homothetic bi-warping and starting from a Sasakian manifold M, we construct a family of Kählerian structures on the product R × M. After, we investigate conditions on the product of a cosymplectic or Kenmotsu manifold and the real line to be a family of conformal Kähler manifolds. We construct several examples.
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Characteristics and Electrical Parameters of Silicon Nanowires (SiNWs) Solar Nanocells
Domaine : Material
Auteur : M. Hebali, M. Bennaoum, H.A. Azzeddine, B. Ibari, M. Benzohra, D. Chalabi
Issn : 2077-6772
vol : 12, Num : 06, pp : 1-4
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NTP Server Clock Adjustment with Chrony
Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Boualem. Merabet Samir. Ghouali
Résume :
As of now, all servers have an equipment or programming clock to which reference is made to time stamp records, exchanges, messages, and so forth. This clock, albeit structured around a quartz oscillator, floats like any customary watch, which implies this common watch cannot a match to such created machines that are networked and share common resources like file systems. For example, UNIX is a development tool which makes command, based on its work on comparing file modification dates. Similarly, the correlation of log messages from several systems becomes very difficult if they are not at the same time. In this article, we will concentrate on this topic by designing a server utilizing the NTP convention since the primary “focus” of the NTP usage is UNIX frameworks, and to be more explicit, we will see the management of the NTP server with the Chrony tool.
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Affine ultraregular generalized functions
La revue : Banach Center Publications
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; Regularity
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 88, pp : 39-53
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Triboelectrification of granular insulating materials as affected by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) treatment
Auteur : A Nadjem, M Kachi, MF Bekkara, K Medles, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
Issn : 0304-3886
vol : 86, pp : 18-23
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Effect of Tool Design on the Mechanical Properties of Bobbin Friction Stir Welded High-Density Polyethylene Sheets: Experimental Study
La revue : International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa
Mots Clés : Friction stir welding (FSW); Polymer HDPE; Welding tool; Microhardness; Tool geometries; Bobbin tool FSW
Auteur : Djilali BOUHA, Habib KHELLAFI, El Bahri OULD CHIKH, Hadj Miloud MEDDAH , Abdellah KAOU
Issn : 663-4144
vol : 61, pp : 95-114
Résume :
Welding polymers by the friction stir welding (FSW) technique is one assembly process among several known assembly techniques which consists in welding two materials without filler material. FSW process is based on the generation of heat due to friction and material deformation under an axial force. Among the main aspects affecting material flow, the choice of welding tool geometry has become of great interest to improve the welds quality. The main objective of this unique work is to weld polymers using one of the FSW techniques. A new method of welding HDPE (high density polyethylene) plates, called BT-FSW (bobbin tool friction stir welding) was developed. Standard rectangular shape intended for the distribution of natural gas has been successfully welded by BT-FSW. Tensile tests and hardness measurements were carried out on samples cut from the welded sheets and the results were analyzed to compare the mechanical characteristics of the plates welded by the BT-FSW and conventional FSW (C-FSW) processes. The results of the comparative studies on the micro-hardness characteristics and mechanical properties of the two welding processes indicate that welding using the bobbin tool can significantly reduce hardness and improve both weld formation and mechanical properties of joints. This study showed that the design of the welding tool has a big impact on the weld strength. An improvement in the mechanical properties of the specimens welded by BT-FSW was observed to give a better welding quality for the polymers studied.
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Generalized Gevrey ultradistributions and their microlocal analysis
La revue : Oper. Theo. Adv. Appl
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; ultradistributions
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 213, pp : 235-250
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About the influence of temperature and environmental relative humidity on the longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties of elementary alfa fibers
La revue : Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Domaine : Polymer science
Mots Clés : biodegradable; cellulose and other wood products; fibers; hydrophilic polymers; mechanical properties
Auteur : M Khaldi, M M Bouziane, A Vivet, H Bougherara
Issn : 0021-8995
Eissn : 1097-4628 vol : 137, Num : 137,
Résume :
Composites reinforced with plant‐based fibers present a high potential for valorization in new industrial applications due to their good specific mechanical characteristics, renewability, and recyclability. In order to accelerate their wide industry adoption, it is critical to assess their behavior and durability in heat and humid environments. This article aims at investigating the effects of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties of the lignocellulosic fibers extracted from alfa plant (Stipa tenacissima L). For this purpose, tensile and nanoindentation tests were performed on elementary alfa fibers subjected to a thermal cycle of 200°C. The fibers were held at various periods of 15, 30, 60 and 120 min. The test results showed that the longitudinal and transverse Young's moduli are moderately affected by short thermal cycles having duration of 15–30 min. However, for longer thermal cycle (i.e., 2 hr), a degradation of 21% for the transverse modulus was recorded. This degradation doubled for the longitudinal modulus (43 vs. 21%). A similar trend was observed for the breaking strength. This study also showed that the RH strongly affects the mechanical performances of alfa fibers.
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Energy based 3D autopilot for VTOL UAV under guidance & navigation constraints
La revue : Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer Netherlands
Domaine : Robotique
Mots Clés : Reference model IDA-PBC Autonomous UAV Internal energy Tracking control
Auteur : Yasser Bouzid, Houria Siguerdidjane, Yasmina Bestaoui, M Zareb
Issn : 0921-0296
vol : 87, Num : 2, pp : 341-362
Résume :
Motion control design plays a crucial role in autonomous vehicles. Mainly, these systems operate in conditions of under-actuation, which make the control a serious task especially in presence of practical constraints. The main objective within this paper is to ensure the tracking of 3D reference trajectory overcoming some of the issues related to the control of multi-rotor vehicles (such as underactuation, robustness, limited power, accuracy, overshoot, etc.). Therefore, a control scheme for Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is designed, applying the Interconnection and Damping Assignment-Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique. As reference model based technique, the control specifications are readily met by fixing a desired dynamic model, which is a major advantage of the technique. Moreover, a port −controlled Hamiltonian representation is exploited in order to point out the physical properties of the system such as its internal energy. This latter is exploited, as a fitness function for an optimization algorithm, in order to decrease the consumed energy especially at the take-off step and allows the tuning of the controller parameters. The numerical simulations have shown satisfactory results that support the claims using a nominal system model or disturbed model. The designed controller has been implemented on a real vehicle for which one demonstrates, in an indoor area manipulation, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
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Synthesis of Novel Highly Functionalized 4-Thiazolidinone Derivatives from 4-Phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazones
Domaine : chimie organique
Mots Clés : 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazones, thiazolidinones
Auteur : Abdelmadjid. Benmohammed, Omar. Khoumeri, Ayada. Djafri, Thierry. Terme, Patrice. Vanelle
Issn : 1420-3049
vol : 19, Num : 3, pp : 3068–3083
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Singular localised states in quasiperiodic GaAs/Al x Ga1-xAs Fibonacci superlattices
La revue : European Physical journal Applied Physics
Auteur : Z. Aziz, S. Bentata and R. Djelti
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Looking over the Horizon 2030: Efficiency of Renewable Energy Base Plants in Algeria Using Fuzzy Goal Programming
Auteur : Samir. Ghouali Mohammed Seghir. Guellil Mostéfa. Belmokaddem
pp : 329-337
Résume :
Renewable energy shapes have been broadly utilized in the previous decades, featuring a Green move in energy production. A genuine explanation for this swing to Renewable energy generation is internationals directives, which set the worldwide objectives for energy production from inexhaustible sources, greenhouse gas emissions and increase in energy efficiency. The ability expansion-planning problem of the renewable energy industry implies some important decisions concerning the optimal mix of different plant types, locations where each plant should be built, and capacity extension decisions over the planning horizon for each plant. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the type of renewable energy by combining the geographical, climatic and ecological criteria, in the Algerian framework, using a multi criteria analysis, precisely Fuzzy Goal Programming model, based on a multi-source, multi-sink network, in order to determine the optimal number of renewable energy plants for electric generation in the Algerian territory.
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2D Simulations of current-voltage characteristics of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN Modulation Doped Hetero-junction Field Effect Transistor structures
La revue : Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Domaine : Electronic
Mots Clés : Cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN, MODFET, Δ-doping, Drain Current, Threshold Voltage, Nextnano3
Auteur : Driss Bouguenna*, A. Boudghene Stambouli, A. Zado, D.J. As, N. Mekkakia Maaza,
Issn : 1844-6035
Eissn : 2067-2128 vol : 2, Num : 5, pp : 309-315
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Robust neuro-fuzzy sliding mode control with extended state observer for an electric drive system
La revue : Energy
Domaine : Electrical Engineering
Mots Clés : Electric vehicleDynamicPMSMNeuro-fuzzy sliding mode controlExtended state observer ESO
Auteur : I. F.Bouguenna, A.Azaiz, A. Tahour
Issn : 0360-5442
vol : 169, Num : 169, pp : 1054-1063
Résume :
The choice of the control techniques has a positive impact on the traction chain particularly disturbance rejection ability and the energy management in the electric vehicle (electric motor, inverter, transmission, ect.). In this paper, a robust neuro-fuzzy-sliding mode control (RNFSMC) with extended state observer (ESO) technique is applied on the traction chain of the electric vehicle (Permanent magnet synchronous motor PMSM, Inverter, Transmission). However, most of the existing strategies of control that are applied on the traction chain lead to chattering phenomena, reducing the electric motor performance and disturbance rejection ability without forgetting the bad energy management on board the electric vehicle. To further enhance the performance of the traction chain, a hybrid control scheme is used to severally decrease the chattering phenomena in the PMSM electric motor and evolve the disturbance rejection ability which employs two types of controllers: Neuro-fuzzy sliding mode control on the direct current loop and ESO controller on both speed, and quadrature current loops taking into account the dynamic of the vehicle. Simulations by Matlab/Simulink are used to indicate the validity of the planed scheme on the closed-loop system. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy with desired tracking accuracy.
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Parametric Study Of Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) For Polymer Materials Case Of High Density Polyethylene Sheets: Experimental And Numerical Study
La revue : Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
Auteur : Djilali Benyerou, El Bahri Ould Chikh, Habib Khellafi, Hadj Miloud Meddah, Ali Benhamena, Kaddour Hachelaf, Abdellah Lounis
vol : 15, Num : 55,
Résume :
Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a very important part of conventional friction stir welding (FSW) which can be a replacement for riveted assemblies and resistance spot welding. This technique provides high quality joints compared to conventional welding processes. Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a new technology adopted to join various types of metals such as titanium, aluminum, magnesium. It is also used for welding polymer materials which are difficult to weld by the conventional welding process. In various industrial applications, high density polyethylene (HDPE) becomes the most used material. The parameters and mechanical properties of the welds are the major problems in the welding processes. In this paper, we have presented a contribution in finite element modeling of the friction stir spot welding process (FSSW) using Abaqus as a finite element solver. The objective of this paper is to study the HDPE plates resistance of stir spot welding joints (FSSW). First, we show the experimental tests results of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plates assembled by friction stir spot welding (FSSW). Three-dimensional numerical modeling by the finite element method makes it possible to determine the best representation of the weld joint for a good prediction of its behavior. Comparison of the results shows that there is a good agreement between the numerical modeling predictions and the experimental results.
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Dynamique et performances des dépenses publiques en Algérie: un réexamen
La revue : Journal Of North African Economies
Domaine : SECG
Mots Clés : Dépense publique ; Performance macroéconomique ; Croissance économique ; Modèle VAR
Auteur : Z. M'hamed
Issn : 1112-6132
Eissn : 2588-1930 vol : 18, Num : 30, pp : 639-656
Résume :
L’objectif de ce papier est de déterminer l’impact de dépenses publiques sur les performances macroéconomiques en Algérie en tenant compte des rythmes de croissance. Utilisant des données annuelles couvrant la période (1992-2019), les régressions du modèle VAR révèlent une relation positive entre les fondamentaux économiques et la dimension de l’intervention gouvernementale déployée par de plans de relance budgétaire adoptée depuis l’année 2001. Ce résultat peut sans doute s’expliquer par le rôle de régulateur et de stabilisateur de l’activité économique globale joué par l’Etat sur la scène nationale surtout lorsque se profilent de sérieuses menaces de déséquilibres conjoncturels. Compte tenu de ces spécificités de l’économie algérienne, il est probable que ces résultats ne soient pas généralisables, et, que ces tests investis ne permettent pas de mettre en lumière une causalité significative entre dépenses publiques et croissance économique.
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تحديات الغاز الطبيعي الجزائري في ظل التعاون الطاقوي الأورومتوسطي في الألفية الثالثة : دراسة تحليلية
La revue : Beam Journal of Economic Studies
Domaine : Economie et Econométrie
Mots Clés : التعاون ; التجارة الخارجية ; غاز طبيعي ; الجزائر ; الاتحاد الأروبي
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; A. Mokhtar
Eissn : 2661-779X vol : 3, Num : 1, pp : 199-210
Résume :
تتناول هذه الورقة دراسة لاتفاقية الشراكة المبرمة والممضية بين الحكومة الجزائرية والاتحاد الأوروبي في أبريل 2002. نهيك عن هدف توسيع اطار تجاري محض كإنشاء منطقة تبادل حر في غضون عام 2021، بدا من المثير للاهتمام أن نحلل في السياق الحالي لتراجع أسعار النفط، منذ صائفة 2014، لآفاق الاقتصاد الجزائري من خلال هذه الاتفاقات المتعلقة بالتعاون في مجال الطاقة، حيث أن الجزائر تمثل سند مهم للطاقة بالنسبة للاتحاد الأوروبي من خلال شبكات النفط والغاز والكهرباء، مع قربها الجغرافي من أوروبا، الى جانب تاريخهما المشترك و الذي يمتد الى القرون الوسطى.
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Causal interactions between foreign direct investment (FDI),electricity consumption and economic growth: evidence from dynamic panel co-integration models
La revue : Journal of Social and Economic Statistics
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Yassine Zakarya GHOUALI, Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL, Mohammed Abbes SAHRAOUI
Issn : 2212-5671
vol : 3, Num : 2, pp : 1-30
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From a single Sasakian manifold to a family of Sasakian manifolds
La revue : Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Product manifolds Sasakian manifolds Kählerian manifolds
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici, MOHAMED CHERIF Ahmed, ZEGGA Kaddour
Issn : 0138-4821
vol : 60, Num : 3, pp : 445-458
Résume :
The aim of this paper is to construct a 1-parameter family of Sasakian manifold starting from a single Sasakian manifold. Concrete examples are given.
