20 laboratoires de recherche sont reconnus par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. L’Université de Mustapha Stambouli de Mascara est une université pluridisciplinaire. La structuration de ses laboratoires de recherche reflète la variété des champs disciplinaires couverts par ses chercheurs.



Manifestation scientifique Nouvelles & Evénements

AICPS'25 provides an ideal platform for the presentation, discussion, critique, and exchange of innovative ideas among researchers, innovators, inventors, and industrial practitioners concerning the current challenges in the application of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This first edition of AICPS will be held in hyb

In recent years, there has been increased attention on the pedagogical benefits of using digital games. These latter have been recognized for their potential to lure and engage learners cognitively , emotionally and socially in the clasroom , therefore using games in education is a way to adapt and alleviate the rigidity of certain

سياسة التعذيب الفرنسية في الجزائر خلال الثورة التحريرية: " الولاية الخامسة أنموذجا "

انتهجت السلطة الاستعمارية الفرنسية أبشع أساليب القمع والتعذيب في حق الشعب الجزائري أفرادا وجماعات، بل تفننت فرنسا في تعذيب الجزائريين خلال الثورة التحريرية (1954- 1962)، وطبقت كل الأساليب الإجرا

The 1st National conference on materials chemistry and renewable energy (1NCMCRE 2025) aims are : - presentation of new scientific work - Exchange of ideas between researchers - open the field in front of the doctoral students to present their research - accompanying the master’s students during their initiation to research The activitie

NC2ET'25 is the very first national conference aimed at bringing together major players in electrical engineering in Algeria around emerging and innovative technologies in this strategic field. This inaugural event offers a premier platform to explore the latest technological advances, share cutting-edge research results, and discuss future challen

The Mustapha STAMBOULI University of Mascara welcomes you to “The First International conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Innovation” to be held in December 09-10, 2024 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology. This conference focuses mainly on the most recent scientific topics related to civil engineering and the latest innovation


Ceci Est Notre Équipe,Ceci Est Notre Famille


Contact Staff de recherche de notre université

Université Mustapha STAMBOULI
Mascara, 29000 Algeria.
Telphonne / Faxe :
045 71 66 89