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Adaptive Joint Semi-blind Estimation of CFO and Channel for OFDM Systems
La revue : Wireless Personal Communications
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : Joint Semi-Blind Estimation
Auteur : Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi; Iyad Dayoub
Issn : 0929-6212
Eissn : 1572-834X vol : 81, Num : 2, pp : 473-487
Résume :
The large number of subcarriers, used in OFDM systems, increases the sensivity to frequency offset which results from a Doppler shift, due to mobile movement, as well as from a mismatch between the carrier frequencies at the transmitter and receiver. The problem of channel estimation in a practical OFDM receiver that suffers from CFO has been addressed in this paper. We first derived the modified MUSIC based blind CFO estimator. Next, we propose new joint training-based and joint semi-blind CFO and channel estimation for OFDM systems. Whereas the training-based estimator only assumes knowledge of pilot tones, the semi-blind estimator assumes knowledge of the virtual subcarriers (VSCs). For both estimators we derive a maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for block processing and LMS algorithm for adaptive processing. It is demonstrated that the CFO estimators are able to perform well with a very small number of OFDM blocks. The performance of our estimators was investigated by simulations.
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External temperature and pressure effects on thermodynamic properties and mechanical stability of yttrium chalcogenides YX (X= S, Se and Te)
La revue : Physica B: Condensed Matter
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Yttrium monochalcogenides; FP-LAPWGGA; Structural properties; Elastic constants; Thermodynamic properties
Auteur : T. Seddik, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, N Guechi, Adlane Sayede, Dinesh Varshney, Y Al-Douri, AH Reshak, S Bin-Omran
Issn : 0921-4526
vol : 428, pp : 78-88
Résume :
The full potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the framework of density functional theory is employed to investigate the structural, thermodynamic and elastic properties of the yttrium chalcogenides (YX: X=S, Se, and Te) in their low-pressure phase () and high-pressure phase (). The exchange-correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE). Temperature dependence of the volume and both adiabatic and isothermal bulk moduli is predicted for a temperature range from for the both phases of the herein considered materials. Furthermore, we have analyzed the thermodynamic properties such as the heat capacities, CV and CP, thermal expansion, α, and Debye temperature, ΘD, under variable pressure and temperature. We have calculated the isothermal elastic constants CijT of the YX monochalcogenides in both NaCl-B1 and CsCl-B2 phases at zero pressure and a temperature range . The results show that rare earth yttrium monochalcogenides are mechanically stable at high temperature. The elastic anisotropy of all studied materials in the two phases has been studied using three different methods.
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Micellar and solubility properties of drug tetracaine-hydrochloride from thermal conductivity measurements
La revue : Journal of Molecular Liquids
Auteur : C Zelmat, T Fergoug, M Azayez, N Meddah, F Chater, H Boudjoras, Y Bouhadda
vol : 293, pp : 111572
Résume :
Solubility and micelle formation of tetracaine-hydrochloride (TC,HCl) in aqueous solution has been studied by thermal conductivity. From thermal variations of the specific conductivity, parameters such as the critical micelle concentration, cmc, Krafft temperature, TK, and the variation of solubility with temperature were determined. The cmc's data analysis according to the mass action model has enabled to determine free energies of adsorption and of the micelles formation. A partial phase diagram of TC,HCl in water was also deduced and the micellization process discussed in light of enthalpy and entropy contributions.
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Revisiting the Relation between Unemployment Rate and Economic Growth in Algéria, 1970-2014: co-Integration Approach using ARDL model
La revue : journal of quantitative Economics Studies
Domaine : économie
Mots Clés : okun's Law, economic growth, unemployment rate, HP filter, ARDL Bounds Testing Approach to Co-integration.
Auteur : R.mounia, D.mohamed, N.abdelkader
Issn : 2437-1033
Eissn : 2602-5183 vol : 1, Num : 00, pp : 1-17
Résume :
The study provides an estimation of Okun’s law in Algeria during the period (1970 - 2014) using for this purpose time series of techniques. Our empirical analysis consists of Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) (Dickey and Fuller 1979 and 1981), and the Phillips–Perron (1988) test and ARDL Bounds Testing Approach to Co-integration test between unemployment rate and economic growth. The estimated results of the present study conformed existence of stable, long run negative effect juste in one model (the difference version of Okun's law), whereas, in short run no relationship is observed. A one percent increase in economic growth is associated with reduction in the unemployment level by 0.265 percent in the long run. The ECM indicates high speed of adjustment of short run fluctuation as 63 percent short disequilibrium adjusts in a year. Algeria must try to increase and diversify the sources of economic growth. The results of this study have important implications for determining macroeconomic policy. It is absolutely essential that the Algerian economy cease to be excessively dependent on the hydrocarbon sector, which is intensive capital but requires little labour. The Algerian economy should diversify away from its dependence on the energy sector.
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Development of novel hybrid materials based on poly(2-Aminophenyl disulfide)/Silica Gel : preparation, characterization and electrochemical studies
La revue : Journal of Molecular Structure
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : alcohol dehydrogenation; biomass; lignin; bio-char; CO2 gasification; activated carbon; sodium
Auteur : S.Benyakhou
Issn : 2073-4344
vol : 1150, pp : 580-585
Résume :
Hydrochloric acid functionalized silica gel (SiO2) has been successfully used for the grafting of poly(2-Aminophenyl disulfide) (poly(2APhS)) moieties through in-situ polymerization in the presence of ammonium peroxodisulfate (APS) as oxidant. The organic-inorganic hybrid (poly(2APhS)/SiO2 with different amounts of SiO2: 0.5 g, 1.5 g and 2 g) were thoroughly characterized through powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV) measurements. The results confirm the successful formation of the poly(2APhS)/SiO2 composite. The surface morphology of the samples was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The obtained images show the formation of poly(2APhS) on surface of silica gel. Although the incorporation of SiO2 nanoparticles reduces the electric conductivity of the poly(2APhS), the resulting samples still keep high conductivities, ranging between 8.2 × 10−4 to 1.1 × 10−6 S cm−1. The electrochemical properties of the composite were characterized by the cyclic voltammetry. The comparison between the different samples shows that the electrochemical activity is significantly depending on the amount of added SiO2. There is a clear and good electroactivity for poly(2APhS)/SiO2 with amounts of SiO2: 0.5 g and 1.5 g, respectively, compared to that observed in materials nanocomposite with amounts of SiO2: 2.0 g. However, that effect may be explained by a decrease of polymer in surface area with increase amount of SiO2 nanoparticle.
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تكنولوجيا المعلومات ودورها في تحسين جودة الخدمات المصرفية للبنك الإسلامي- دراسة حالة بنك السلام الجزائري.
La revue : مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية، جامعة باتنة 1
Domaine : المالية الاسلامية
Mots Clés : البيئة، الجباية البيئية،التنمية المستدامة، الاقتصاد الأخضر
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية
Issn : 1111-5149
Eissn : 2430- 2588 vol : 20, Num : 2, pp : 291-312
Résume :
ملخّص: يهدف هذا البحث للتعرف على دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تحسين جودة الخدمات المصرفية، لاسيما على مستوى البنوك الإسلامية. يظهر أثر استخدام هذه الأخيرة في التغيير الجذري للمعاملات المصرفية من شكلها التقليدي الذي يرتكز على الاتصال المباشر بين البنك والعميل، إلى الشكل الالكتروني الذي يعتمد في أساسه على تقليل تكاليف الخدمة المصرفية بالاعتماد على الوسائل التكنولوجية للوصول إلى أكبر شريحة من المتعاملين. إن استعمال التكنولوجيا على مستوى المصارف الإسلامية، ولاسيما المصرف محل الدراسة، جعل من تقديم وعرض الخدمات الالكترونية أمرا حتميا يفرض نفسه بهدف تعزيز قدرتها التنافسية. فقد سعى بنك السلام جاهدا إلى توفير جملة من الخدمات الالكترونية لعملائه، وذلك بتوفير المعلومات اللازمة عن البنك وفروعه عبر موقعه، مع السماح لهم بالتعرف على مختلف الخدمات المقدمة سواء التقليدية أو الالكترونية. زيادة على توفير البيانات المتعلقة بنشاطه ومستوى أدائه من خلال نشر مختلف البيانات اللازمة ضمن تقاريره السنوية. ما توصلنا إليه ، هو قدرة البنك على توظيف تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يسمح له تحقيق جودة الخدمة المصرفية، قدرة توسيع شريحة المتعاملين معه و تحسين أدائه في ظل تغيرات البيئة المصرفية. Abstract : This research aims to identify the role of the technology of information in improving quality of the banking services, particularly at the level of the Islamic banks. the impact of using this latter appears in the radical change of the banking transactions from its traditional shape which is based on the direct contact between bank and customer, to the electronic which based to reduce the costs of banking services through reliance on technological means to access to the largest slice of dealers. The use of technology on the level of Islamic banks, especially banks under study, made from provide electronic services inevitable imposes itself in purpose to enhance their competitiveness. AL Salam bank- Algeria has endeavoured to provide a range of e-services to its clients and that by providing the necessary information about the bank and its branches through its location ,as well as allowing them to identify the various services provided by both conventional and electronic. Increase the availability of data related to its activity and the level of its performance from deployment various necessary data in his annual reports. What we have achieved is the ability of the bank to employ information’s technology to allow the achievement of the quality of the banking service, ability to expand the segment of its dealers and improve its performance under changes in the banking environment
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Almost Hermitian Golden manifolds
La revue : Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications
Domaine : GD
Auteur : Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali
vol : June 2021, Num : ol.26, No.2, 2021,
Résume :
o equip a space with a structure leads to the production of a new mathemati-cal object and consequently to contribute to the development of science. Manifoldsequipped with certain differential-geometric structures are richer and more practicalspaces, they have been studied widely in differential geometry. Indeed, D. Chinea andC. Gonzalez [1] obtained a classification of the (2n + 1)-dimensional almost contactmetric manifold based onU(n) representation theory, which is an analogy of the clas-sification of the 2n-dimensional almost Hermitian manifolds established by A. Grayand H. M. Hervella [4]. (PDF) Almost Hermitian Golden manifolds. Available from: [accessed Aug 06 2021].
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Generalized Kählerian manifolds and transformation of generalized contact structures
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : product manifolds, trans-Sasakian manifolds, generalized Kählerian manifolds, generalized contact structures, transformation of generalized almost contact structures, generalized almost complex structures.
Auteur : BOUZIR Habib, BELDJILALI gherici, BELKHELFA mohamed, AISSA Wade
Issn : 1212-5059
Eissn : 0044-8753 vol : 53, Num : 1, pp : 35-48
Résume :
The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, new generalized Kähler manifolds are constructed starting from both classical almost contact metric and almost Kählerian manifolds. Second, the transformation construction on classical Riemannian manifolds is extended to the generalized geometry setting
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Ballistic transport in one-dimensional random dimer photoni crystals
Auteur : S. Cherid, S. Bentata, R.Djelti and Z. Aziz
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GGA+ U study on phase transition, optoelectronic and magnetic properties of AmO2 with spin–orbit coupling
La revue : Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : AmO2; GGA+U+SO; Phase transition; Electronic band-structure; Optical properties
Auteur : A Bendjedid, T. Seddik, R Khenata, H Baltache, G Murtaza, A Bouhemadou, S Bin Omran, Sikander Azam, Saleem Ayaz Khan
Issn : 0947-8396
vol : 396, pp : 190-197
Résume :
In this work, we have investigated the structural, phase transition, optoelectronic and magnetic properties of AmO2 using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-LAPW+lo) method. The exchange-correlation potential was treated with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Moreover, the GGA+U approximation (where U denotes the Hubbard Coulomb energy U term) is employed to treat the f electrons properly. The structurally stable AmO2 compound is the Fm3m phase and at a pressure between 40 and 60 GPa underwent a phase transition to the Pnma phase. Our present calculations have considered ferromagnetic and simple antiferromagnetic ground states and the AF state is favored. However, the experimental situation suggests a complex magnetic structure, perhaps involving multipolar ordering. Our band structure calculation with GGA and GGA+U predicted the metallic behavior of AmO2; however, with the spin–orbit coupling (SOC) added to the Coulomb energy U term, semiconducting ground states with antiferromagnetism is correctly predicted. The projected density of states from the energy-band structure indicates that the band gap opening is governed by the partially filled Am “5f” state, and the calculated gap is approximately 1.29 eV. Moreover, the optical properties reveal strong response of AmO2 in the UV region.
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Numerical analysis of transmission coefficient, LDOS and DOS in superlattice nanostructures of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN resonant tunneling MODFETs
La revue : Journal of Computational Electronics
Domaine : Electronic
Mots Clés : Transmission coefficient • Density of states • Local density of states • Cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN • Superlattice • Nanostructures • MODFETs • nextnano3
Auteur : D. Bouguenna*, T. Wecker, D.J. As, N. Kermas and A. Beloufa
Issn : 1569-8025
Eissn : 1572-8137 vol : 15, Num : 4, pp : 1269–1274
Résume :
Numerical analysis of the transmission coefficient, local density of states, and density of states in superlattice nanostructures of cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN resonant tunneling modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) using nextnano3 software and the contact block reduction method is presented. This method is a variant of non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism, which has been integrated into the nextnano3 software package. Using this formalism in order to model any quantum devices and estimate their charge profiles by computing transmission coefficient, local density of states (LDOS) and density of states (DOS). This formalism can also be used to describe the quantum transport limit in ballistic devices very efficiently. In particular, we investigated the influences of the aluminum mole fraction and the thickness and width of the cubic AlxGa1−xN on the transmission coefficient. The results of this work show that, for narrow width of 5 nm and low Al mole fraction of x=20% of barrier layers, cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN superlattice nanostructures with very high density of states of 407 eV−1 at the resonance energy are preferred to achieve the maximum transmission coefficient. We also calculated the local density of states of superlattice nanostructures of cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN to resolve the apparent contradiction between the structure and manufacturability of new-generation resonant tunneling MODFET devices for terahertz and high-power applications.
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Combining and comparing different machine learning algorithms to improve dissolved gas analysis interpretation
La revue : IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Domaine : Electrotechnique
Mots Clés : DGA, Power transformer, Diagnosis, Machine learning, Ensemble technique
Auteur : Mohammed El Amine Senoussaoui , Mostefa Brahami, Issouf Fofana
Issn : 1751-8687
Eissn : 1751-8695 vol : 12, Num : 15, pp : 3673-3679
Résume :
Since the discovery of dissolved gas analysis (DGA), it is considered as a leading technique for the diagnosis of liquid insulated power equipment. However, accurate analysis results can only be achieved if the measured gases closely reflect the actual equipment condition to enable an appropriate interpretation of these gases. In general, conventional techniques such as the ratio method, key gases, and Duval triangle combined or not with artificial intelligence techniques such as machine-learning algorithms are used for DGA interpretation. Here, four well-known machine-learning algorithms are compared in terms of DGA fault classification – Bayes network, multilayer perceptron, k-nearest neighbour, and J48 decision tree. Moreover, the effect of applying ensemble methods such as boosting through the Adaboost algorithm and bootstrap aggregation (bagging) is analysed, and the performances of these algorithms are evaluated. The data for developing classification models was transformed into three forms, other than the raw data. The obtained results clearly presented the efficiency and stability of some algorithms such as the J48 tree and Bayes networks for DGA fault classification, in particular, when the data is appropriately pre-processed. Moreover, the performance of these algorithms was found to consistently improve by integrating the concepts of multiple models or ensemble methods.
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Numerical Study of Natural Convection in a Vertical Cylindrical Partially Annular
La revue : Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Domaine : heat and mass transfer
Mots Clés : natural convection, Finite Volume Method, partially annular, Nusselt number
Auteur : Mohamed A. MEDEBBER, Noureddine RETIEL
Issn : 1428-1511
Eissn : 2354-0192 vol : 22, Num : 1, pp : 71–86
Résume :
A study of free convection in a vertical cylinder partially annulus is conducted numerically. Uniform temperature is imposed cross a vertical wall, while the top and bottom walls are adiabatic. The governing equations are solved numerically by using a finite volume method. The coupling between the continuity and momentum equations is effected using the SIMPLER algorithm. Solutions have been obtained for Prandtl numbers equal to 7.0, Rayleigh numbers of 103 to 106 and height ratios of 0 to 1. The influence of physical and geometrical parameters on the streamlines, isotherms, average Nusselt has been numerically investigated.
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les obligation moraledu fonctionnaire publique
La revue : regards sur le droit social
Domaine : Droit
Mots Clés : obligation de reseve
Auteur : H.leila.
Issn : 2352-9784
Num : 03, pp : 113-120
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Comparative Study of The Emergence and Growth of Young Seedlings of Five Varieties of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) of Syrian Origin.
La revue : Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences
Domaine : multidisciplinaire
Mots Clés : Pistachio, variety, lifted, seedlings, growth.
Auteur : B. Sid Ahmed, B. Kheloufi , B. Djilali, B.R. Ghalem, E. Abdelkader
Issn : 2090-4274
Eissn : ++++++ vol : 7, Num : 3, pp : 157-165
Résume :
The present work is to study the emergence and growth of seedlings of five pistachio varieties that are: Batouri, Achouri, Neb-Djemel, Adjmi and Bayadhi. The study was conducted in a greenhouse temperature and photoperiod were controlled. The seeds are germinated in pots filled with peat without going through the damp cold stratification at a temperature of 4ºC. The results obtained showed that growth parameters (length and diameter of the plants) revealed significant tests while other parameters (emergence rate, root length and number of leaves per plant) had showed no significant tests. About the number of emerged plants per day, variety Achouri comes first while the variety Neb-Djemel comes last. About the number of emerged plants per day, variety Achouri comes first while the variety Neb-Djemel comes last. For the evolution of growth in height, it is on average 2cm per week until two months after emergence; then it becomes 0.37 and 0.88cm for the final week of growth.
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Internet addiction and its Relation to some Psychological disorders among secondary school Students
La revue : Journal Of College Of Basic Education For Educational And Human Sciences
Domaine : Psychologie
Mots Clés : Internet Addiction, Psychological disorders Students, secondary school
Auteur : Mustapha Mansouri
Issn : 2304-3717
Eissn : 2312-8003 Num : 41, pp : 386-396
Résume :
The present study aim at identifying the level of Internet addiction and its Relation to some Psychological disorders among secondary school Students and to identify the differences in psychological disorders to the degree of addiction and differences Psychological disorders of Internet addicts according to gender variableThe sample consisted of 258 Studentswho taught in the secondary schools of Mascara in western Algeria; Applied the Internet addiction test and psychological disorders questionnairethe study revealed the following results: -There is a positive correlation between Internet addiction and psychological disorders among secondary school students - There are differences in psychological disorders among high and low Internet addicts of secondary school students in favor of addicts -There are differences in the psychological disorders of Internet addicts according to the gender variable in favor of females
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Preference-Based Web Service Composition: Case-Based Planning Approach
La revue : I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science
Domaine : Intelligence Artificielle
Mots Clés : Web Service Composition; Case Based Planning; User Preferences.
Auteur : Y.Hachemi, SM.Benslimane
Issn : 2074-9007
Eissn : 2074-9015 vol : 07, Num : 06, pp : 74-82
Résume :
Web service selection is an indispensable process for web service composition. However it became a difficult task as many web services are increased on the web and mostly they offer similar functionalities, which service will be the best. User preferences are the key to retain only the best services for the composition. In this paper, we have proposed a web service composition model based on user preferences. To improve the process of web service composition we propose a case-based planning approach with user preferences which uses successful experiences in past to solve similar problems. In this paper we integrate user preferences in the phase of selection, adaptation and planning. Our main contributions are a new method of case retrieval, an extended algorithm of adaptation and planning with user preferences. Results obtained offer more than a solution to the user and taking both functional and nonfunctional requirements.
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: أثر صدمات أسعار النفط على الميزانية العامة في الجزائر: دراسة قياسية
La revue : المجلة الجزائرية للاقتصاد و الادارة
Domaine : économie
Mots Clés : صدمات أسعار النفط، الانفاق الحكومي، اختبار سببية قرانجر
Auteur : بن دحمان أمينة، ركراك مونية، عمراني فاطمة
Issn : 2170-0311
Eissn : 2600-6197 Num : 9, pp : 173-182
Résume :
الدافع من وراء هذه الدراسة هو البحث في طبيعة تأثير تقلبات أسعار النفط على السياسة المالية في البلاد, باستخدام منهجية سببية قرانجر وخلال الفترة الزمنية 1970-2014، من خلال تحديد اتجاه السببية بين تقلبات أسعار النفط الخام ( سعر النفط الحقيقي، الصدمات الموجبة لأسعار النفط، الصدمات السالبة لأسعار النفط) و أهم المتغيرات الرئيسية للسياسة المالية في الجزائر ( الانفاق الحكومي، نفقات التسيير و نفقات التجهيز). و من خلال نتائج الدراسة القياسية تم ايجاد علاقة سببية تتجه من أسعار النفط نحو مؤشرات الميزانية العامة في البلد، كل هذا يشير بقوة الى ضرورة تنويع الاقتصاد للحد من تأثير تقلبات أسعار النفط على عائدات الحكومة، ولا بد من الحكومة اشراك مبدأ التخطيط في الانفاق العام في البلاد.
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A Macro-Econometric Study Of Oil Energy : OAPEP Panel's Data Analysis
La revue : Journal of Social and Economic Statistics
Mots Clés : oil economy, OAPEC, macro-econometric modeling, trajectory of GDP, oil production, analysis of panel data, economic growth
Auteur : Mostefa BELMOKADDEM, Sidi Mohamed Boumediene KHETIB, Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL
vol : 2, Num : 1, pp : 31-50
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s-Golden Manifolds
La revue : Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Almost Golden structure integrability G-Golden manifold
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici
Issn : 1660-5454
Eissn : 1660-5446
Résume :
In this paper, we introduce a new class of almost Golden Riemannian manifolds and we construct a concrete example. Then, we are particularly interested in two more special types where we will study their fundamental properties and we present many examples which justify their study.
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حماية البيئة في ظل قوانين الجباية البيئية بالجزائر ودورها في التوجه نحو التنمية المستدامة والاقتصاد الأخضر
La revue : مجلة الاقتصاد الجديد، بخميس مليانة
Domaine : الاقتصاد البيئي
Mots Clés : البيئة، الجباية البيئية،التنمية المستدامة، الاقتصاد الأخضر
Auteur : بن زكورة العونية & سعيدي فاطمة الزهراء
Issn : 2170-1776
Eissn : 2600-6979 vol : 10, Num : 3, pp : 249-269
Résume :
مثل البيئة الوسط الذي يوفر كل المقومات اللازمة لحياة الإنسان، فقد عرف هذا المحيط العديد من التقلبات التي أثرت على مكوناته وكذا قدرته على توفير نفس الاحتياجات لأجيال المستقبل. وبناءا على هذا، جاءت هذه الدراسة لتسلط الضوء على آليات حماية البيئة في ظل التشريعات الجزائرية وما مدى تطبيقها واحترامها من جهة وكذا مساهمتها في حماية البيئة من جهة أخرى. فالجزائر كغيرها من الدول تبنت العديد من القوانين لحماية البيئة من مختلف الملوثات في إطار الجباية البيئية بهدف الحث على حماسة البيئة والتوجه نحو التوجه نحو التنمية المستدامة والاقتصاد الأخضر.
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Synthesis of a Conducting Nanocomposite by Intercalative copolymerisation of Furan and Aniline in Montmorillonite
La revue : Intern. Polymer Processing
Domaine : nanocomposite
Auteur : O. Saiah, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui
Issn : ISSN 0930-777X
vol : 04, pp : 515–518
Résume :
Herein, we describe the synthesis of polyfuran, polyaniline, and their copolymer nanocomposites by in-situ oxidative polymerisation of corresponding monomers in the presence of montmorillonite, using ammonium persulfate as an oxidant. The obtained nanocomposites were characterised by Fourier- transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and UV-vis spectroscopy.
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Synthesis of new nitrobenzylidene derivatives and pyrrole-based copolymers for dye-sensitized solar cells: effect of substituent on opto-electrical properties of dip-coated thin films
La revue : Surface Review and Letters
Domaine : Chimie
Auteur : A. Remil, Y. Mouchaal , A. B. Reguig, A. L. Toumi, h. Gherrass, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui , A. Khelil
Résume :
The mastery of the optoelectronic properties of conjugated copolymers by substituting their radicals is a promising way for increasing the light absorption and charge career transport in the organic devices active layer. In this paper, we present the chemical synthesis of four di®erent conjugated benzaldehyde derivatives and pyrrole-based copolymers (P–P:B) followed by their conception in thin ¯lms on glass substrates by dip coating root from a solution in dichloromethane.
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The effect of the plastic instability on the behavior of an amorphous polymer
La revue : Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
Mots Clés : Amorphous Polymer, Damage, Mechanical Behavior, Modeling
Auteur : Ali Boudjelal Moulay., Bouiadjera Bachir Belabbes., Ould Chikh El Bahri, Elmeguenni Mohamed,
Issn : 2369-0739
Eissn : 2369-0747 vol : 4, Num : 1, pp : 53-58
Résume :
In manufacturing operations, numerous parts and components are formed into different shapes by applying external forces to the workpiece, typically by means of various tools and dies. Common examples of such operations are forging, extruding, drawing and rolling. Forming operations may be carried out at room temperature or at elevated temperatures, and at a low or a high rate of deformation. These operations are also used in forming and shaping non-metallic materials such as plastics and ceramics. However, the processes of working of polymers in a solid state are affected by phenomena of plastic instabilities. These phenomena are interpreters on the basis of intrinsic law of behavior of the material which express the influence of the deformation and the rate of deformation on the plastic yield stress. This law directly reflects the structural modifications undergone by material under the conditions of the test. In addition, she gives the necessary information to the modeling of instabilities using techniques of calculation such as the finite element method.
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Biochemical and biometrics characterization of five varieties of Pistacia vera L. grown in Maoussa experimental station (northwest of Algeria).
La revue : Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Domaine : biocchimie
Mots Clés : Pistacia vera L.; biometrics; fruit; kernel; varieties
Auteur : B. Sid Ahmed, B. Kheloufi , E. Abdelkader
Issn : 0975-7384
Eissn : ++++++ vol : 7, Num : 4, pp : 1120-1130
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اقتصاد المعرفة و النمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر
La revue : Revue Algérienne d'Economie et de Management
Domaine : Economie
Mots Clés : المعرفة، اقتصاد المعرفة، مؤشرات اقتصاد المعرفة، النمو الاقتصادي، الجزائر، دراسة قياسية
Auteur : Benounissa Leila
Issn : 2600-6197
vol : 5, Num : 1, pp : 86-93
Résume :
ظرا للضرورة الملحة لاندماج كل الدول نحو اقتصاد جديد ازدادت فيه اهمية المعرفة و دورها الفعال في دفع عجلت التنمية واصبحت مقياسا للثروة اذا سمي هذا الاقتصاد "باقتصاد المعرفة" هذا ما يدفعنا للقول أن التحول من اقتصاد مقاد بواسطة الصناعة الى اقتصاد مدار بواسطة المعلومات و المعارف و يدفعنا للقول أن خلق الثروة لم يعد وفق سياق مادي، بل أصبح مبني على كل ما هو غير مادي وموجه خصوصا بواسطة المعرفة سنحاول في هذه الورقة معالجة أثر اقتصاد المعرفة و النمو الإقتصادي (دراسة حالة الجزائر) في البداية حاولنا معرفة أهم النقاط النظرية المتعلقة باقتصاد المعرفة، ثم ننتقل إلى نقطة مهمة أخرى وهي النظريات الرابطة بين اقتصاد المعرفة و النمو الاقتصادي. أما في الجانب التطبيقي فحاولنا من خلال العديد من المؤشرات والمعطيات الصادرة من مختلف الهيئات والمنظمات المتخصصة تصنيف الجزائر ضمن مجموعة من الدول. وقمنا بدراسة تحليلية ثم دراسة العلاقة بين أحد هذه المؤشرات و الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، لعدم توفر المعطيات لفترة زمنية طويلة اخذنا براءات الاختراع كمؤشر لاختبار السببية.
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Optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of Zintl YLi3 A 2 (A= Sb, Bi) compounds through modified Becke–Johnson potential
La revue : Chinese Physics B
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Electronic structure, band gap, optoelectronic, FP-LAPW + lo, TB-LMTO
Auteur : T. Seddik, GÖKAY Uğur, R Khenata, Ş Uğur, Fethi Soyalp, G Murtaza, DP Rai, A Bouhemadou, S Bin Omran
Issn : 1674-1056
vol : 25, Num : 10, pp : 107801
Résume :
In the present work, we investigate the structural, optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of the YLi3X2 (X = Sb, Bi) compounds using the full potential augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-APW+lo) method. The exchange–correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation/local density approximation (GGA/LDA) and with the modified Becke–Johnson potential (TB-mBJ) in order to improve the electronic band structure calculations. In addition, the estimated ground state properties such as the lattice constants, external parameters, and bulk moduli agree well with the available experimental data. Our band structure calculations with GGA and LDA predict that both compounds have semimetallic behaviors. However, the band structure calculations with the GGA/TB-mBJ approximation indicate that the ground state of the YLi3Sb2 compound is semiconducting and has an estimated indirect band gap (Γ–L) of about 0.036 eV while the ground state of YLi3Bi2 compound is semimetallic. Conversely the LDA/TB-mBJ calculations indicate that both compounds exhibit semiconducting characters and have an indirect band gap (Γ–L) of about 0.15 eV and 0.081 eV for YLi3Sb and YLi3Bi2 respectively. Additionally, the optical properties reveal strong responses of the herein materials in the energy range between the IR and extreme UV regions. Thermoelectric properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermo power factors are also calculated.
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Induced structures on Golden Riemannian manifolds
La revue : Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Golden Riemannian manifold, Almost Hermitian manifold, Almost contact metric manifold.
Auteur : Beldjilali gherici
Issn : 0138-4821
vol : 59, Num : 4, pp : 761-777
Résume :
We introduce the notion of Golden Riemannian manifolds of type (r, s) and starting from a Golden Riemannian structure, we construct some remarkable classes of the induced structures on Riemannian manifold. Concret examples are given.
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La revue : Valahian Journal of Economic Studies
Domaine : la responsabilité sociale des entreprises.
Mots Clés : responsabilité sociale des entreprises, partie prenantes, le système de management, Sonatrach, performance globale, système de pilotage
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Issn : 2067 - 9459
vol : , Num : 02 / 2013 , pp : 79-86
Résume :
La réalisation de la performance globale d’une entreprise, résulte de l’état d‘un rapport de force entre différentes manières de présenter et se représenter la place de l‘entreprise sur diverses échelles d’évaluation propres à chaque groupe d‘acteurs. La première étape dans l’opérationnalisation de cette approche par les parties prenantes consiste à identifier les différentes catégories d’acteurs à prendre en compte dans l’analyse. On va donc regroupé ses parties prenantes, dans les six grandes catégories influents sur la réalisation de la performance de l’entreprise étudié, ils sont: les clients, la communauté locale et la société civile, les fournisseurs, l’environnement, la flexibilité organisationnelle et l’adaptation au changement, les employés
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Les régimes de changes adoptés par la banque d'Algérie: pour ou contre ?
La revue : Les Cahiers de CREAD
Domaine : Finance
Mots Clés : Taux de change, Monnaie, Régime de change, Marché des changes, Politique de change
Auteur : Dr LEKKAM Abdelkrim Boudjelal
Issn : 1012-0009
Eissn : 2437-0568 vol : 37, Num : 01, pp : 41-71
Résume :
L'Algérie est face à un environnement économique envisageant des changements significatifs, à l’intérieur du pays comme à l’extérieur. Beaucoup de ces changements ont d’importantes implications pour le choix du régime de change et sont probablement en train de rendre la défense de tout type d’ancrage difficile. Un régime de change autour d’un panier et admettant un degré de flexibilité à la monnaie nationale, en accord avec Williamson (1998, 2000), Dornbush et Park (1999) et Goldstein (2000), nous semble convenir le mieux. Il a la possibilité de se décliner sous différentes formes selon la situation du pays et les objectifs à atteindre. Il ressort donc de ce papier est que la politique de change en Algérie reste toujours restrictive, même si on parle d’un marché des changes pseudo-libéral à travers les mécanismes du marché interbancaire de change.
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Blind digital modulation classification for STBC-OFDM system in presence of CFO and channels estimation errors
La revue : IET Communications
Domaine : Telecommunications
Mots Clés : STBC-OFDM
Auteur : Brahim Dehri; Mokhtar Besseghier; Djebbar Ahmed Bouzidi; Iyad Dayoub
Issn : 1751-8628
Eissn : 1751-8636 vol : 13, Num : 17, pp : 2827 - 2833
Résume :
Here, the authors propose a robust blind digital modulation classification (BDMC) algorithm for space time block coding (STBC)-based MIMO-OFDM system in the presence of carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel estimation errors. Previous papers published on the topic of modulation identification were limited to single-carrier systems operating over frequency-flat channels. The problem of joint channel and CFO estimation in conjunction with blind digital modulation classification for STBC-OFDM in frequency selective channel and in the presence of the impulsive noise has not been addressed before to the best of their knowledge. To cope with performance degradation of BDMC due to CFO and channels errors, they propose joint semi-blind CFO and channels estimation methods. Higher order statistics (HOS), used for feature extraction, are combined with pattern recognition methods to solve the modulation identification problem. The main contribution of their work is the development of estimators, the study of their impacts on the blind classification capability, and the use of simulations to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed algorithms.
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High pressure phase transition and elastic properties of Lutetium chalcogenide
La revue : Physica B: Condensed Matter
Domaine : Physic
Mots Clés : Lutetium chalcogenidesAb initio calculationFP−APW+loStructural propertiesPhase transitionElastic constants
Auteur : T Seddik, F Semari, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, B Amrani
Issn : 0921-4526
vol : 405, Num : 1, pp : 394-399
Résume :
Using first-principles density functional calculation, the pressure-induced structural phase transformation and mechanical properties of NaCl type (B1) structure in Lutetium chalcogenides (LuX: X=S, Se, Te) were studied by means of the full-potential augmented plane wave plus local orbitals (FP−APW+lo) method. The calculations were performed within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation potential. The calculated ground-state properties such us lattice constants agree quit well with the experimental findings. We have determined the full set of first-order elastic constants and their pressure dependence, which have not been calculated and measured yet. The Debye temperature is estimated from the average sound velocity. To our knowledge this is the first quantitative theoretical prediction of the structural phase transition and elastic properties for these compounds and still awaits experimental confirmations.
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PV Energy Generation and IoT Power Consumption for Telecom Networks in Remote Areas
La revue : Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy
Auteur : Mohammed Anis. Oukebdane, Samir. Ghouali, Emad Kamil. Hussein, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Amina Elbatoul. Dinar, Walid. Cherifi, Abd EllahYoucef. Taib, Boualem. Merabet
vol : 6, Num : 5,
Résume :
Nowadays, electrical grids are using information and communication technologies for providing intelligence in electrical grids, since alternative energy sources are increasing to meet the world’s energy consumption demand. Interest in Internet of Things (IoT) is lastingly growing and may involve more data-sensitive projects when applied in smart micro-grids (SMGs), and security is a priority to be ensured for power distribution and consumption. Moreover, standards for IoT platforms should be optimized for monitoring such consumption and controlling grid resources, which present more demanding challenges. In such context, this work aims to adopt an appropriate PV-based energy generation system feeding a remote telecom network (RTN), via evaluating its performance, and monitor a related smart micro-grid (SMG) to offer a secure and energy-efficient management for RTNs. Simulink simulations have proved DC/DC converters as the best choice for future telecoms applications by using PV systems. Boost converters reveal to be suitable for PV systems while optimizing a fewer transformers electric energy conversion. A focus is also on how to detect and counteract attacks to prevent power theft/loss while feeding RTNs, showing that the best security choice is the use of Snort to prevent from inside net LAN, and ASA firewall to obstruct attacks from outside.
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An Investigation of Analytic Decision During Driving
La revue : International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Domaine : ST
Mots Clés : Panel Co-integration, Panel Granger Causality, FMOLS and DOLS Estimators, Cardiorespiratory electromyography galvanic signals
Auteur : Samir Ghouali, Yassine Zakarya Ghouali, Mohammed Feham
Issn : 2156-5570
vol : 08, Num : 02, pp : 156-165
Résume :
To examine the long-term causality between Cardiorespiratory Electromyography Galvanic signals for 17 drivers taken from Stress Recognition in Automobile Drivers database. Methods: Two statistical methods, co-integration to reveal an eventual existence of a long-term relationship between ECG (Electrocardiograph),EMG (electromyography, GSR (galvanic skin resistance),heart rate (HR) and respiration,well as the Application of the model of Granger causality. Results: ECG shows certain dependence to EMG,GSR, heart rate and respiration.The results for ECG dependent suggest that an increase of 1% in EMG, FOOTGSR, HAND GSR, HR and RESPIRATION implies a variation of ECG which take a value respectively of 0.016248%, 0.007241%, 0.028366%, 0.000511% and 0.000110% in the within dimension based on the FMOLS(Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares).With same way, the result for ECG suggest that an increase of 1% in EMG, FOOT GSR, HAND GSR, HR and RESPIRATION implies a variation of ECG which take a value respectively,of 0.065684%, 0.014534%, 0.032800%, 0.000304%, 0.005986% in the between dimension based on the same method. The results of panel Granger causality show a bi-directional relationship between ECG and FOOT GSR, HAND GSR and respiration signals, it must be noted as a unidirectional causality from EMG to ECG. Conclusion:This study shows the long-term interaction between the bio signals, and reveal how the understanding of these interactions can help the doctors to understand the risks that may exist between these interactions. The main advantage of a multidimensional and multivariate model is to solve a multitude of problems that prevent doctors to treat the patients better and is not the case for studies in two dimensions.
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Effect of applied bias on transmission properties of dimmer Fibonacci superlattices
Auteur : Z. Aziz, S. Bentata, R. Djelti and E. Alandaloussi
vol : Vol. 23, Num : No. 19,
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في تعليمة اللغة العربية )بين الاسس النظرية والإجراءات التطبيقة)
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Nature of the electronic states in Radom Dimer AlxGa1-xAs superlattices
Auteur : S. Bentata
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La revue : Mining Science
Domaine : Télédétection
Mots Clés : drought, Northwestern Algeria, SPI, NDVI, linear regression, satellite imagery
Auteur : Malika ABBES, Abderrahmane HAMIMED, Aicha LAFRID, Habib MAHI, Laounia NEHAL
Issn : 0370-0798
vol : 25, pp : 85–113
Résume :
Over the last decades, Algeria has witnessed intense and persistent drought periods characterized by a significant rainfall deficit. The Northwestern Algeria, such as the most south Mediterranean regions, is marked by alternating wet and dry periods and mixing between Atlantic and Mediterranean airs. In a climate context increasingly disturbed by anthropogenic activities, it is essential to analyze the dry episodes at spatial and temporal scales. In order to understand this problem, this work aims to use the potential of Landsat satellite imagery for monitoring drought conditions in the Cheliff watershed in the northwestern Algeria. As known, the behavior of vegetation is strongly related to climate changes. On this basis, a comparison of the variations in the standardized normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and those of the drought indices calculated from meteorological data was implemented. In fact, the rainfall series from fifty meteorological stations were analyzed. The standardized precipitation index (SPI) was calculated for the years 1987, 2000, 2006, 2011 and 2015, corresponding to the acquisition dates of Landsat images. Similarly, an extraction of the NDVI values was performed for each meteorological station. The linear regression between SPI and NDVI showed a good correlation. Thus, the obtained results enabled establishing a new drought index based essentially on satellite data. This index represents the advantage for monitoring spatially the drought phenomena and can solve the problem of climatic data lack.
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An integrated hardware/software in Algeria Telecom access layers NGN model:MA5600T and C300M Shelfs MSAN’s solutions
Domaine : Telecommunications Optiques
Mots Clés : MSAN, AX MA5600T, C300M, NGN
Auteur : Samir Ghouali,Mohammed Feham, Rachid Merzougui
Issn : 2080-2242
vol : 11, Num : 02, pp : 32-34
Résume :
The evolution of an existing network to the new structure will require a phased migration strategy aimed at minimising capital expenditure during the transition phase, while reaping the benefits early on. Any action taken during this transition step should simplify the network's evolution to the NGN packet-switched architecture. This paper presents the development of PSTN networks into NGN Optical Fiber, its configuration and implementation of Smart AX MA5600T HUAWEI and C300M ZTE Shelfs MSANs solutions.
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Phytochemical screening and antibacterial effect of Zizyphus lotus methanolic extract against oral pathogenic bacteria.
La revue : Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Domaine : sciences de la nature et de la vie
Mots Clés : zizyphus lotus- methanolic extract-
Auteur : T.Aicha, B. Hamida, M.Boumediene
Issn : 1112-9867
vol : 10, Num : (2), pp : 252-266
Résume :
The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the antibacterial effect of the methanolic extract obtained from the roots of Zizyphus lotus(communally Sedra) collected in Mascara on analysis which revealing 433,65μg EGA / mg dm ofcollected from the oral cavity (10 students) against bacteria responsible of oral pathologies, isolated from students aged from 20 to 28 years. Chemical qualitative analysis of this extract revealed the presence of polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins confirmed by a quantitative analysis polyphenols, 247,87μg EQ / mg dm of flavonoids and 167.05 μg ECT/ mg dm of tannins.microbiological analysis of samples bacterial groups (streptococci, staphylococci, lactobacilli and enterobacteria).Extract of Zizyphus lotus tested on agar medium and microdilution method showed an important inhibition diameter of 40 mm respectively towards Lactobacillus sp.
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Optoelectronic properties of transition metals doped cubic Cadmium Sulfide
Auteur : A. Abbad, H. A. Bentounes, W. Benstaali, S. Bentata, B. Bouadjemi
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Dévaluation Et Politique économique En Algérie : Une Approche Macroéconomique
La revue : Journal Of North African Economies
Domaine : SECG
Mots Clés : Taux de change ; dévaluation, ; balance commerciale ; Mundell-Fleming
Auteur : Z. M'hamed ; M. Dahou
Issn : 2352-9962
Eissn : 2572-0147 vol : 8, Num : 3, pp : 995-1016
Résume :
Ce papier tente d’analyser et d’évaluer l'effet de la politique de dévaluation du dinar, par l’utilisation du modèle de Mundell-Fleming, sur l’économie nationale algérienne. L’approche adoptée met en avant les interactions des principaux variables macroéconomiques afin d'incorporer au mieux l'effet de resserrement monétaire poursuivi souvent en période de mauvaise conjoncture économique. Pour réaliser notre objectif, nous commençons par rappeler les principaux caractères du modèle, puis met en perspective la trajectoire de l’économie algérienne au cours des dernières décennies. Il apparait enfin que cette dévaluation restrictive, dans la phase actuelle, ne présentait aucune efficacité économique.
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Electronic States Nature of Trimer Height Barrier Disorder Superlattices
La revue : Journal of Applied Sciences
Auteur : R. Djelti, S. Bentata and Z. Aziz
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La revue : Archivum Mathematicum (BRNO)
Domaine : Geometry
Mots Clés : eneralized Kählerianmanifolds, generalized contact structures, generalized almost complex structures.
Auteur : Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali, Mohamed Belkhelfa, and Aissa Wade
vol : Tomus 53, Num : 53,
Résume :
The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, new generalized Kählermanifolds are constructed starting from both classical almost contact metricand almost Kählerian manifolds. Second, the transformation constructionon classical Riemannian manifolds is extended to the generalized geometrysetting (2) (PDF) Generalized Kählerian manifolds and transformation of generalized contact structures. Available from: [accessed Oct 06 2020].
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La revue : EXCLI
Domaine : Microbiology
Issn : 1611-2156
vol : 19, pp : 1-4
Résume :
It was with great interest that we have read the review article entitled “Antibiotic re- sistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: mechanisms and alternative therapeutic strategies”. We truly thank Pang and colleagues for this successful research review (Pang et al., 2019). A myriad of factors involved in the P. aeruginosa resistance are provided in this overview. Interestingly, these multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria have engaged an intrinsic, acquired and adaptive antibiotic resistance. In thepresent contribution, we are highlighting how biofilm-mediated resistance comes into play.
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Investigation of Mechanical Behaviour of the Bone Cement (PMMA) under Combined Shear and Compression Loading
La revue : Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Auteur : KHELLAFI Habib,Bouziane Mohamed Mokhtar ,Djebli Abdelkader, Abdeldjelil Mankour,Bendouba Mostefa,Bel Abbes Bachir Bouiadjra et Ould Chikh El Bahri.
vol : 41,
Résume :
Generally, implants fixations in orthopedic surgery are insured by bone cement; which is generated mainly from polymer polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Since, the cement is identified as the weakest part among bone-cement-prosthesis assembly. Hence, the characterization of mechanical behaviour is of a crucial requirement for orthopaedic surgeon’s success. In this study, we investigates the failure behaviour of bone cement, under combined shear and compression loading, for the aim to determine the strengths of bone cement for different mode loading conditions. Therefore, experimental cylindrical specimens has been tested to assess different shear-compression stresses. Based on the mechanical tests, a finite elements model of cylindrical specimens was developed to evaluate stresses distribution in the bone cement under compression, shear and combined shear-compression loading. Results show that, the load which leading to the failure of the cement decreased with increasing of the specimen angle inclination with respect of loading direction.
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A fuzzy goal programming with interval target model and its application to the decision problem of renewable energy planning
La revue : Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Auteur : Amin. Hocine, Mohammed Seghir. Guellil, Eyup. Dogan, Samir. Ghouali, Noureddine. Kouaissah
Eissn : 1573-3009
Résume :
Optimizing sustainable renewable energy portfolios is one of the most complicated decision making problems in energy policy planning. This process involves meeting the decision maker’s preferences, which can be uncertain, while considering several conflicting criteria, such as environmental, societal, and economic impact. In this paper, rather than using existing techniques, a novel multi-objective decision making (MODM) model, named fuzzy goal programming with interval target (FGP-IT), is proposed and constructed based on recent developments and concepts in fuzzy goal programming (FGP) and revised multi-choice goal programming (RMCGP). The model deals with decision making problems involving a high level of uncertainty by offering decision makers a more flexible way to formulate and express their preferences, namely, fuzzy interval target goals. The proposed method is used to optimize a hypothetical sustainable wind energy portfolio in Algeria. The results show that the FGP-IT model is capable of assisting decision makers with uncertain preferences in making such complicated decisions.
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Search for half-metallic ferromagnetism in orthorhombic Ce(Fe/Cr)O3 perovskites
Auteur : A. Abbad, W. Benstaali, H. A. Bentounes, S. Bentata, Y. Benmalem
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Cheating in exams in Algerian school- Common causes and effective solutions
Mots Clés : examinations, cheating
Issn : 2311-5181
Num : 39, pp : 139-147
Résume :
this article is about a phenomenon which threatens the integrity of the educational evaluation, mainly the national examinations, such as Baccalaureate and BEM
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inférences générées par les étudiants des sciences économiques à l'écoute d'un CM de spécialité en L2
La revue : Laros
Auteur : Sebane Mounia Aicha
Issn : 1112-5373
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La revue : Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg.
Domaine : Energies renouvelables, Réseaux de neurones artificiels
Mots Clés : PV, MPPT, RBF
Issn : ?0035-4066
vol : 61, pp : 255-257
Résume :
In this work, we develop a radial basis artificial neural network to predict the voltage and the current at maximum power point of a photovoltaic panel under different cell temperature and solar irradiance conditions. For training the proposed artificial neural network, we generate a group of maximum power points defined by their corresponding current and voltage values using the photovoltaic panel single diode model. To ensure the validity of the artificial neural network, we compare the obtained results to those obtained by using the photovoltaic panel single diode model for cell temperature and solar irradiance conditions other than those used for the training phase. Results show that the developed artificial neural network can predict accurately and quickly the current and the voltage of the photovoltaic panel at the maximum power point for any cell temperature and solar irradiance conditions.
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Numerical Study of Combined Surface Radiation and Natural Convection in Vertical Conical Annular Enclosure
La revue : Defect and Diffusion Forum
Domaine : heat and mass transfer
Mots Clés : Natural Convection; Surface Radiation; Finite Volume Method; Coaxial Conical Cavity
Auteur : Mohamed A MEDEBBER1, Belkacem OULD SAID2, Noureddine Retiel
Issn : 1662-9507
vol : 408, pp : pp 19-32
Résume :
The present study investigates the combined free convection and surface radiation in a conical annular cylinder filled with air (Pr=0.71). The steady-state continuity, Navier–Stokes and energy equations were carried out by the finite volume method, and the Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM) was used to solve the radiative heat transfer equation (RTE). The boundary conditions are such that the inner and the outer radius of cone are maintained at hot (Th) and cold (Tc) isothermal temperature. The horizontal upper and lower walls are assumed to be isolated. Concerning the radiation exchange, we consider that the fluid (air) is transparent, so only the solid surfaces contribute to the radiation exchange and assumed to be diffuse-gray. The computations are performed for Rayleigh number (Ra) in the range 103≤Ra≤106, the surface emissivity (ε) 0≤ε≤1 and the cone angle (????????) 63º, 76º, 80º and 84º. The key parameters for this analysis are considered as Rayleigh number (Ra), surface emissivity (ε) and the cone angle (????????). Results are presented in terms of isotherms, streamlines and the average Nusselt numbers.
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Synthesis and characterization of poly(pyrrole-co-2-nitrocinnamaldehyde) (PPNC), a new copolymer for solar cells applications
La revue : Polymers and Polymer Composites
Domaine : Chimie
Mots Clés : Copolymer synthesis, solubility, poly(pyrrole-co-2-nitrocinnamaldehyde), pyrrole, 2-nitrocinnamaldehyde
Auteur : H. Gherras, A. Yahiaoui, A. Hachemaoui, A. Belfedal, A. Dehbi, A. Zeinert
Résume :
The use of conductive polymers as a substitute for metallic conductors and semiconductors has attracted much attention in the literature. In particular, aromatic heterocyclic polymers constitute an important class since they possess chemical and electrical stability in both the oxidized (doped) and neutral (undoped) state. A series of poly(pyrrole-co-2-nitrocinnamaldehyde) were obtained via the condensation of pyrrole and 2-nitrocinnamaldehyde in chloroform using acid exchanged montmorillonite clay called maghnite-Hþ as an efficient catalyst. The conjugated copolymer was characterized using proton nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.
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Compact mole-fraction dependent modeling of I-V and C-V characteristics in AlxGa1-xN/GaN HEMTs
La revue : Journal of Computational Electronics
Domaine : Electronic
Mots Clés : I-V and C-V characteristics, Transconductance, AlxGa1−xN/GaN, HEMTs, Mole fraction, Threshold voltage, Numerical simulation, Atlas TCAD simulator
Auteur : Nawel Kermas, Bouaza Djellouli, Driss Bouguenna*, Wondwosen Eshetu, Oana Moldovan and Benjamin Iñiguez
Issn : 1569-8025
Eissn : 1572-8137 vol : 17, Num : 1, pp : 224–229
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A Physics-Based Compact Static and Dynamic Characteristics Model for Al2O3/ InxAl1−xN/AlN/GaN MOS-HEMTs
La revue : Journal of Electronic Materials
Auteur : Abbes Beloufa, Driss Bouguenna, Nawel Kermas & Donat Josef As
Issn : 0361-5235
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Effects of the grid geometry on the performances of a triode-type corona electrode system
La revue : Journal of Electrostatics
Domaine : Corona discharge
Mots Clés : Electrostatic processes Corona Current-voltage characteristics Current density Electric field Grid
Auteur : Ahmed Bouteffahaa,*, Abdelber Bendaoudb, Abdeldjalil Reguigb, Lucien Dascalescu
Issn : 0304-3886
vol : 101, Num : C, pp : 103367
Résume :
The triode-type electrode system is frequently employed for accurately controlling the corona charging of in- sulating materials. The primarily aim of this paper is to characterize the effects of grid geometry of the triode- type corona electrode system by current-voltage and current density distribution measurements. The ionizing element of the electrode system is a thin Tungsten wire (diameter: 200 μm) attached to a cylinder (diameter: 26 mm) and distanced at 34 mm from its axis. The wire-cylinder assembly is a “dual” electrode, facing a grid electrode, connected to a well-defined potential, and a grounded plate electrode. The geometry of the grid has a very significant influence on the current-voltage characteristics of the triode system, on the corona onset voltage value and on the repartition of the current density. The experimental results obtained for different geometries of the grid electrode system are interpreted in order to make some recommendations regarding its design.
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Hybrid Fuzzy Sliding Mode Speed Control for an Electric Vehicle Drive
La revue : International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Domaine : Electrical Engineering
Mots Clés : Dynamics Electric vehicle Fuzzy sliding PMSM Sliding mode control
Auteur : I. F.Bouguenna, A.Azaiz, A. Tahour
Issn : 2088-8694
vol : 8, Num : 3, pp : 1050-1061
Résume :
This paper present a speed hybrid fuzzy-sliding mode control (HFSMC) of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) to ensure the traction of an electric vehicle; at the first we applied the sliding mode control (SMC) with three surfaces on the PMSM by taking into account the dynamics of the vehicle; And afterwards we applied the fuzzy-sliding mode in which the surface of the speed is replaced by a Fuzzy-PI controller; Simulation under Matlab/Simulink has been carried out to evaluate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed control on a system drive. It should be noted that the reference speed is the European urban driving schedule ECE-15 cycle.
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Towards cloud transport using IP-multiservices access network (MSAN)
La revue : Journal of Optical Communications
Mots Clés : ACWKC; C300M shelf; CICK; cloud; GUSQ; IP-MSAN; optical infrastructures
Auteur : Amina Elbatoul. Dinar Samir. Ghouali Rachid. Merzougui Attaouia. Bentahar Boualem. Merabet
Issn : 2191-6322
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Estimation of rainfall erosivity by mapping at the watershed of Macta (Algeria)
La revue : Revista Brasileira de Cartografia
Mots Clés : Rainfall erosivity, Erosion, Annual rainfall, Macta
Auteur : B. Bouderbala, Z. Souidi, A. Hamimed, B. Bouamar
Issn : 1808-0936
vol : 71, Num : 1, pp : 274-294
Résume :
The aim of the present study is to estimate rainfall erosivity in the Macta watershed of western Algeria. Mapping using GIS (geographical information system) allowed better visualization of the erosivity. Five indices of erosivity were tested on a rainfall series of 42 stations over a period of 41 years. The indices used were the Arnoldus index, the Arnoldus modified Fournier index (MFI), the Rango-Arnoldus index, the Leprun index and the Val et al. index. Rainfall of between 300 and 400 mm occurs in 24 stations (57% of the watershed) where the respective values of the Arnoldus, MFI and Rango-Arnoldus erosivity range from 86.54 to 123.93 MJ Mw/ha.year, 47.47 to 75.33 and 16.11 to 36.13, respectively. Monthly rainfall variability has an important role in the concentration of erosivity. Erosion values (MFI) at the watershed range from 19.22 to 126.78, which indicates a low erosivity potential. Rainfall of less than 300 mm recorded in 15 rain gauges (36%) has respective erosivity values ranging from 39.78 MJ Mw / ha.year, 19.22 and 3.34 to 109.73, 50.27 and 17.80. The erosivity index depends not just on the annual rainfall but also on the intra-annual rainfall pattern. The ratio of the MFI index to the Rango-Arnoldus R index will be closer to unity when rainfall is higher. The lower the rainfall, the more the ratio increases in favour of MFI index. The same indices are very close when the annual rainfall reaches and exceeds 500 mm. Our study has shown the importance of inter-annual variability and its influence on rainfall erosivity. The same index of erosivity can have different values for the same amount of annual rainfall, which means that it is the inter-annual variability of rainfall that leads to a high erosivity index. The method of calculating erosivity described by Paez proved effective, as it overcomes the constraint related to the unavailability of rainfall intensity data, especially in semi-arid areas. The present study could serve as a strategic support for socio-environmental decisions and could also complement any study, taking into account the different factors of water erosion. Our results can thus be taken as extra support to any study and decision on hydro-environmental development within the Macta watershed.
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دور العينة في عملية جمع بيانات البحث العلمي
La revue : الدليل المنهجي في إعداد المذكرات و الرسائل الجامعية في العلوم الإقتصادية ، العلوم التجارية و العلوم التسيير بين التأصيل العلمي و الممارسات التطبيقية
Domaine : البحث العلمي
Auteur : لقام عبد الكريم بوجلال و الهلة محمد
Issn : ?.?.?.? 978 ?9931 ? 9612 ? 5 ? 3
Résume :
كتاب جماعي: نشر بحث المعنون بـ "دور العينة في عملية جمع بيانات البحث العلمي" في كتاب جماعي محكم، ذو ترقيم دولي الموسوم بـ "الدليل المنهجي في إعداد المذكرات و الرسائل الجامعية في العلوم الإقتصادية ، العلوم التجارية و العلوم التسيير بين التأصيل العلمي و الممارسات التطبيقية". كلية العلوم الإقتصادية والتجارية و العلوم التسيير بالتعاون مع مخبر الدراسات و البحوث في التنمية الريفية. جامعة "محمد البشير الإبراهيمي" ـ برج بوعريرج ـ ر.د.م.ك 978 ـ9931 ـ 9612 ـ 5 ـ 3 ISBN ـ الجزائر.
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La revue : مجلة دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Domaine : فلسفة
Mots Clés : الدين، الفلسفة، التطور، المنهج، فلسفة الدين
Issn : 2253-0592
vol : 11, Num : 08/01, pp : 155-166
Résume :
نحاول في موضوعنا طرح تحليل فلسفي لتطور العلاقة بين مجالين مهمين من حياة البشر، ألا وهما الدين والفلسفة، حيث نطمح إلى فهم التغير الحاصل في النظر إلى مفهوم وموضوع وغاية الدين عبر تاريخ الفكر الفلسفي، لفهم طبيعة الوثبة الحاصلة من فلسفات دينية إلى فلسفة في الدين وإشكال مقالنا ينطلق من وجود نقلة نوعية عرفها الفكر الفلسفي حول الدين من فلسفات دينية مجالها التسليم أو الاعتقاد ثم التعقل إلى فلسفة في الدين تتأسس على الانتقاد و التعقل دون حدود وقيود مواكبة مستجدات الواقع والعلم
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La Comptabilité Des Ressources Humaines Un Outil - De L’audit Social. Cas Du Groupe Chiali Filiale Tubes - Sidi Bel Abbes – Algérie-.
La revue : مجلة دراسات متقدمة في المالية والمحاسبة
Domaine : Management des ressources humaines.
Mots Clés : la comptabilité des ressources humaines, outils de l’audit social, la gestion des RH, la performance du capital humain, Indicateurs.
Auteur : Assia Hebri / Khelil Sara.
Issn : 2661-7374
vol : 03, Num : 05, pp : 57-69.
Résume :
L’objectif de cette recherche, était de déterminer les outils de l’audit social dans la filiale de Tube, groupe Chiali sidi BelAbes, Algérie. Après une analyse d’un échantillon de charges du personnel sous forme l’indicateurs ratios, et de diagrammes et par l’utilisation d’un questionnaire sur les méthodes de calcul des salaires et la politique de rémunération, on a constaté qu’Il ya une absence d’un système d’évaluation des connaissances dans la rémunération du personnel.
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Numerical Study of Double Diffusive Convection within the Annular Region of Two Concentric Vertical Cylinders
La revue : Defect and Diffusion Forum
Domaine : heat and mass transfer
Mots Clés : Double-diffusive convection, the finite volume method, partially annular, the Nusselt number, the Sherwood numbers
Auteur : Mohamed A. MEDEBBER, Noureddine RETIEL
Issn : 1662-9507
vol : 374, pp : 1-17
Résume :
This article reports a numerical study of double-diffusive convection within the annular region of two concentric vertical cylinders. The outer vertical wall is maintained at lower uniform temperature and concentration, while the inner vertical wall is maintained at higher uniform temperature and concentration. The top and bottom horizontal walls are adiabatic and impermeable to mass transfer. The resulting governing equations are solved using a finite volume method. The coupling between the continuity and momentum equations is solved using the SIMPLER algorithm. The compilations have been obtained for Prandtl numbers (Pr) equal to 7.0, and Lewis number (Le) equal to 100. The thermal Rayleigh number (RaT) and height ratio (X) are, respectively, varied in the range 103≤RaT≤106 and 0.0≤X≤1.0. The influence of physical and geometrical parameters on the streamlines, isotherms, isoconcentrations, average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers has been numerically investigated in detail
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In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity of Algerian Hoggar Salvadora persica L. extracts against Microbial strains from children’s oral cavity
La revue : Journal of Ethnopharmacology 144 (2012) 57–66
Domaine : sciences de la nature et de la vie
Mots Clés : Salvadora persica- enfants scolarisés- antimicrobial activity- in vitro- in vivo
Auteur : T.Aicha,M.Catherine, A. Abdelkader ,M.Boumediene
Issn : 0378-8741
vol : 144, pp : 57-66
Résume :
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Salvadora persica L. (miswak) is traditionally used to ensure oral hygiene Muslim people in developing countries where it is growing. The antibacterial properties of Salvadora persica L. originating from various geographic areas have already been reported. However, they have never been tested for samples originating from Hoggar, where extreme weather conditions could lead to different properties for this Salvadora persica L. ecotype. Aim of the study: To assess the in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities of methanolic extract of Algerian Hoggar Salvadora persica L. (miswak) on some isolated and identified strains from the oral cavity of school children aged from 6 to 12 with (n¼20) and without (n¼20) caries. Materials and methods: After a qualitative and quantitative analysis of dental plaque samples from the selected children, the effect of methanolic extract of Hoggar miswak against oral bacterial and fungal strains isolated from the oral cavity of children with caries was tested by both agar disc diffusion and microdilution methods. The stability and physicochemical parameters of Hoggar Salvadora persica L. mouthwash were also assessed compared. The in vivo antimicrobial effect of Hoggar miswak rinse on dental plaque samples was also tested over a week. Results: Four bacterial genera (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia and Lactobacillus) were commonly identified in all subjects at different colonization levels. A statistically significant difference in colonization levels between the two groups of children was recorded. Hoggar miswak extract more significantly inhibited the growth of Gram negative bacteria from the dental plaque than Gram positive ones. Hoggar Salvadora persica L. mouthwash was stable at 4 1C and 25 1C over the period of conservation (one week) while a temperature of 40 1C induced variations in the physicochemical parameters and considered not suitable for preservation. The in vivo study revealed a significant reduction in bacteria of the oral cavity using miswak mouthwash as compared to placebo. Conclusion: Hoggar miswak extract displayed a strong antimicrobial effect both in vitro and in vivo. Its use as a mouthrinse could therefore be recommended as a preventive measure to preserve from tooth decay.
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The effects of 5f localization on the electronic and magnetic properties of the hexagonal U3ZrSb5
La revue : Journal of alloys and compounds
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : FP-APW + lo; GGA, GGA + U; Magnetic properties; Electronic properties; Thermodynamic properties
Auteur : O Merabiha, T. Seddik, R Khenata, G Murtaza, A Bouhemadou, Y Takagiwa, S Bin Omran, D Rached
Issn : 0925-8388
vol : 586, pp : 529-535
Résume :
Structural, magnetic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of the hexagonal U3ZrSb5 are theoretically investigated by using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital’s (FP-LAPW + lo) method. The exchange–correlation potential was treated with the generalized gradient approximation GGA of Wu and Cohen. Moreover, the GGA + U approximation (where U is the Hubbard correlation terms) is employed to treat the f electrons properly. The calculated structural parameters are in good agreement with the experimental data. The magnetic study reveals that U3ZrSb5 is a ferromagnetic material. Furthermore, we present a comparative study between the band structures, electronic structures, total and partial densities of states and local moments calculated within both GGA and GGA + U schemes. Our band structure calculations show the metallic behavior of this ferromagnetic compound. The thermodynamic properties are predicted through the quasi-harmonic Debye model, in which the lattice vibrations are taken into account. The variation of relative change in volume, heat capacities and the Debye temperature with temperature and pressure are successfully achieved.
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Bioremediation Mechanisms and Strategies Employed by Pseudomonas PGPR , in D.K. Maheshwari (ed.), Springer International Publishing AG, Bacterial Metabolites in Sustainable Agroecosystem, Sustainable Development and Biodiversity 12,
La revue : Springer
Domaine : Microbiology of environement
Mots Clés : Biofilm, Bioremediation
Auteur : Amina Meliani
Issn : 2352-474X
Eissn : 2352-4758 vol : 12, pp : 358 of 396
Résume :
With the need of green chemicals and sustainable agroecosystem, biosurfactants’ study and application is becoming imperative.Nowadays,it is known that Rhamnolipids are potent biosurfactants with high potential for bioremediation applications. The elimination of a wide range of pollutants in different ecosystems is an absolute requirement to promote a sustainable development of our society with low environmental impact. Biological processes play a major role inn the removal of contaminants and they taken advantage of the astonishing catabolic versatility of microorganisms to degrade/convert such compounds. The need to remediate these pollutants from contaminated sites has led to the development of effective, economic and environmentally friendly technologies. One of the current strategies used to enhance this process is the application of Pseudomonas PGPR to remediate contaminated soils in association with plants. Of all the present contaminants, the profound impacts of organic and heavy metal pollutants have attracted worldwide attention. This review focuses on the progress of PGPR for remediation of soils contaminated with the description of certain mechanisms andstrategies.
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La revue : International Journal of Maps in Mathematics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Almost contact metric manifolds, Global basis.
Auteur : Beldjilali gherici
Issn : 2636-7467
vol : 2, Num : 2, pp : 175-186
Résume :
In this paper, starting from only a global basis of vector fields, we construct a class of almost contact metric manifolds and we give concrete example. Next, we study some essential types belonging to this class on dimension 3 and we construct several examples.
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The impact of knowledge economy on the economic growth: Case of Algeria from 1995 to 2007
La revue : IEEE
Domaine : Economie
Mots Clés : Patents , Economic indicators , Indexes , Production , Investment , Technological innovation
Auteur : Benabou Djilali ; Benounissa Leila
Résume :
Due to the urgent need for the integration of all countries into a new economy; the importance of knowledge and its effective role in advancing the development has accelerated. This is why such economy is known as the knowledge economy. This is what makes us say that we live the transformation from an industry-oriented economy to an knowledge-oriented economy and that the creation of wealth is no longer depending on a physical assets, but it became the basis of all immaterial assets in particular knowledge. In this paper we will try to address the impact of the knowledge economy on the economic growth in Algeria. At first, we tried to present the most important points related to the knowledge economy and then we present the relationship between theories of knowledge economy and the economic growth. As for the practical side, we tried through many indicators and data issued by various specializing organizations, to rate Algeria among a group of countries. We made an analytical and descriptive study, then we studied the relationship between one of these indicators and the GDP, and due to the lack of data for a long time, we took the patents as an indicator to make the causality test.
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Backstepping approach for autonomous mobile robot trajectory tracking
La revue : Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Domaine : Contrôle
Mots Clés : Non-linear systems; Trajectory tracking; Dynamic model; backstepping
Auteur : Ibari Benaoumeur, Benchikh Laredj, Hanifi Elhachimi Amar Reda, Ahmed-foitih Zoubir
vol : 2, Num : 3, pp : 478-485
Résume :
This paper proposes a backstepping controller design for trajectory tracking of unicycle-type mobile robots. The main object of the control algorithms developed is to design a robust output tracking controller. The design of the controller is based on the lyapunov theorem, kinematic tracking controller of an unicycle-like mobile robot is used to provides the desired values of the linear and angular velocities for the given trajectory. A Lyapunov-based stability analysis is presented to guarantee the robot stability of the tracking errors. Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed robust controller in term of accuracy and stability under different load conditions.
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Organoclay/conjugated polymer nanocomposites: structural, thermal, and electrical properties
La revue : Colloid and Polymer Science
Domaine : Polymer chemistry
Mots Clés : Organoclay,conjugated polymer, nanocomposites, structural, thermal, and electrical properties
Auteur : Leila Mouacher, Ahmed Yahiaoui, Aicha Hachemaoui, Abdelkader Dehbi, Ali Mustapha Benkouider
Issn : 0303-402X
Eissn : 1435-1536 vol : 299, Num : 05, pp : 763–772
Résume :
A detailed study about the chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline with/or 2-aminothiazole in the presence of an organoclay has been reported. The first step achieved was the organophilization of the clay by using cetrimonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant; then, the nanocomposites were synthesized with the addition of a stoichiometric amount of ammonium persulfate (APS) in aqueous solution. The effect of varying the reaction time and oxidant/monomer and co-monomer molar ratio on the polymer yield was investigated. The resulting nanocomposites were fully characterized using FTIR and UV-Vis measurements which have shown that polymerizations have been carried out. XPS has certified that the clay has undergone a cationic exchange of sodium by the cationic surfactant. X-ray diffraction confirmed that polymers/copolymers were largely incorporated into the clay. Good electrical response and improved thermal stability for the synthesized nanocomposites have been observed.
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La revue : JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : locally conformally Kähler manifold, Sasakian manifold, product manifolds.
Auteur : Beldjilali gherici
Issn : 0972-415X
vol : 20, Num : 4, pp : 427-441
Résume :
The purpose of this paper is to determine some remarkable classes of the induced structures on the product of a locally conformally Kähler manifold with the real line and an almost contact metric manifold.
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Modelisation and simulation of the transmission properties in Dimer Fibonacci Superlattices
Auteur : Z. Aziz, Y. Sefir, R. Djelti and S. Bentata
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Colombeau generalized functions and solvability of differential operators
La revue : Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Colombeau generalized functions; solvability of differential operators
Auteur : B. Chikh
vol : 25, Num : 4, pp : 467-477
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A Novel Conducting Nanocomposite Obtained by p-Anisidine and Aniline With Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties
La revue : Polymer Composites
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Hybrid materials Nanoparticle Zinc oxide 4-Chloroaniline Electrical conductivity
Auteur : F. Chouli
Issn : 1548-0569
vol : 38 , pp : 254-260
Résume :
Nanocomposites were successfully synthesized by the oxidative polymerization of p‐anisidine and/or aniline monomers (at initial “p‐anisidine:aniline” mole ratios of “100 : 0,” 50 : 50,” and “0 : 100”) with titanium(IV) oxide nanoparticles, in the presence of hydrochloric acid as a dopant with ammonium persulfate as an oxidant. The morphological, structural, conductivity, and electrochemical properties of the synthesized nanocomposites were studied using Transmission Electron Microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and UV–vis spectroscopies. The presence of polymer on TiO2 nanoparticles in samples nanocomposites was confirmed by the Transmission Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X‐ray Spectroscopy. The thermal stability of samples nanocomposites were evaluated using the Thermogravimetric Analysis. Electrical conductivity of nanocomposites obtained is in the range of 0.08 − 0.91 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerization on TiO2 nanoparticles produces electroactive polymers. These composite microspheres can potentially be used in commercial applications as fillers for antistatic and anticorrosion coatings. POLYM. COMPOS., 38:E254–E260, 2017. © 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers
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Improved IMC-filter design and IMC-PI equivalence: Application to quadrotor under gust of wind
La revue : Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
Domaine : Systems and Control Engineering
Mots Clés : Quadrotor, autonomous system, internal model control, PI controller
Auteur : Yasser Bouzid, Houria Siguerdidjane, Elmehdi Zareb
Issn : 0959-6518
Eissn : 2041-3041 pp : 1-13
Résume :
As known, internal model control is equivalent to a PI or a PID controller provided that the mathematical model associated to the process to be controlled is of first or second order respectively. So, to go beyond these particular cases and to make an extension in bringing more theoretical results, the article proposes a method to reach the equivalence between an internal model control and a PI controller regardless of the model order. To this end, the key idea consists of using a specific filter that exhibits superior robustness level compared to the classical filter and further leads to get a structure of a PI controller whatever the order of the model is. The developed procedure constitutes the main contribution of this article. To meet given set of specifications, the controller parameters are tuned through a straightforward analytic way using the dynamics of the tracking error. The proposed tuning strategy constitutes another contribution of the article. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency level of this procedure, an application to control an autonomous vehicle is described and the simulation results are shown to be satisfactory confirmed by a series of experimental tests.
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Causal interactions between FDI, and economic growth: Evidence from dynamic panel Co-integration models
La revue : Procedia Economicsand Finance "Elsevier"
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Abbes SAHRAOUI, Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL, Yassine Zakarya GHOUALI
Issn : 2212-5671
vol : 23, pp : 276-290
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Prediction study of the structural, elastic and high pressure properties of Yttrium chalcogenide
La revue : Computational materials science
Domaine : Physics
Mots Clés : Yttrium chalcogenides, Ab initio calculation; FP-APW + lo; Structural properties; Phase transition; Elastic constants
Auteur : T. Seddik, R Khenata, A Bouhemadou, Ali H Reshak, F Semari, B Amrani
Issn : 0921-4526
vol : 49, Num : 2, pp : 394-399
Résume :
The full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave plus local orbitals method with the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange–correlation potential (FP-APW + lo-GGA) is used to predict the structural, elastic and high pressure properties of YX with X = S, Se and Te. Ground state properties such as lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative are obtained. The pressures at which these compounds undergo structural phase transition from NaCl-type to CsCl-type phases are calculated. The elastic constants and their pressure dependence are calculated using the total energy variation with strain technique. The shear modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and Lamé’s coefficients are estimated in framework of Voigt–Reuss–Hill approximation for polycrystalline YX aggregates. The Debye temperature is estimated from the average sound velocity. To our knowledge this is the first quantitative theoretical prediction of the elastic and high pressure properties for these compounds and still awaits experimental confirmations.
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PANI-derived polymer/Al2O3 nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical studies
La revue : Colloid and Polymer Science
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Polyaniline 2-Chloroaniline Aluminum oxide Nanocomposite Electrochemical properties
Auteur : S. Benykhlef
Issn : 0303-402X
vol : 294, pp : 1877-1885
Résume :
This paper presents the physicochemical, conductive, and electrochemical properties of different polyaniline (PANI)-derived polymer/Al2O3 nanocomposites synthesized by chemical oxidation polymerization method carried out in two stages: first, activation of the surface of the Al2O3 nanoparticles by hydrochloric acid and second, polymerization of 2-chloroaniline (2ClANI), aniline (ANI), and the copolymer (2ClANI-ANI) in the presence of Al2O3 by using ammonium persulfate as oxidant in aqueous hydrochloric acid. XRD and TEM results reveal the growth of the polymers on Al2O3 nanoparticles and the formation of PANI-derived polymer/Al2O3 nanocomposites. FTIR and UV-Vis show a systematic shifting of the characteristic bands of the polymers with the presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles. Moreover, these nanoparticles enhance the thermal stability of the polymers, as found by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Although the incorporation of Al2O3 nanoparticles reduces the electric conductivity of the polymers, the resulting nanocomposites still keep high conductivities, ranging between 0.3 × 10−2 and 9.2 × 10−2 S cm−1. As a result, the polymer/Al2O3 nanocomposites exhibit a good voltammetric response. All these synergetic features of the nanocomposites are assigned to the effective interaction of the polymers and Al2O3 particles at nanoscale.
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Erbium/Ytterbium-Doped Waveguide Amplifier (EYDWA) for extended reach of Wavelength Division Multiplexing based free space optics system (WDM/FSO)
La revue : Journal of Optical Communications
Auteur : Attaouia. Bentahar, Malika. Kandouci, Samir. Ghouali
Résume :
This work is focused to carry out the investigation of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) approach on free space optical (FSO) transmission systems using Erbium Ytterbium Doped Waveguide Amplifier (EYDWA) integrated as post-or pre-amplifier for extending the reach to 30 Km for the cost-effective implementation of FSO system considering weather conditions. Furthermore, the performance of proposed FSO-wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system is also evaluated on the effect of varying the FSO range and results are reported in terms of Q factor, BER, and eye diagrams. It has been found that, under clear rain the post-amplification was performed and was able to reach transmission distance over 27 Km, whereas, the FSO distance has been limited at 19.5 Km by using pre-amplification.
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Effect of Surface Radiation on free Convection in Vertical Cylinders Partially Annular
La revue : Defect and Diffusion Forum
Domaine : heat and mass transfer
Mots Clés : Free convection; Surface radiation; Finite Volume Method; Coordinate cylinder, Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE), Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM), Partially Annular caviy; Average Nusselt Number.
Auteur : Mohamed A. MEDEBBER, Belkacem OULD SAID, Noureddine RETIEL
Issn : 1662-9507
vol : 389, pp : 36-49
Résume :
Two dimensional combined free convection and thermal radiation in an annular region of two concentric vertical cylinders filled with air (Pr=0.71) has been numerically investigated. The steady-state continuity, Navier–Stokes and energy equations were carried out by the finite volume method, and the Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM) was used to solve the radiative heat transfer equation (RTE). The flow is considered to be laminar and the properties of air are assumed to be constant except for the density variation for which the Boussinesq approximation is used. Concerning the radiation exchange, we consider that the fluid (air) is transparent, so only the solid surfaces contribute to the radiation exchange and assumed to be diffuse-gray. The computations are performed for Rayleigh number (Ra) in the range 103≤Ra≤106 and for the surface emissivity (ε) 0≤ε≤1 while the radii ratio of the curvature (K) is kept equal to 2. The key parameters for this analysis are considered as Rayleigh number (Ra), surface emissivity (ε). Results are reported in terms of isotherms, streamlines and total average Nusselt numbers. The results showed that the mean total Nusselt number increases monotonically with increasing Ra number and the surface emissivity.
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Structural properties of ternary buffer films based upon CuAlTe2
La revue : JIPMA
Domaine : physique
Auteur : K. Benchouk; K. Zamallach; A. Khelil; J.C. Bernede
vol : 13, pp : 01-04
Résume :
Thin films of CuAlTe2 were elaborated by a sequential deposition of three elements Cu; Al and Te under secondary vacuum on glass slides followed by an annealing of 1/2 hour in an open tube within argon atmosphere. The X-rays diffraction diagram depicts a (112) preferential orientation and the presence of low intensities peaks characterizing the chalcopyrite structure. This shows that the majority of crystallites are directed towards the (112) direction with an orientation factor having an approximate value of 70 %. The height of the crystallites has been assessed using a scanning electron microscope and found to be larger than 200nm.
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Revue Algérienne des Ressources Humaines
La revue : Revue Algérienne des Ressources Humaines
Domaine : Economie
Mots Clés : knowledge economy, investing in people, human development, education, patents.
Auteur : Benounissa Leila& BENABOU Djillali
Eissn : 2602-6651 vol : 1, Num : 2, pp : 54-63
Résume :
From the important slogan: humans are a capital that must be invested, in order to take advantage of their capabilities and output their capacity for survival, exploration, analysis restoration, innovation and creativity to focus on investing the remaining natural, material, human and social capitals. We will try in this paper to address the standard study in Algeria during the period 1990 -2007 and that by exploring the evolution of the human development index, education and indicators as well as the number of patents in Algeria throw the test of the variables stability used in the study, and the correlation between these variables. Finally causality test of Granger. The aim of this study is to address the importance of human resources and the need to invest in people to move towards a knowledge economy.
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Mapping and monitoring soil erosion in a watershed in western Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences
La revue : Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Mots Clés : Erosion . GIS . Remote sensing . USLE . Fergougwatershed . North-Western Algeria
Auteur : Djazia Bouderbala, Zahira Souidi, Frédéric Donze, Mohamed Chikhaoui, Laounia Nehal
vol : 11, Num : 23, pp : 744
Résume :
Fergoug watershed is subject to severe water erosion and land degradation that threaten agricultural sustainability for local populations. Soil loss and degradation by water erosion were estimated using the universal soil loss equation (USLE). The spatial distribution of soil losses was determined using the following parameters: the erosivity factor (R), obtained using climatic data from 12 local stations over a period of 41 years; the land cover factor (C), obtained using LandSat-TM satellite imagery 7 and 8; the erodibility factor (K), estimated from soil particle size analyses; and the topographic factor (LS), obtained from a digital terrain model. The Fergoug watershed is characterized by complex topography, and the topographic factor reached a value of 14.29. The erodibility factor K ranged from 0.08 to 0.38, and high values were recorded for about 20% of the watershed. The rainfall erosivity factor R ranged between 212.32 and 146.73 from east to west. The plant cover factor varied inter- and intraannually from 2.24 in May 2000 to 0.06 in May 2015. As a result, soil losses varied from 0.35 to 617.66 tons per hectare per year (t/ha/year) in a rainy year, and from 0.27 to 1188.92 t/ha/year in a dry year. The combined effects of the slope angle and the vegetation cover were shown to play a major role in soil losses in this area.
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Energy Trajectory Efficiency In Europe And Eurasia: A Dynamic Panel Data Models Analysis
La revue : Finance and Business Economies Review
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir Guellil, Oussama KHEDIR, Assia Brahimi
Issn : 2588-2503
vol : 3, Num : 1, pp : 01-19
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Volatility Linkages between Agricultural Commodity Prices, Oil Prices and Real USD Exchange Rate
La revue : Int. J. Economics and Business Research
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL , Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Mohamed BENBOUZIANE
Issn : 1886-516X
vol : 26, pp : 71–83
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La revue : i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics
Domaine : Mathématiques
Mots Clés : Four-dimensional Pseudosymmetric Kahlerian Manifolds, Ricci tensor
Auteur : BELDJILALI gherici, BELKHELFA mohamed, HASNI abdelbasset
Issn : 2277-5129
vol : 2, Num : 4, pp : 1-6
Résume :
In the present paper, we prove that for a 4-dimensional properly pseudosymmetric Kählerian manifold M, the Ricci tensor vanishes on the set p in {M/ f(p) 6≠ 0} where f is the structure function (i.e R(X,Y ) = f(XÙY).R) and for f > 0 the manifold is not compact. Various examples are discussed.
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Effect of Coulomb interactions and Hartree-Fock exchange on structural, elastic, optoelectronic and magnetic properties of Co 2 MnSi Heusler: A comparative study
La revue : Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Auteur : T. Lantri, S. Bentata, B. Bouadjemi, W. Benstaali, B. Bouhafs, A. Abbad, A. Zitouni
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Fabrication and Characterization of Poly (aniline-co-4-bromoaniline)/Сlay Nanocomposite
La revue : Polymer Science, Series B
Domaine : Chimie
Mots Clés : Copolymer synthesis, solubility, poly(pyrrole-co-2-nitrocinnamaldehyde), pyrrole, 2-nitrocinnamaldehyde
Auteur : N. E-h. Bouabida, A. Hachemaoui, A. Yahiaoui, H. Gherras, A. Belfedal, A. Dehbi, , A. H I. Mourad
Issn : 1560-0904
vol : 62, Num : 02,
Résume :
Poly(aniline-co-4-bromoaniline) nanocomposites were prepared via in situ polymerization in different molar ratio in the presence of Cu2+−monmorillonite. The X-ray diffraction confirmed that the basal space of Cu2+−montmorillonite increased after the organophilization. Poly(aniline-co-4-bromoaniline)/ Cu2+−monmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared by intercalating of aniline and 4-bromoaniline with treated organically layers of Cu2+−monmorillonite following by polymerization initiated by ammonium peroxdisulfate. The nanocomposites were characterized by FTIR, XRD, and UV–Vis spectroscopy.
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Comparison on Efficiency of Foreign and Domestic Banks Evidence from Algeria
La revue : Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Domaine : Finance
Mots Clés : Data Envelopment Analysis, Domestic banks, Effi ciency, Foreign banks
Auteur : Hacini, I, & Dahou, K
Issn : 1366-5626
vol : 2, Num : 10, pp : 06–119
Résume :
The study investigates the differences in technical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies of domestic and foreign banks in Algeria over the period of 2000–2012. The study uses annual data of 10 foreign banks and 05 domestic banks operated in Algeria. The input-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis model is used to measure the banks’ efficiency score. In addition, a set of parametric and non-parametric tests are used for investigating the differences in efficiencybetween foreign and domestic banks. The findings reveal that the banks in Algeria could improve their technical efficiency by 23%. In addition, it seems that banks in Algeria suffer from the scale inefficiency. On the other hand, the foreign banks are more technically efficient than domestic banks. The superiority of foreign banks in technical efficiency is due to their superiority in the scale efficiency.
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To the Ballistic Dimer Resonance in the Propagation of Mechanical Waves in One Dimensional Lattice
La revue : Journal of Applied Sciences
Auteur : H. Khalfoun, M. Bouamoud and S. Bentata
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مستوى الاحتراق النفسي لدى أساتذة التعليم الثانوي دراسة ميدانية بمدينة معسكر
La revue : مجلة الحوار الثقافي
Domaine : Psychologie
Mots Clés : الاحتراق النفسي، الآستاذ، التعليم الثانوي
Auteur : منصوري مصطفى
Issn : 2253-0746
Eissn : 2600-6472 vol : 7, Num : 1, pp : 160-171
Résume :
هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة مستوى الاحتراق النفسي لدى أساتذة التعليم الثانوي، وكذا التعرف على الفروق في مستوى الشعور بالاحتراق النفسي تبعا لمتغير الجنس وسنوات الخبرة والحالة الاجتماعية لدى الآساتذة، جرت الدراسة بمدينة معسكر حيث تكونت عينة الد راسة من 160 أستاذ وأستاذة تم اختيارهم بطريقة عشوائية، طبق عليهم مقياس ماسلاش للاحتراق النفسي، وتمت المعالجة الإحصائية للبيانات ببرنامج الرزم الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية وكشفت النتائج عن وجود مستوى مرتفع من الاحتراق النفسي لدى أساتذة التعليم الثانوي،كماأظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق ذات دالة إحصائية في درجة الاحتراق النفسي تبعا لمتغير الجنس، وسنوات الخبرة، والحالة الاجتماعية
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Electrostatic charge decay and filtration performance of nonwoven filters in the vicinity of grounded metal grids
La revue : Journal of electrostaics
Domaine : electrostataique
Mots Clés : Air filtersCorona chargingPotential decayGround electrodeFiltration efficiency
Auteur : Fethi Mohammed Bekkara,Youcef Benmimoun, Amel Kheiter, Amine Chelih, AmarTilmatine
vol : 110, Num : 103554,
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Indium free and flexible organic solar cells
La revue : Technology Letters
Domaine : physique
Mots Clés : Organic solar cells, Indium free, Flexibility, Electrical modelling.
Auteur : K. El Assad Zemallach Ouari, B. Kouskoussa, M. Makha, K. Benchouk, A. Khelil
Issn : 2348-8131
vol : 2, Num : 3, pp : 5-11
Résume :
The energy conversion efficiency of indium free flexible organic solar cells based on simple planar CuPc/C60 heterojunction is studied as a function of the anode free properties. The free indium anode consists in a MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structure. It is shown that the efficiency of the cells is optimized when the Ag film thickness is increased from 11nm to 17 nm. Moreover the best efficiency are achieved when a double anode buffer layer, Au/CuI is introduced between the MoO3/Ag/MoO3 electrode and the CuPc organic layer. Such behaviours are interpreted with the help of a equivalent electrical circuit of the cells. It is shown that, when deposited onto very thin flexible plastic substrate the properties of the MoO3/Ag/MoO3 electrodes are degraded during the realisation of the cell, which justifies the need of thicker Ag film and of the ultra tin Au film.
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Experimental analysis of Implant–cement interfacial behaviour under shear mode loading conditions
Domaine : Biomatériaux
Auteur : Bouziane M M, Khaldi M, Serier B, Benseddiq N, Zerdali M, Benbarek S, Bachir Bouiadjra B A
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قياس الأداء البيئي في إطار إعداد الإستراتيجية البيئية المستدامة،الإستراتيجية البيئية الكندية للفترة (2016-2019) نموذجا. Measuring Environmental Performance For The Preparation Of A Sustainable Environmental Strategy Canadian Environmental Strategy For The Period (2016-2019)as A Model.
La revue : المجلة الجزائرية للعولمة و السياسات الاقتصادية
Domaine : Environnement
Mots Clés : الإستراتيجية البيئية،الأداء البيئي،التنمية المستدامة،المؤشرات ،كندا. ; Key words: environmental strategy, environmental performance, sustainable development, indicators, Canada
Auteur : Assia Hebri.
Eissn : EISSN: 2600-6693 vol : Volume 12, , Num : Numéro 1,, pp : Pages 29-48
Résume :
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز الدور الإستراتيجي لعملية قياس الأداء البيئي للإستراتيجيات البيئية الوطنية وأثره المباشر على ميكانيزمات تطويرها محليا و دوليا. أثبتت الدراسة التالية،من خلال تحليل المؤشرات البيئية الكندية الواردة في مشروع الإستراتيجية المعلن عنه في 2016،وخطط العمل التي تبين أولويات الاستدامة في كندا في الفترة المدروسة ما بين(2016-2019)،الأهمية الإستراتيجية للارتباطات النظرية والتطبيقية القائمة بين التطوير الإستراتيجي للأداء البيئي و عملية القياس العلمية للتحقيقات المنجزة لحساب البيئة الكندية. Abstract: This study aims to highlight the strategic role of the process of measuring the environmental performance of national environmental strategies and its direct impact on the mechanisms of their development locally and internationally, The Canadian Environmental Strategy for the period (2016-2019), shows the importance of the theoretical and practical links that exist between the strategic development of environmental performance and the scientific measurement process of environmental indicators contained in the draft strategy announced in 2016.
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الرحلات الجزائرية تاريخ وعلم وأدب - "أنفس الذّخائر وأطيب المآثر" للشيخ الطّيب المهاجي أنموذجا-
La revue : مجلة عصور الجدية
Domaine : تاريخ وأدب
Mots Clés : الرحالة- الجوانب العلمية- الجزائر- اللغويات
Auteur : د.بزاوية مختار
Issn : 2170_1636
Eissn : 2600_6324 vol : 09, Num : 03, pp : 273-291
Résume :
تميزت بعض الرحلات بنشاط علمي متميز، فأضحت تزخر بالعلم والأدب والتاريخ والاجتماع، وغيرها من الفنون، ومن أنفس هذه الرحلات رحلة الطيب المهاجي التي وسمها بــــ : "أنفس الذخائر وأطيب المآثر". ولقد حوت هذه الرحلة من العلوم اللغوية والشرعية ما لا يخفى على اللبيب، فالشيخ الجليل يمثل ظاهرة دينية إصلاحية جمعت إلى معانيها موهبة أصيلة، أهّلته لأنْ يحتل مكانة عالية في العلوم اللغوية والشرعية، فهو من العلماء الجزائريين الذين أدخلهم التاريخ من بابه الواسع. ومن البديهي أنّ العالم لا يمكن أن يُبرِز للناس علمَه وإنتاجه وهو منغلق على نفسه، لذا قام شيخنا برحلات علمية مختلفة كرحلته إلى الحرمين الشريفين وتونس وغيرهما، ولقي عدة مشايخ وأخذ عنهم الإجازات، مما أسهم في تفاعل ثقافي كبير بينه وبين علماء الأمصار الإسلامية. وقد اكتشفوا من خلال هذا التفاعل قدرة الشيخ وموهبته العلمية الخارقة. كما حوت هذه الرحلة مسائل علمية دقيقة في العلوم اللغوية كالنحو والصرف، والعلوم الشرعية وفتاوى ونوازل كثيرة، مما أبرز تمكّن الشيخ من العلوم واللغوية والشرعية، وقدرته العجيبة في تناول هذه المسائل بالتحليل العميق، والرؤية النافذة. ولقد ركزت في مداخلتي على بعض هذه الجوانب العلمية باعتبارها عاملا مهما من عوامل التفاعل الثقافي بين العلماء الجزائريين وغيرهم.
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Physical and electrochemical investigations on hybrid materials synthesized by polyaniline with various amounts of ZnO nanoparticle
La revue : Chemical Physics Letters
Domaine : materials
Mots Clés : Hybrid materialsPolyanilineZnOOptical propertiesElectrochemical properties
Auteur : S. Bousalem
Issn : 0009-2614
Résume :
Hybrid-materials were prepared via chemical polymerization in presence of aniline with various amounts of ZnO. The structural, functional, optical, morphological and electrical properties of nanocomposites were investigated by XRD, FT-IR, UV-Visible, TGA, SEM and electrical conductivity. XRD and SEM analysis shows the formation of nanocomposite and confirms the amorphous and crystalline nature of material. FT-IR spectrum reveals the functional groups present in the samples and the electroactive and optical properties were affected. Results showed that our nanocomposites exhibited a direct optical energy gap that decreased from 3.12 to 2.76 eV with the increment of the amounts of ZnO in nanocomposite.
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Full control of quadrotor aerial robot using fractional-order FOPID
La revue : Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering
Domaine : Control
Mots Clés : VTOL-UAV Fractional-order control Attitude control Modified Black–Nichols FOPID Quadrotor
Auteur : Redouane Ayad, Wahid Nouibat, Mehdi Zareb, Yasmina Bestaoui Sebanne
Issn : 2228-6179
Eissn : 2364-1827 vol : 43, Num : 1, pp : 349-360
Résume :
This article presents a new design of fractional order ???????????? ???????? , for the full control of quadrotor (attitude and position)using a modified Black–Nichols method. First, we use single-input–single-output approach to design fractional-order ???????????? ???????? controllers for each position and attitude component. After that, we employ the same ???????????? ???????? controllers in the multiple-input–multiple-output model of quadrotor to test their performance. It is shown that we can improve the robustness and performance of the control significantly. Fractional-order modeling and control toolbox is used with Simulink model of quadrotor to prove and validate the performance of our controllers considering several scenarios.
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Nature of the enhanced resonant modes in the one-dimensional photonic random dimer systems
Auteur : H Khalfoun, M Bouamoud, S Bentata, L Henrard and C Vandenbem
vol : , Vol. 23, Num : No. 25 5067 ,
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Photovoltaic Panel modeling using a RBFN artificial neural network.
La revue : Acta Electrotechnica
Domaine : Energies renouvelables, Réseaux de neurones artificiels
Mots Clés : PV, modélisation, RBF
Auteur : H.A.Azzeddine, M.Tioursi. D.chaouch
Issn : 1841-3323
vol : 54, Num : 6, pp : 1-3
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Comparative study on performance of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN nanostructures MODFETs and MOS-MODFETs
La revue : Superlattices and Microstructures
Domaine : Electronic
Mots Clés : Cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN, NanostructuresDevice simulationMODFETMOS-MODFETNextnano3
Auteur : Driss Bouguenna*, A. Boudghene Stambouli, A. Zado, D.J. As, N. Mekkakia Maaza,
Issn : 0749-6036
Eissn : 1096-3677 vol : 62, pp : 260-268
Résume :
We report some comparative results on cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN nanostructures MODFET and MOS-MODFET. The drain current characteristics of cubic AlxGa1−xN/GaN MODFET and MOS-MODFET are simulated by changing the different device parameters such as Al content x and the cubic GaN buffer layer thickness using 2D nextnano3 numerical simulation software. Drift–diffusion model has taken for simulating the proposed device. These results clearly indicate that the transistor simulation with 5 nm isolator SiO2 layer thickness under the gate, Al content of x = 25% and 200 nm cubic GaN buffer layer thickness shows the tremendous I–V characteristics. Also, this structure shows an increase of the drain saturation current and a decrease in the threshold voltage. Moreover, our simulation results exhibited lower threshold voltage and higher drain current density of MOS-MODFET is a factor 30% higher than the same current of a conventional MODFET. The MODFET with 5 nm isolator SiO2 layer thickness has been much better performance. To avoid current flow through the high conductive 3C-SiC substrate a 150 nm p-doped cubic GaN layer is deposited. A comparison between our experimental and simulation results are shown to be in good agreement for cubic Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN nanostructures MOS-MODFET. The demonstrated MOS-MODFET will be attractive for the next-generation microwave and high power switching application fields.
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Factors Affecting CO2 Emissions in the BRICS Countries: A Panel Data Analysis
La revue : Procedia Economicsand Finance "Elsevier"
Domaine : Economie
Auteur : Yassine Zakarya GHOUALI, Mohammed Abbes SAHRAOUI, Mostéfa BELMOKADDEM, Mohammed Seghir GUELLIL
Issn : 2212-5671
vol : 26, pp : 114-125
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Thermo-mechanical vibration analysis of non-local refined trigonometric shear deformable FG beams
La revue : International Journal of Hydromechatronics
Domaine : Civil Engineering
Mots Clés : FG nanobeam, vibration, thermal loading, shear deformation beam theory
Auteur : Mouffoki Abderrahmane, Aicha Bessaim, Houari Mohammed Sid Ahmed, Abdelhakim Kaci, Tounsi Abdelouahed, El Abbas Adda Bedia
Issn : 2515-0464
Eissn : 2515-0472 vol : 2, Num : 1, pp : 54-62
Résume :
In this article, thermo vibration analysis of functionally graded (FG) nanobeams subjected to linear and uniform temperature distribution is studied. The structure is modelled by new efficient shear beam theory considering the effect of shear deformation without shear correction factor. The mentioned theory satisfies the zero boundary traction conditions on the beam surfaces and can be used for transverse shear strains trigonometric distribution. Material properties of the nanostructure are assumed temperature-dependent and FG based on the distribution of power law. The influence of size scale is captured utilising Eringen theory of non-local elasticity. Based on the present theory, the motion equations are obtained using principle of Hamilton. It is found that the applied theory is very simple and leads to accurate results for thermo vibration analysis of FG nanobeams.
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Nanoparticules Mass Effect of ZnO on the Properties of Poly(4-Chloroaniline)/Zinc Oxide Nanocomposites
La revue : Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
Domaine : Materials
Mots Clés : Hybrid materials Nanoparticle Zinc oxide 4-Chloroaniline Electrical conductivity
Auteur : A. Bekhoukh
Issn : 0022-2860
vol : 27, pp : 13-20
Résume :
4-Chloroaniline (4ClAni) in the presence of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were prepared by chemical oxidative polymerization in hydrochloric acid solution using Ammonium persulfate as oxidant. The effects of amount of ZnO nanoparticles (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 g, respectively) on the properties of products were investigated. The obtained nanocomposites was characterized using XRD, IR, UV–visible, and XPS which confirmed the incorporation of the nanoparticle ZnO in the P(4ClAni) matrix and the maximum interaction occurs for 2 g ZnO loading. The TGA analysis was used to confirm the thermal stability and number of water molecules in each nanocomposites chain unit. Although the incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles reduces the electric conductivity of the P(4ClAni), the resulting nanocomposites still keep high conductivities, ranging between 2.19 × 10−2 and 5.92 × 10−4 S cm−1. Good electrochemical response has been observed for samples of amounts ZnO less than 2 g; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerization on ZnO nanoparticles produces electroactive polymers. The P(4ClAni) layer adhered well to the ZnO nanoparticles and can be used as practical applications.
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Utilization of Date juice for the Production of Lactic Acid by Streptococcus thermophiles.
La revue : Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research
Domaine : biochimie
Mots Clés : lactic acid production, date juice, streptococcus thermophilus
Auteur : B. Djilali, R. Bachir , H. Ahmed, B. Zaouaoui, S. Fatima, O.Y. Karima, B. Sid Ahmed
Issn : 2572-8466
Eissn : ++++++ vol : 3, Num : 3, pp : 362?364
Résume :
The interest in the fermentative production of lactic acid has increased due to the prospects of environmental friendliness and of using renewable resources instead of petrochemicals. In this context, we have judged that is gainful to use the date juice which is with a low commercial value as a substrate for the production of lactic acid by Streptococcus thermophilus. Further, dates are rich in sugar ranging from 65% to 80% on dry weight basis mostly of inverted form (glucose and fructose), which can used as carbon source for the fermentation and the production of microbial biomass. The parameters optimization for lactic acid production by S. thermophilus grown on medium based on dates in order to improve yields is applied in this study. The results showed that the maximum of lactic acid production (36.9g/l) is obtained after the enrichment of date juice with yeast extract (15%), Tween 80 (1g/l) MgSO4 (0.5g/l), MnSO4 (0.02g/l) and K2HPO4 (1g/l).
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